From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 32 The Secret of ‘Mongoose’

"Margaret, come and see this!"

When Amber ran back to the hiding place of the convoy, the mobile infantrymen who stayed behind were retracting the vehicle camouflage net according to his instructions.

The two indirect fire groups carrying 120mm mortars also happened to withdraw from the temporary position.

After hearing his shout, Isabel, who was checking the condition of the wounded, handed the injection gun in her hand to the medical soldier beside her.

Then she walked over with a puzzled expression.

"What's going on? This kind of shouting is not your style. Hey! What are you doing!"

Before Isabel finished speaking, Amber took her hand and walked to the side.

As soon as this move came out, the mobile infantrymen who were "watching the show" around started to make a fuss.

Even Isabel, who was always calm, blushed in the increasingly outrageous fussing of these soldiers.

"What on earth are you doing? I tell you, a forced melon is not sweet!"

"Don't think too much, just follow me and you'll know."

Amber didn't want to tease this female spy now.

After he brought Isabel to a distant bush, he took out the 'trophy' he had just obtained.

"Visor and single-soldier terminal? Is this from the imperial soldier you ambushed?"

Isabel's tone was flat, neither happy nor sad.

I don't know what she, a female spy who was labeled as 'traitor', thought when she saw the relics of her motherland's soldiers.

"These are not ordinary imperial soldiers. They should be members of the special operations team under the Imperial Central Intelligence Department."

Amber raised these two things, and then turned on the single-soldier terminal that had entered dormant mode.

"Look, this is not the old equipment that has been in service for a long time."

"People from the Central Intelligence Department?"

Isabel's pretty face suddenly became serious.

"Why did they send someone to Robert IV?"

"This is exactly what I want to find out."

After saying this, Amber connected her own terminal to the Empire's terminal through the universal interface.

Then she skillfully opened the 'back door', bypassed the identity authentication, and unlocked the terminal.

"Wait, how are you so familiar with cracking this thing?"

Isabelle was surprised by Amber's skillful operation.

In her impression, the training of the Naval Intelligence Department did not include the project of how to crack one's own terminal.

"It's all in the course, these are the basic skills of our batch of students."

Amber lowered his head and fiddled with it, talking nonsense.

Of course, he couldn't tell Isabel that this thing was a technique he learned when he was a player in his previous life.

"I feel like you are fooling me"

"No, you have been lurking in the Federation for too long, and you haven't had time to know many changes in the Empire."

Amber continued to fool around. Anyway, in this situation, Isabel couldn't find anyone to verify it.

"Done, it's up to you now!"

"What do you mean?"

"You are a senior undercover on Robert IV, and your authority is not too low. Use your authority to intervene in the command, so that we can view all the information and combat records in the terminal."

Amber opened an interface on the terminal and continued:

"Some information and records cannot even be viewed by terminal users, so higher-level authorities can only intervene."

"It just so happens that your authority is still there. I estimate that even if the Empire starts to close your authority, it will take two or three days for the data to come back and forth."

As she said, Amber handed the single-soldier terminal to Isabel.

"Wait, why do I have to help you do this kind of thing all the time!"

Isabel hesitated a little, and she suddenly realized that if she continued like this, she would really show signs of "treason".

"Put away your pitiful patriotism. Are you patriotic? Does your country love you?"

Amber said with some disdain:

"Don't blame me for being straightforward. In my opinion, you are only loyal to Her Royal Highness the Princess, not to the Empire."

"But." Isabel was about to refute when she was interrupted by Amber.

"Don't say buts. In essence, you are no different from those regents. Everyone is working for their own masters, not for the country."

Amber's words left Isabel speechless.

Although she felt uncomfortable being told this by Amber.

But Isabel couldn't find any reason to refute it at the moment.

After struggling for a moment, the "traitorous" imperial female spy sighed.

Then, through her own authority, she accessed the command backend of the "Mongoose" special operations platoon.

Although the platoon had been completely wiped out.

But because of the information congestion over Robert IV at this moment, the news that the "Mongoose" platoon was completely wiped out and the mission failed was only temporarily stored locally.

It hasn't been sent out yet.

"Here, I'll open it for you. I'll go and get busy first."

After handing the terminal that completed the command intervention to Amber, Isabel turned and left with a sad look.

Looking at her somewhat lonely back, Amber did not step forward to comfort her.

It was useless for him to comfort the female spy about what she was going through. Isabel had to get over it herself.

Amber retracted his gaze and focused on the terminal.

After searching the backend database and the battle video for a while, he finally got the information he wanted.

First, the team that was completely wiped out was the Mongoose special operations platoon that Amber remembered, led by Captain Lawrence.

Second, before this team met Amber and the others, they were severely beaten by another federal breakout force.

This team was the one that broke out of Yassin Base, and its commander was probably Lieutenant Colonel Dallas.

Third, the purpose of this team coming to Robert IV was exactly what Amber imagined. They came for a secret federal research facility.

"I didn't expect this thing to be hidden on Robert IV."

Watch the location of the Federal Secret Research Institute update to the tactical map.

Amber couldn't help but sigh.

On the other side, the mobile infantry also completed preparations before continuing the action.

Just when everyone put away the camouflage net and prepared to board the car again.

The soldiers in the communication relay vehicle finally discovered a signal from friendly forces.

When Amber asked the signal soldier to connect to this set of signals, a slightly nervous voice immediately came from the earphones:

"This is the Port Lansford B63 escape pod!"

"Did anyone get the signal! Repeat! Did anyone get the signal!"

"There are wounded people on the escape hatch! Urgent assistance is needed!"


Perhaps due to the current poor communication situation, this distress signal is intermittent.

Before Amber and the others could respond, the signal was interrupted.

Amber thought for a moment and finally said:

"Can you confirm the landing point based on this signal?"

"Let me try, sir!"

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