Amber isn't trying to be a good person.

Naturally, he didn't want to put himself in danger.

But if the location of this escape cabin is not far from the convoy, it might not be a bad idea to help him along the way.

Although it is said that his subordinates only fight in five rounds.

However, Amber was confident that under his command, there would be no problem in defeating the Empire's orbital paratroopers.

It was really bad luck that I bumped into the other party's HCP who was parachuted down.

Relying on the cover of the electronic warfare unit in the convoy, there is no problem in escaping from the battle.

What's more, this escape capsule came down from Lansford Port, so it must be relatively clear about the actual situation at the port.

If Amber and the others want to leave Robert IV but cannot find other vehicles.

Most likely, we still have to find a way to get up through the space elevator.

While Amber was thinking about the pros and cons of this move, the signal soldier used triangulation to confirm the location where the signal finally disappeared.

After inputting the spatial coordinates and the indicator data of the airport's universal escape cabin into the vehicle-mounted terminal, multiple descent trajectories calculated by the system were displayed on the screen.

The landing points of these tracks are also distributed within a radius of ten kilometers of the current fleet.

"It's bad, these have to go"

After selecting the landing point with the highest probability calculated by the system among several landing points.

Amber sent this coordinate as the next destination through the command system to other vehicles.

After all the camouflage nets were stored and all the mobile infantry boarded, the convoy set off again towards its new destination.

"Attention all, we will be on a rescue mission along the way."

Sitting in the rickety wheeled armored vehicle, Amber opened the team communication channel.

"There are a few lucky people who fell down from the spaceport above you in an escape capsule."

"But unfortunately, there are no flowers or wine on the ground to greet them."

"And based on the previous battlefield situation, there should be enemy activities near where these unlucky guys landed."

"Although we have too much to take care of ourselves right now, it's not a bad idea to fish them out if we're on the way. We can also invite these guys who fly over your heads all day long to sit on ground vehicles."

"Anyway, there are still a lot of empty seats in the team."

A burst of laughter from the mobile infantry came from the communication channel.

The time these soldiers stayed under Amber's command could be measured in hours.

But they still had a certain amount of trust in this temporary commander.

After two battles, these soldiers no longer felt any resistance to Amber's orders.

Listening to the laughter of these soldiers, Amber couldn't help but smile.

Then he returned to a serious tone:

"All vehicles, prepare for battle from now on!"

"Car No. 3, release the vehicle-mounted drone to launch a warning, with a warning and detection radius of 20 kilometers!"

"Car No. 4, turn on the millimeter-wave battlefield surveillance radar, and the electronic warfare system turns on the automatic countermeasures mode!"

"Pay attention to the radio discipline. If I hear someone bragging on the communication channel again, I'll kick him in the ass!"

When they started again, Amber assigned call signs to five vehicles for easy command.

Cars 1-3 are ordinary personnel transportation types.

Car No. 4 is an electronic warfare type.

Car No. 5 is the communication relay type that Amber rides in, and it also temporarily serves as the command car.

After receiving replies from the commanders of each vehicle, Amber turned her attention to the tactical map.

The reconnaissance drone has been ejected from the No. 3 vehicle.

Now it is flying above the head of the convoy, flying a huge '8'-shaped trajectory.

With electromagnetic catapult technology in a state of flux, almost all military vehicles can launch such fixed-wing drones by installing ejection rails.

The reconnaissance drone ejected from the No. 3 vehicle is a team-level vehicle-mounted drone in the formation of the Federal Army.

Mainly equipped for mechanized infantry units.

This small drone has a fuselage length of 1.8 meters and a wingspan of 3 meters after unfolding its folding wings.

It can cruise continuously for nearly 3 hours at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour.

The maximum ceiling is 1,500 meters and the maximum remote control range is 25 kilometers.

In the standard configuration, an optical/infrared detection component is installed under the nose.

At the same time, electronic investigation can also be carried out by changing the configuration.

The only disadvantage is that in order to reduce costs, the degree of automation is not high, and there is no landing gear structure.

This makes recycling a little more difficult.

When this little guy's energy is almost exhausted, the members of Car No. 3 will need to stop the car to set up a recycling net.

Then wait for the drone that has slowed down to hit it with its head and complete the recovery.

The search for the escape hatch didn't take long.

When the drone operator saw a suspicious target marked by the drone on the tactical map.

He immediately adjusted the optical observation components, and then saw a long strip of scorched black and rising smoke on the plain.

Soon, the enlarged picture was transmitted to the temporary command vehicle where Amber was located.

"That's it~"

Amber couldn't help but snap his fingers, but he soon discovered that the location of the escape hatch was not very good.

Although it is said that this piece of automated production farmland covers an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers and has a flat terrain, it is very suitable for the landing of an escape capsule.

But at the same time, the completely uncovered terrain also left the escape cabin exposed.

The escape capsule landed at the northwest corner of the wheat field, less than three kilometers from the edge of the wheat field.

In this golden wheat field, the traces left by the fall of the escape cabin are as obvious as ink spots on an oil painting.

Amber looked at the picture returned by the drone and switched the tactical map to satellite map mode.

Then a stop line was drawn in the woods on the edge of this automated farmland.

"Attention all vehicles, advance in staggered columns to the stop line!"

"Vehicle fire control is lifted! Remember, mark the enemy first before firing!"

"The motorized infantry inspects ammunition and prepares to dismount and fight."

After giving the order in the communication channel, Amber turned her head and looked at the communication soldier beside her.

"Continue to call the escape pod's signal to let them know we are coming for support."

"Understood! Sir!"

The Mongoose 4 armored vehicle maneuvered very quickly, and it didn't take long for the convoy to reach the woods where Amber had drawn a stop line.

Three standard armored vehicles were lined up 15 meters apart, with their fronts facing the endless wheat fields outside the woods.

The motorized infantry loaded on the vehicle also quickly got off the vehicle and hid on the spot near the vehicle.

The remaining communication relay vehicles and electronic combat vehicles were hiding deeper.

Amber did not drive in directly to rescue people. The distribution of enemy and enemy situations on the tactical map and his intuition told him.

There was no way the Empire hadn't noticed the fallen escape pod.

Since he now wants to take these mobile infantry as hunters, he must wait patiently for the prey to come to his door.

And God didn't let Amber wait too long.

Less than 10 minutes after the ambush, the drone flying in the sky spotted a group of 'prey' speeding towards the escape cabin.

Thank you all for your monthly votes and rewards~

To be honest, I didn't expect so many people to read this book

Thank you again for your support!

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