Counting the first two high-explosive rounds used for gun calibration.

Amber fired eight rounds at this imperial infantry of less than 20 people, which was sneaking forward in the woods.

Although this kind of firepower is completely excessive for infantry units with less than 20 people.

But to be honest, Amber has no confidence in the mobile infantry under his command.

He would rather fire a few more shells than have a few more wounded or even dead in the team.

And these eight 120mm high-explosive bombs did have an effect.

Under the calculation of the artillery terminal, and Amber's leading edge calibration.

Except that Group B missed the target when firing its first calibrated gun.

The remaining seven mortar shells all landed accurately at their intended impact points.

The lethality range of the high-explosive bombs perfectly covered the combat search formation of this imperial infantry squad.

With the support of a large number of digital terminals, even these ordinary soldiers Amber picked up on the road.

Can also fire mortars with the precision of a veteran.

Of course, the combat awareness of the veterans still completely overwhelmed them.

But with the help of these devices, these ordinary soldiers can greatly narrow the gap between the two sides.

But everything has its two sides.

Digital terminals and squad-level data links have indeed greatly improved the combat effectiveness of ordinary infantry.

Exoskeleton equipment and intelligent weapons have also allowed Uni-President to raise the combat effectiveness limit of all soldiers.

But it is precisely these information-based auxiliary equipment that have also become a breakthrough in the battle.

Electronic warfare has gradually moved from the strategic and tactical level of large corps to the most basic infantry combat level.

In addition to the "passionate shooting", the confrontation between the teams also includes this kind of battle without gunpowder.

Whoever has the advantage in electronic warfare can take the initiative in the battle.

Just like the Imperial team in front of Amber.

By chance, they met Amber, a veteran in electronic warfare.

What's even more unfortunate is that Amber also has an ultra-short wave reconnaissance jamming vehicle.

Obviously, the interference power and electronic warfare virus output of vehicle-mounted equipment are much stronger than those of individual soldier equipment.

After the last two shells hit the ground and exploded.

The mobile infantrymen located on the 'attack starting line' launched a charge amidst the sound of the 'simulated charge whistle' coming from the earphones.

There are a total of 18 soldiers in the two squads, which are all the full-time mobile infantry in this convoy.

However, the bombardment effect of the direct fire group may be too good.

When these mobile infantry maintained their battle formation, they dispersed the smoke near the impact point of the artillery shells.

Only the imperial soldiers lying on the ground were seen.

But despite this, these mobile infantry still listened to Amber's words.

After all, Amber is not only a psychic agent, but also the one who rescued them from a 'desperate situation'.

They didn't care whether the imperial soldiers on the ground were dead or not. When they saw them, they hit them with a shuttle.



When the mobile infantrymen finished firing at the last imperial soldier on the ground.

Amber heard their report on the communication channel.

Put down the 'Ghost' sniper rifle and remove the optical stealth.

Amber jumped down from the tree and walked towards the location of the battlefield.

"Sir Amber, come and take a look, these imperial soldiers seem different from the ones we met before!"

The slightly surprised shouts from the mobile infantrymen in the communication channel made Amber curl her lips.

Garrisons on border agricultural planets are still prone to fuss.

Just some Imperial orbital paratroopers, what difference could there be?

But when he got closer and saw these imperial soldiers whose chests were beaten into sieves.

Only then did I realize that they were really different from ordinary Imperial soldiers.

"This exoskeleton 'Recurve Type 4'?"

"According to the timeline, isn't this thing not yet installed?"

Amber circles one of the bodies, which has a specialized command antenna attached to its exoskeleton.

Eighty percent of them are the commanders of this imperial infantry squad.

By taking a closer look at the body's equipment.

He discovered that these Imperial soldiers were not only equipped with more advanced exoskeletons than ordinary orbital paratroopers.

The weapon in his hand is a new generation of gun clan that has not yet been officially deployed by the empire and should still be in the testing ground.

Amber, who felt something was wrong, sent away the surrounding mobile infantry.

After watching them clean up the battlefield and put people on guard.

Amber squatted next to the corpse, stretched out her hand and groped around the neck of the corpse for a while.

Then he suddenly pulled off a 'dog tag'.

The so-called 'dog tags' are actually military identification tags worn around the necks of soldiers.

The one Amber has in her hand is the standard military identification plate of the New Dragon Empire.

He turned to the side with text information printed on it and saw the name of the holder written in the first row:

Herbert Lawrence.

"His name?!"

Amber's eyelids jumped unconsciously when she saw this name.

But he still read the information line by line.

The second line is the service number, and the third line is the Imperial Social Security number and blood type.

The fourth row is the military branch that Amber is concerned about.

"Imperial Army."

Seeing this, Amber has basically determined the identity of the corpse in front of her.

If it weren't for the duplicate name, this imperial man would be a very important figure.

Herbert Lawrence.

Star Dragon Empire Central Intelligence Department - subordinate to the Special Operations Center, commander of the 'Mongoose' special operations platoon.

In Amber's memory, this man was closely related to something that could subvert the world situation.

"Why did I beat this guy to death?"

Of course, strictly speaking Captain Lawrence was not killed by Amber.

He fainted after being hit by a 120mm mortar shell at close range.

Later, he was killed by an ordinary federal motorized infantry while cleaning the battlefield.

Amber frowned and thought carefully.

"The appearance of the 'mongoose' point on Robert 4 is related to that 'thing'?"

"This time seems to be right!"

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He immediately ordered the mobile infantry to stop cleaning the battlefield and immediately retreat to the convoy's position.

The soldiers of these 'mongoose' platoons did not have any supplies, and the ammunition and battery packs were not interchangeable between the Federation and the Empire.

Watching the mobile infantry put away their weapons, they began to evacuate towards the hidden position of the convoy.

Amber also took off Lawrence's tactical visor and the individual terminal on his arm.

After all, what flashed through his mind just now were all guesses.

But if you can obtain the built-in storage module of the tactical mask and the information in the individual soldier terminal.

Maybe you can prove your point of view.

After collecting these two 'trophies', Amber immediately ran towards the convoy's position.

The speed was so fast that it directly surpassed the trotting motorized infantry and quickly left them behind.

Only a handsome figure was left behind for these bewildered soldiers.

"Why are you running so fast, Chief Amber?"

"I don't know. Maybe you need to pee after squatting in the tree for a long time?"

"I guess so."

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