"The humanitarian assistance mission is really full of the Federation's 'great and upright' style."

Looking at the files sent back by Osana simultaneously, Amber couldn't help but sneer.

This employment task can be said to be quite abstract. The main task of each private armed force accepted is to maintain order on the 'liberated' planets and provide various emergency supplies and equipment.

According to the Federation, whether it is the galaxy that originally belonged to the Federation and is currently occupied by the Empire, or after it invades the Empire in the future, the planets recaptured by the Federation army will most likely be in a state of "complete waste waiting to be revitalized".

Not only will various people's livelihood facilities be destroyed, and material reserves will be in short supply, but at the same time, the order on the planet will also be chaotic to a certain extent, especially in the galaxies within the empire.

At this time, it is necessary to deliver a large amount of emergency supplies to these planets, and at the same time dispatch armed personnel to maintain basic order to demonstrate the "justice of war" on the Federation's side.

This is also one of the common methods used by the Federation, to pry open the opponent's 'door', and then rush in to fight and kill, while shouting 'Send democracy, send freedom'.

Although the federal regular army will expand rapidly after general mobilization, it will mainly invest in frontline offensives. Therefore, at this time, another armed force is needed to assist the regular army to stabilize the rear.

"Boss, is there something wrong with this mission?"

"Of course, if there is a problem, to put it bluntly, it is to find someone to step into the trap of 'security warfare'. It is obvious that their regular army has the richest experience in this area."

Amber shook her head and continued:

"Those planets that were originally federal territories will not have big problems after they are recaptured. You just need to pay attention to maintaining order and not causing a humanitarian crisis. But the planets you occupy after you invade the empire are different.

For the Imperial people on those planets, whether they are regular federal troops or PMCs like us, they are all invaders. Do you think you will give the invaders a good look?

Coupled with the style issues of most PMCs. Needless to say, Osana, you must know after working in this industry for so many years. Contact with local people will definitely be a bunch of big and small problems. "

Listening to Amber's words, Osana nodded. She already understood what Amber meant, and roughly imagined various possible situations in her mind.

"So Boss, what you're saying is that we don't want to go through this muddy water?"

"Personally, I don't want to talk about it, but from another perspective, if we at Atlas do a good enough job in this mission, it will actually be very helpful for promoting the company's positive image."

Amber pinched his eyebrows in confusion. To be honest, when he mentioned the words 'security war', the countries in history that taught him blood and tears appeared in front of him.

But it would be a good thing if Atlas could draw a clear line between itself and the Federation, create an identity as a third-party independent organization, and establish a good image in the hearts of the people.

"I can't decide this matter by myself." Amber glanced at the cosmic standard time on the terminal and the local time in several areas where Atlas has set up offices, and then continued:

"Let's hold a meeting to discuss this matter in three hours. If we accept this employment, it will not only be a matter for Atlas Private Military Company, but other subsidiaries of the group will also follow suit."

"I understand, Boss! I'll go and get ready, right! There's something else I need you to know."

Osana suddenly remembered something and said:

"Thunder, New Bay, Riyan, Supreme Sky and other companies that have previously cooperated with Lubion 5, as well as currently ranked private military companies and defense contractors, have all contacted us in the past few days and want to know more about us. Atlas’s plans for this mission.”

"What's wrong? We're afraid that our family will be the dominant one, so we inquired about the outlet in advance. If we decide to 'accept the order', they won't participate?"

"No, Boss" Osana showed a smile on her face,

"On the contrary, they said that only if Atlas confirms that we accept this employment task, they will decide whether to 'accept the order' after internal evaluation~"

"Ah? What's going on?"

Amber really didn’t expect these companies to have such plans. In his opinion, these companies should be ‘avoidable’ towards Atlas now.

"Hahaha, the people from Thunder Defense told me directly when they contacted me that if Atlas is not sure that we can survive this mission, they don't even want to consider it."

Osana covered her mouth and chuckled. This cat girl who "doesn't like red clothes and prefers weapons" rarely showed a hint of the "cuteness" that a cat girl should have.

"Fuck these guys, they know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, right?"

Amber said speechlessly, and then ended the communication with Osana after chatting with Osana about the recent situation on Lubion 5.

For Amber, every working day is basically extremely fulfilling.

It was the same today. In order to adapt to the time difference in Ellenita, I got up early and reported some work to this rich elf woman and major shareholder.

Then in the morning, I went to the Tower of Babel Comprehensive Training Center to check on the training status of the new recruits. I personally went out to have a '1V50' duel with fifty specially selected Roma 'thornheads'.

While having fun "cutting grass", these Roma people also became aware of the cruelty of the outside world.

Just after finishing the meal at noon, I received a communication from Osana, which lasted until just now.

The communication had just been disconnected when Isabel immediately walked in from outside the office.

"Amber, do you want to take a rest first?" Looking at Amber's helpless look, Isabel asked with concern.

"Shall I give you a massage to relax you? Or should I make you comfortable first~?"

"It can't be done, it will hurt your body."

"Hate, where did you think you were!" A blush appeared on Isabel's face, but she still remembered what she was here for. Seeing that Amber still had the energy to make fun of herself, she sat down at the desk and explained herself. purpose of coming.

"Amber, didn't you give me a few general areas for the intelligence analysis team to check to see if there is any information about the 'Forerunner Ruins'?"

"Is there news so soon?" Amber suddenly became energetic.

"That's right. The intelligence analysis team did retrieve information related to the 'Forerunners' and 'Relics' in one of the areas."

After that, Isabel dropped the relevant information on top of Amber's desk with ease.

"It's here, in the area near Cassiopeia Wang Liangsi. According to the information collected by the intelligence analysis team, a Forerunner ruins have indeed been discovered here, and the scale is relatively large. It is the largest one discovered in the past few decades."

"There should be a 'but' at the end, right?"

"Have you guessed this? Yes. However, someone has already arrived here first. There is a group called the 'Quest for Truth Foundation' that is conducting excavation work here, and said that this place has been temporarily blocked by the foundation. No one or organization can No one is allowed to get close."

At this point, Isabel couldn't help but shrugged, "These guys are quite loud, so they're not afraid of the iron fist of the Federation or the Empire coming down?"

"If it's these guys, it's quite normal." Amber shook her head and continued:

"This location is too remote. The federal and imperial officials are too lazy to take care of it. As for other private forces, it is estimated that they may not be able to defeat this foundation."

"Is this foundation so powerful? Why have I never heard of it?"

"The size is not small, and the sponsor behind it is also very mysterious, and he also has his own fleet. If you don't pay attention to the 'Forerunner', it's normal to not know, because the foundation acts very low-key, but once it gets involved, On issues related to the Forerunners, they stand firm and refuse to give in.”

While Amber was recalling the game plot and missions related to this foundation in her mind, she said to Isabel:

"Get ready, we may have to go on a long trip. We don't have much to gain from the next few games between the Federation and the Empire, so we can just use this time to do something else~"

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