Since she was going to go on a long journey, Amber naturally had to arrange some things before leaving.

After Lilith took over the administrative work and talents from all walks of life joined Atlas after being reviewed, Amber no longer needed to watch the daily operations of the group.

So Amber is now more of a final decision-maker on some key decisions, or leading the advancement of some key projects.

Of course, as the saying goes, 'there are all kinds of birds in a big forest'.

Even with Lilith's personal information review and verification covering the entire network, the Atlas Group could not avoid recruiting some well-hidden scum and 'spies' planted by other companies, organizations or even officials.

After entering Atlas, these guys with their own ulterior motives naturally did not think about 'contributing to the beautiful tomorrow of Atlas' with others.

Instead, they began to think about how to make profits for themselves or to find out confidential information within the group.

If it is for an ordinary enterprise, even if it has a strict management system, it is inevitable that these 'worms' will drill all kinds of holes in the trunk.

But fortunately, Atlas is not an ordinary enterprise.

Don't forget the "Prism" plan, which was secretly authorized by Amber and executed by Lilith alone.

This secret monitoring plan, which is known only to Amber and Lilith in the entire group, is a "safety procedure". Even to a "bedside person" like Isabel, Amber did not reveal any information.

And the actual effect of this "safety plan" finally made Amber completely dispel the slight "awkwardness" in her heart when she authorized the execution before.

Since its official launch, the "Prism" plan has uncovered 82 corrupt personnel of various levels, 54 commercial spies from different organizations and forces, and 6 professional agents from the Federation and the Empire for Atlas.

The 6 agents of the official forces are also worthy of their "professionalism". After their identities were exposed, they took poison and committed suicide before the "internal purge team" broke the door, and Lilith was unable to find more information about them on the Internet.

According to her judgment, if she wanted to continue the investigation, she might have to go into the mainframes of the Federation and the Empire's intelligence agencies.

Considering the current situation, Amber finally postponed this plan that sounded very tempting.

As for other corrupt officials and commercial spies, they were all in a state of confusion when they were approached by the "internal purge team" composed of a group of elite Roma.

Because everything happened too suddenly, they did not receive any news beforehand, and many people did not even figure out how they were exposed in the end.

After several large-scale "cleansing" to ensure the purity of the group, some of the fish that slipped through the net did not dare to act rashly.

After realizing that their personal terminals or group work terminals might be monitored, these people also tried to continue their actions through other channels.

However, the more thorough "paperless office" implemented within the Atlas Group made them speechless and found that it was a luxury to find the most ordinary and original paper and pen within the company area.

If the information is recorded or transmitted through other channels, it will definitely leave traces.

At the same time, in the previous internal "corruption" and "leakage" incidents, some employees implicated were punished accordingly according to the severity of their respective circumstances in accordance with the internal management regulations of the group.

Another group of employees who stood up to report and testify in the incident also received due rewards.

After several "cleansing" activities, the employees of Atlas Group also deeply understood the survival rules of this company-don't do what you shouldn't do, don't say what you shouldn't say, don't ask about what you shouldn't ask, do your own work well, and there will be a lot of year-end bonuses.

Of course, there are two most widely circulated among employees in private.

People do, God sees.

It's not that there is no retribution, it's just that the time has not come.


After confirming that several major projects of Atlas are progressing in an orderly manner, Amber went to a separate building in Babel Tower Manor before leaving.

The 13 psychic children brought back from Rubion V live here. An elf psychic master introduced by Alanita takes care of these children's daily life while guiding them to slowly master their own psychic powers.

When Amber came here after lunch that day and pushed open the door with the sign "Canteen", the first thing that caught her eye was a series of pots and pans flying past her?


Before Amber could say anything, she saw these pots and pans flying into the sink of the open kitchen on one side of the canteen, followed by several rags that were dipped in some green translucent liquid and flew in.

Soon, as they "automatically" scrubbed, a layer of bubbles quickly rose in the sink.

At the same time, 13 psychic children were sitting at their tables, watching a relatively large glass bottle in front of them floating in the air while pouring milk into the cups on their tables one by one.

The one who performed this series of operations was a short old elf with long ears opposite the children.

To be honest, Amber felt that no matter how many times she came here, she would always feel that something was wrong with the style of painting in front of her.

Due to the request of the psychic master, there were no electronic devices in this building, and even the lighting was done by oil lamps.

At first, Amber was skeptical about how this master psyker, who did not need any assistants, could 'take care of a child' in this environment.

But soon he saw what the 'diversity of elves' was.

Except for his different skin color, this old elf who looked like Master Yoda in other aspects told Amber what "psionic skills" are.

Although there are no electronic products, the entire building, whether it is the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom or training room, has become fully automatic under the control of this psychic master.

The 13 psyker children were clearly arranged by the elf psyker master to eat, drink and play well every day, and showed no resistance to learning about psionic abilities.

It was at this time that Amber understood why the psyker master named Ion Stormrage said something like, "Interest is the best teacher for children."

After seeing Amber walk in, the children happily greeted him while drinking milk. Amber responded to them with a smile and then followed Aoin Stormrage out of the cafeteria, with pots and pans behind him. The sound of cleaning can be heard clearly.

"Master, I won't delay you from washing the dishes, right?"

"It doesn't matter, just chat and wash at the same time and it won't take a lot of time."

Aon Stormrage raised his head and glanced at Amber. This elf whose specific age was unknown seemed to have something flashing in his deep light blue eyes.

"I know why you came," the old elf said calmly:

"The children are living a good life here, Amber, you can rest assured. As for their future, there is no rush to let them make a choice now. You might as well focus on the next 'journey'. "

"You mean 'Precursor Ruins'?"

For some reason, Amber suddenly had a long-lost feeling that an 'NPC' was about to issue a mission.

"You can't dwell on your destiny and future. Only by keeping your original intention can you grasp it. Come back and prepare well."

After saying these puzzling words, Iron Stormrage turned and returned to the cafeteria, leaving Amber alone in the mess.

"You must still be a great stickman."

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