From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 304 Humanitarian Assistance Mission

Looking at the email sent by their new boss, the members of the design team were stunned. One of the designers asked blankly to his companions:

"No, this is the first battleship built after the company's transformation. All data directly equals the latest battleship of the Federation. Isn't this radical enough?"

"Don't make any noise, I'm thinking."

The companion who was asked frowned and was obviously confused by Amber's reply.

These designers originally thought that they were not conservative enough, but now it seems that the boss of Atlas is more radical than they thought?

"In the eyes of the new Boss, maybe we are a little too conservative?"

"It seems like this at the moment. Our boss doesn't seem to want to take the route of 'running fast in small steps', but wants to get there in one step."

The leader of the design team touched his chin, which had grown long stubble after not taking care of it for several days, and said:

"Jimmy, let's give him a hard job."

"Team leader, you mean 'that'?"

"Yes! It's 'that'! If everyone works hard these days, we will optimize the overall plan and resubmit it. I don't believe this plan can't be won!"

"Okay! Take it!"

The fighting spirit of the design team members was aroused, and the newly renovated headquarters building provided an extremely comfortable working and living environment, so they had no negative emotions caused by working overtime at all.

Of course, this may also be related to the fact that this design team is the famous "singles team" in the company.

After all, they can indeed devote all their energy to R\u0026D and design in a short period of time without having to consider their families.

A few days later, a new design plan was sent to Amberna via an encrypted line.

After opening the design plan and looking at it for a while, his eyes immediately lit up and his breathing became rapid.

"Okay, okay! This is exactly what I want!"

Project 12 – Super Heavy Battleship

Length: 5692 meters

Width: 822 meters

Height: 974 meters

Mass: 85.6 million tons

Judging from the size alone, this is definitely the largest ship ever built by mankind. Except for the man-made celestial fortress, that thing cannot be classified as a battleship.

The "10 auxiliary, 1 main and 1 auxiliary" type fusion furnace energy group makes her the warship with the most fusion furnaces currently, and it also ensures the energy supply for such a large warship and various internal functions.

The hull and structure adopt the current mainstream configuration of A3 grade titanium alloy frame + built-in armor layer + working fluid water layer + absolute black body layer + external laminated armor plate.

In terms of structure and physical armor, there are currently no new technologies or new materials that can provide better results.

In terms of weapons, the research team boldly designed a "main gun array" composed of 40 heavy particle cannons on the bow of the ship. Looking at the firepower projection of the main guns alone, there should be no ship that can withstand the next salvo. of.

In addition, a heavy-duty melt cutter is also 'pre-designed' in the middle of the 'main gun array' - the 'enhanced version' of the kind used on mining ships.

When the main functions of the entire ship are concentrated on this heavy-duty hot-melt cutter, it can maintain an irradiation time of about 20 seconds.

There is currently no manufacturer producing such a weapon, but in Amber's impression, this thing was finally produced and installed on the ship, and its power is also very good.

Even a deflection force field of the level of the first-generation celestial fortress must be considered when exposed to a heavy-duty melt cutter like Duomen for a long time.

As for conventional weapons such as electromagnetic reconnection cannons, charged particle cannons, high-energy lasers, and missile/fish silos, I won’t go into details. According to the design team’s thinking, these weapons are also installed here in the form of an ‘array’. on a battleship.

In addition, this huge warship is also designed with an outrageous 240 main deployment bays and 120 material deployment bays. It can pass a large number of heavy-duty aerospace transport aircraft carried on the ship without the assistance of orbital elevators. Quickly deploy a heavy combined brigade of troops on the ground.

Yes, after this thing is equipped with a high-level shipboard control personality, in addition to more than 2,000 necessary crew members and 20 squadrons of shipboard HCPs, it can also carry one or two fully-equipped brigades with the ship. Action and, if necessary, rapid deployment to the planet's surface.

Looking at these familiar data and configurations, Amber also recalled in her mind the adjustments and transformations that players in previous lives had made to this type of battleship, or a mothership in another sense.

Immediately, he saved a copy, then made rough modifications directly on the design drawings, adding his own suggestions.

Since Babel already had the ability to transmit real-time information to all subsidiaries and offices of Atlas at this time, the design files sent by Amber after the modifications were completed quickly reached the design team.

The members of the design team had just had a good sleep in the rest area of ​​the headquarters building, and then experienced a massage and delicious food. Before they could finish enjoying it, they received a document sent back from Amber.

"Wait a minute. Who is the boss? Why does this new Boss still have time to do these things?"

The leader of the design team went crazy after seeing the design drawings that had been changed in many places.

But soon, he discovered that the modification idea proposed by Amber did not seem to be a fantasy.

Rather, it seems that I have learned from experience after driving this type of battleship many times.

"I haven't been drinking either. Why would you have such an idea?"

The leader of the design team felt that his brain was running out. Even though the ship hadn't even been built yet, the Boss sent back 'improvement suggestions'.

The two biggest changes are the design of the heavy-duty melt cutter and the large number of deployment bays.

In the former, Amber's suggestion is to try to compare the 'super heavy purification beam generator' used by the elves of the Thousand Star Empire, for which an additional 'psionic core' needs to be installed.

He also said that he could find a way to get some "test products" to come back and try.

On the deployment bay side, the idea of ​​a 'deployable adaptive space-to-ground round-trip channel' was boldly proposed.

It is to use some kind of technology to create a temporary 'channel' between the ship and the ground, so that it has a transfer effect similar to or even better than that of a space elevator.

As for the source of technology, what Amber noted here is ‘Forerunner Technology (to be discovered)’.

In the end, the first task of Atlas Ship was determined, which was to finalize the 'Project 08' and submit the design specifications to the Rubian Autonomous Government after moving the two docks to the Rubian system.

If the other party passes the review, then you can consider starting construction of this 'foreign trade' battleship.

As for 'Project 12', the super-heavy battleship that will serve as the flagship of each Atlas fleet in the future, detailed design and improvement will begin. After Amber has completed the two key technologies, verification will begin.

At the same time, Osana (the armed cat girl), the sales director of Atlas Private Military Company, also sent back a new message.

The federal government has sent "new orders" to major private military companies. It hopes to hire various private military companies to perform "humanitarian assistance" on the recaptured planets and the imperial planets that will be occupied in the future while the regular army is engaged in frontal combat. Task.

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