The exclamations in the communication channel made other soldiers curiously open the top hatch of the armored vehicle or get in front of the omnidirectional monitor.

The result triggered more exclamations in the communication channel.

"What is this?! A shooting star?"

"My dear, this is so spectacular!"

Although Amber wanted to complain about the radio discipline of these mobile infantry.

I even wanted to shout a few words on the communication channel to make them quiet down.

But he had to admit that his own curiosity was piqued.

"Forget it, just take a look."

Under Isabel's disdainful eyes, Amber got under the top hatch of the armored vehicle.

After twisting the handle above, the heavy hatch cover was pushed out.

Then, he saw a strange sight.

Countless ‘shooting stars’ were dragging long trails slowly across the night sky.

Some larger 'meteors' still disintegrate from time to time under the friction of the atmosphere, and then split into more fragments.

"Wori. This fucking battleship fell down!"

The destroyed space battleship fell into the atmosphere due to the gravity of the planet, and continued to decompose and burn.

This is the most beautiful "picture of hell" in the minds of most players, including Amber.

Because every time such a scene appears, it also means that countless living lives have disappeared in the starry sky above our heads.

It was obvious that the Federation garrison fleet in orbit had been defeated.

The warship, which maneuvered to low orbit during the battle, was also captured by the planet's gravity after losing power.

Although Amber could not judge the model of the ship from the wreckage streaking across the sky.

But only a battleship that is often several kilometers long can create such a "magnificent" picture.

These capital ships are generally equipped with multiple battleship-level fusion reactors.

"God forbid, please don't let these fusion furnaces explode in the atmosphere."

Amber clasped her hands and whispered a few words.

But the next second, it was as if ‘the words are followed by the law’.

A burst of dazzling white light erupted from a huge wreckage.

It was as if this behemoth battleship had given out a silent cry of unyielding at the last moment of its life.

Under the stimulation of the bright light, Amber closed her eyes subconsciously.

At the same time, I secretly thought, ‘It’s over’.

The worst result happened. As the battleship fell into the atmosphere, the fusion reactor it carried lost control and exploded.

Able to drive a battleship several kilometers long, the energy contained in these fusion furnaces is naturally extremely huge.

The effect of their explosion in the atmosphere is not much different from the effect of several large-yield hydrogen bombs detonating in the atmosphere.

Soon, the words 'EMP attack warning' popped up on everyone's personal terminals and the on-board terminals of the armored vehicles.

Fortunately, nuclear weapons have become as popular as conventional weapons.

Therefore, most civilian electronic equipment, as well as all military electronic equipment, have EMP protection measures.

Like in the old days, there is actually no situation where a large number of electronic devices will be paralyzed after being air-blasted by nuclear weapons.

But for Amber and the others, the fusion furnace exploding in the atmosphere was not completely without any impact.

At least for now, satellite relay communications and radio shortwave communications are basically cut off.

According to Amber's experience, this situation may last for a long time.

"Everyone, put away your curiosity and close the hatch cover for me!"

Amber, who retracted into the car, yelled several times in the communication channel angrily:

"Check all the electronic equipment on your body and the various modules of the vehicle to see if there is any damage."

"During this period, communication signals will be interfered to a certain extent, so after entering the battle, everyone turns on the laser and short-wave dual-channel communication mode!"

"Now, except for the security personnel, everyone else please give me a good rest!"

"There is a battle waiting for you later."

After saying this, Amber looked at the signal soldier beside him who was frowning because most of the communications were interrupted.

Then he smiled and patted his shoulder.

"It's okay, it just saves you trouble."

Amber is still very comforting.

Hearing his words, the communications soldier cooperated and forced a smile on his face that was uglier than crying.

That night the convoy galloped all night long.

The communication blockage affected not only the Union Army's communications.

It also severely hampered the Imperial Army's communications, and had a greater impact on them.

After all, the federal garrison fleet has been completely destroyed, and they no longer need to communicate between heaven and earth.

The troops on the ground were also fighting on their own, and many communication base stations had been killed, so long-distance communication was originally impossible.

As for the empire, in addition to the fleet in space and the orbital paratroopers airdropped from the ground.

There are also a large number of orbital attack ships cruising in low orbit, ready to support the ground with firepower or airdrop units.

Complex space environment and complex combat tasks.

The communication intensity and communication needs of the imperial troops are fully maximized.

There was more than one warship that fell into the atmosphere last night and had its fusion furnace detonated.

Therefore, the communication environment of the entire planet has become extremely poor.

This caused the Imperial Army to suspend some combat operations, and the frequency of orbital strikes and airdrops also approached zero.

After losing information guidance, intelligence support, orbital strike and other support.

The Imperial orbital paratroopers who had landed also slowed down the pace of their attack.

After all, there are some tough problems that cannot be overcome by infantry alone.

After deducing that this would happen to the Empire, Amber made a quick decision.

First let the electronic warfare type in the convoy activate the passive countermeasure mode.

God knows why the previous platoon leader forgot this.

Then, Amber drove the team directly from the wild onto the road and started racing at full speed.

Robert No. 4 is a sparsely populated place, especially at this time.

The road was as smooth as taking a bag of laxatives.

At one point, the entire convoy drove up to the 'Mongoose 4' wheeled armored vehicle, with a design speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

The five pilots also drank refreshing potions and drove all night long.

Finally, before the sun came up, the convoy arrived at an unattacked energy supply site more than 300 kilometers away from the starting point.

The supply points scattered across the vast land of Robert IV not only store oil, food, and drinking water.

There are also many charging stations used to charge battery packs and superconducting battery packs.

These unmanned stations are the only places federal ground troops must pass through when they are dispatched in an emergency and cannot carry supply vehicles.

As the convoy entered the warning range of this site, several two-unit 25mm chain guns and grenade launchers deployed on the high wall in the distance immediately took aim.

At the same time, the communication relay vehicle where Amber was located also received a key verification request from the site automation management system.

After the signal corps confirmed the verification, they did not wait too long, and there were no unusual abnormalities that they liked to see.

The automated defense weapons on the high wall also lifted the lock on the convoy.

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