From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 29 The blind cat meets the dead mouse

After the alloy explosion-proof door in the middle of the station's defense wall opened, the convoy slowly drove into the energy supply station.

In fact, before entering the station's security circle, Amber had already ordered an armored vehicle to release a vehicle-mounted drone.

Flying around the edge of the energy supply station's air defense zone, and confirming that there was no sign of attack at this place.

These are the least dangerous reconnaissances that can be done with the current equipment.

And Amber was basically relieved after not seeing any signs of attack.

As long as it is not attacked by the Imperial Army, it means that this energy supply station is likely to be safe.

Because the key through quantum encryption cannot be cracked by force casually.

At least the Empire's orbital paratroopers will not specifically carry supercomputers to airborne, and will not go to great lengths to crack such an energy supply station.

Because their more important task now is to strangle the ground forces of the Federation Army as much as possible.

After the vehicles were parked, Amber took these mobile infantry to find fuel pipes and cables to refuel the vehicles and charge the battery packs.

The surviving mechanics in the team also took this opportunity to check the five vehicles.

Then, Amber arranged several soldiers to assist Isabel in transferring the wounded to an open area.

And unfolded the "portable sterile room" so that Isabel could perform emergency surgery on one of the more seriously injured soldiers.

Finally, after arranging the charging of all the exoskeletons, as well as the order of alert and rest, Amber sat on the ground beside.

After this thrilling night, Amber's energy and physical strength have actually dropped significantly.

Especially after taking over the command of this team, Amber has been concentrating during the maneuvering of the vehicles, and dared not slack off at all.

After all, there are now 34 more lives in her hands.

Although Amber really wants to treat them as NPCs as before in the game.

But looking at the vivid expressions on the faces of these soldiers and feeling their joys, sorrows, anger and happiness.

Amber found that she could no longer look at them as before.

Under normal circumstances, a voice that only Amber can hear should appear at this time.

Then he said something like "Get the title: Love your soldiers like your own sons!" Unfortunately, this book doesn't have that. After leaning against the wall and thinking about it for a while, Amber fell asleep without noticing. "Why is it so quiet?" Amber suddenly woke up after noticing something was wrong in his light sleep. He subconsciously set up the 'Ghost' sniper rifle that was originally on his knees. What he saw was Isabel squatting in front of him. This female spy of the Empire was looking at him with a smile. This expression also reminded Amber of the experience of being criticized by this woman in the physical examination center before. "How long have I slept? Why is it so quiet?" Amber put down the weapon in his hand and raised his right hand to rub his sore eyes. "Not long, less than 2 hours."

"The vehicle's fuel supply has been completed, the battery pack is almost charged, and the exoskeleton charging of others is almost done."

"They are taking turns to rest according to your arrangement, and people are also on guard on the high wall, so don't worry~"

Isabelle unscrewed a military water bottle and handed it to Amber, and the mouth of the pot was still steaming.

"Here~ Have some hot coffee to refresh yourself. This is one of the supplies that others just found in the station."

Amber didn't act pretentiously. After nodding in thanks, she took the water bottle and took a sip.

A strong aroma of coffee beans and the roasted aroma came to her nose.

Followed by the bitterness and a little sourness flowing between her lips and teeth.

Amber frowned and swallowed the first sip of hot coffee. Although he was not used to the taste, he had to admit that it was still quite refreshing.

"Is there any milk in the supplies? Or add some sugar, cough cough." Seeing Amber frowning and looking a little embarrassed, Isabel laughed out loud. "I didn't expect you're not used to this, how come you're like a child, hahaha" Amber: "." After noticing Amber's gradually bad eyes, Isabel quickly restrained her smile and took the military water bottle. "I'll go get you some milk, you can rest for a while, don't make yourself too tired." Isabel stood up and stopped after taking two steps. "These people, including me, regard you as the backbone." After saying this, Isabel hurried away without looking back, and didn't know where to find milk for Amber. As a result, Amber didn't drink the hot coffee with milk until the convoy set off again. After drinking the remaining "pot washing water" with gritted teeth, he was still much better. Although the refreshing drinks rationed by the military are more effective and last longer. But that thing, after all, is a prepared drug, and it has some side effects.

And drinking too much can easily lead to tolerance, so Amber will not take the initiative to drink it unless it is absolutely necessary.

The signalman next to him fiddled with the screen and various instruments in front of him for a long time, and finally leaned back in his chair as if resigned to his fate.

"No, sir, we still can't contact the friendly forces around us, and the signals of the battalion-level edge network and the brigade-level backbone network are also very poor."

"It's okay. The communication interference will not end in a short time. Just check again after a while and let me know as soon as you contact other troops."

Amber patted the other person's shoulder. He had used this action quite frequently in the past few hours.

Just when he was about to communicate some issues with Isabel, a slightly nervous voice came from the communication channel.

"Sir! We have detected a set of shortwave signals that cannot be authenticated, possibly from the Empire!"

The refreshing effect of this sentence is much stronger than coffee or anything else.

"Confirmed to be imperial troops?"

"Well, he won't be one of ours anyway, sir!"

Amber's brows wrinkled slightly, and after thinking for a moment, she then asked:

"Axis? Distance?"

"The distance to the northeast of where the convoy is heading is about 3 kilometers!"

"Fuck, so close?!"

Amber immediately called up the map and confirmed the general location.

For his escape plan, it was not a good time to run into Imperial troops.

So he immediately ordered the convoy to drive off the road and hide in the woods next to the road.

The mobile infantry quickly dismounted and covered the armored vehicle with a camouflage net with infrared shielding effect.

The ultra-short wave reconnaissance and jamming armored vehicle in the team also raised its mast antenna to achieve better detection or jamming effects.

The captured 120mm mortar, together with another 120mm mortar remaining in the original convoy, was found and set up in a suitable position, ready for fire support at any time.

Amber herself, after ordering the mobile infantry to stay put, rushed out at the lead.

He planned to use his optical stealth to conduct a close reconnaissance to see what was going on ahead.

By the way, do you prefer to watch intelligence battles, fleet battles, land battles, or big robot fights?

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