"In view of the fact that there is currently no one in your department who can take over the command."

"In accordance with the provisions of Federal Field Doctrine DT5237, I will temporarily take over the command of your department until other units are reunited."

"Any questions?"

"No, sir!"

After nodding with satisfaction, Amber quickly operated on her personal terminal and obtained the command authority of this motorized infantry platoon.

The personal terminal on the wrist and the right side of the visor HUD also have additional command module information.

It shows the current location and status of the soldiers and armored vehicles belonging to D Platoon.

After finishing all this, Amber looked at the slope where she and Isabel were ambushing before, and then waved.

"Attention friendly forces, do not fire."

A moment later, the mobile infantry saw a 'backpack man' running down the slope.

"This is Medical Captain Margaret who broke out from Yassin base with me. She will operate with us."

Amber patted the backpack on Isabel.

"Some people will help this lady carry her bag."

When the nearest mobile infantry heard this, they immediately stepped forward to take the backpack mounted on Isabel's exoskeleton.

For a unit that has just gone through a battle, a military doctor is undoubtedly a "timely rain".

Although Isabel no longer wanted to maintain her 'mask' and pretend to be familiar with communicating with these federal soldiers.

But when she looked at these ordinary soldiers, they greeted her warmly and helped her lighten her load.

Look at the obviously childish faces of many soldiers after taking off their helmets and the blood that is constantly flowing.

Isabelle finally sighed and took off the medical backpack behind her.

"All the wounded come to this car. Check and tell me how many medicines you have left!"

Seeing the unexpected behavior of this female spy, Amber smiled and said nothing.

Then he turned his head and looked at the other uninjured mobile infantry.

"For those who don't need treatment, send four people to high places to guard!"

After the four alert soldiers left, Amber marked a location on the map of the command module.

"You two, go to this position and bring back the 120mm mortar and ammunition!"

"Others are cleaning the battlefield, replenishing your guns when they need to, and collecting usable weapons and ammunition!"

"Get the fuck out of here!"

"Yes, sir!"

Amber didn't leave much time for the team to rest, and even the wounded were only given emergency treatment by Isabel.

The bodies of the fallen soldiers could not be carried with them, so they had to dig pits and bury them on the spot.

Time was passing by minute by second, and he had to lead the team to move as soon as possible and continue to advance towards the junction of the imperial army's encirclement.

Only a few hours have passed since the Empire conducted a large-scale orbital drop.

Not many troops actually landed, and they were basically orbital paratroopers, and not many HCPs landed.

In addition, the surviving air defense forces are still desperately trying to intercept, so the empire currently does not have control of the air in Robert IV's atmosphere.

So now is actually the golden period to maneuver quickly and escape from the imperial army's encirclement and suppression.

And as the anti-aircraft forces are gradually depleted, the Empire will soon gain control of the air.

At that time, the aerospace transport aircraft will land carrying heavy equipment and various motor vehicles.

Imperial surveillance drones will also appear in the sky.

Amber and the others must start to hide day and night, carefully avoiding various investigation units.

Right now, D Platoon has five wheeled armored vehicles left.

One of them was repaired by the surviving mechanics in the team after a lot of effort.

However, D Platoon lost many soldiers in the ambush just now, and the five remaining armored vehicles are enough to transport the remaining people.

During the battle before, Amber hadn't paid attention to these vehicles.

Now I finally have time to check their configuration.

These mobile infantry are equipped with Mongoose 4 type 8-wheel armored vehicles.

This is currently the largest wheeled armored vehicle equipped by the federal army.

The modular design allows this wheeled armored vehicle to change different functions after replacing key equipment.

The two machines that were destroyed before were a command type with antennas all over its body that looked like a hedgehog, and a standard personnel transport type.

Among the remaining five, except for three standard personnel transport models.

There is also a communication relay type with several 'pot lids' on top.

And an ultra-short wave reconnaissance and jamming type that can raise a mast antenna, which is also commonly known as the electronic warfare type.

Amber took advantage of the time when the people were boarding the vehicles and walked around the five wheeled armored vehicles.

In terms of firepower configuration, the remaining five vehicles are not very strong.

The communication relay type and electronic warfare type do not have a turret in order to carry special equipment.

The standard personnel transport unmanned turret only has a 40mm chain gun and a 12mm coaxial machine gun.

It can be said that except for the individual anti-vehicle missiles carried by the mobile infantry themselves.

This team basically has no means against heavily armored units.

But Amber's current need is not to fight with the Imperial Army.

Instead, they bypassed the encirclement of the Imperial Army and ran away quickly.

Under this demand, the communication relay type and electronic warfare type can play a greater role than other models.

As the last mobile infantryman boarded the vehicle, Amber raised her hand above her head and shook it a few times to signal "go", and then quickly boarded the communication relay vehicle.

In the battle just now, only one person in the communications class, which was composed entirely of new recruits, survived.

And among the remaining soldiers, no one knows how to operate these electronic devices.

So Amber and Isabel had no choice but to catch the duck and hit the shelves first.

At this moment, Isabel, who was sitting in the communication position, was curiously adjusting the dazzling screens and buttons.

Amber sat down next to the only surviving signal soldier, and the armored vehicle beneath her vibrated slightly and then started.

"So what's the situation now? Can we contact other troops?"

Amber took off her tactical visor and put on her work helmet and headphones.

Although there are universal interfaces available on the visor, it is still a bit inconvenient after all.

"Sir, the communication is not smooth now."

"The Imperial Army's previous orbital strikes destroyed many of our signal relay base stations, so now each unit can only rely on its own equipment to communicate."

The young communications soldier scratched his head and at the same time called up a set of data on the screen.

"But I don't know why. The radio interference is very serious now and the communication is intermittent."

After hearing what the signal soldier said, Amber tilted her head and thought about it, and quickly found the possible reason in her mind.

"It should be because the empire has dropped a lot of tactical hydrogen bombs before, but the duration should not be too long. After all, they are not detonated directly in the atmosphere."

"That should be it. If it detonates in the atmosphere, not to mention the radio, it is estimated that the satellite relay will also be affected."

Just when Amber was about to ask the signal soldier to check whether the edge network at the battalion and company level or the backbone network at the brigade and battalion level could be connected.

An exclamation came from the communication channel.

"Oh my God, look at the sky!"

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