From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 26 Gathering the remaining soldiers

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Accompanied by several crisp gunshots.

The last Imperial orbital paratrooper fell to the ground with a horrified expression on his face.

His neck was almost cut in half under the close-range shot from the pistol, with only some flesh remaining attached.

Amber doesn't like close combat.

The main issue is the rate of fire of the ‘Ghost’ sniper rifle.

Although it is a semi-automatic shooting mode, it does not require the shooter to load the gun.

But after each shot, the motor has a recharging process.

So its rate of fire is also limited.

In the situation just now, the last imperial soldier had switched to infrared imaging mode and was able to capture himself.

The 8mm Gauss rifle mounted on his right arm also took aim.

The 'ghost' in Amber's hand has almost finished charging its motor.

But he didn't dare to bet that his shooting speed was faster, and he didn't want to have a happy ending with the other party.

Therefore, you can only avoid the opponent's gun line and run an arc trajectory to complete the close range.

Amber doesn't like shooting other people in the heads and necks, he's not that perverted.

Purely because the armor plates on the exoskeletons of the Imperial Orbital Paratroopers protect them so well.

The arc surface shape is not only extremely strong but also prone to ricochet.

After cutting the weapon into a pistol at close range, Amber could only press the muzzle of the gun against the weak spot on the back of the opponent's neck to ensure penetration.

While these three Imperial orbital paratroopers were being eliminated, the firefight in the valley in the distance suddenly became fierce.

It was obvious that he fired two rounds of 120mm high-explosive shells, and the effect was good.

The federal mobile infantry, which had gained a breather, would finally find an opportunity to use their numerical advantage to suppress fire.

Remove the Gauss rifle mounted on one of the corpses, and then find a few plasma grenades.

Amber wasted no time and ran towards the valley.

At the same time, he directly accessed the communication channel of the nearby federal motorized infantry platoon through the high-level authority of the psychic agent.

"Attention federal soldiers in the battle, this is Warrant Officer Amber of the Tactical Support Group, Yassin Base Combat Intelligence Center."

"In accordance with the authority granted by Federal Field Doctrine DT5235, I now take over the temporary command authority of your department."

"Identification of friend or foe is on, everyone pay attention to the southeast direction, don't hit by mistake! Don't hit by mistake!"

In the center of the valley, under the cover of armored vehicles, the motorized infantry were engaging in a passionate exchange of fire with the Imperial soldiers on the highlands on both sides.

After hearing this sudden intrusion of sound, I was stunned for a moment, and then felt a burst of ecstasy.

When two mortars landed on the heads of the Imperial soldiers, they were still a little confused.

But now after hearing this communication, they reacted immediately.

There are reinforcements!

And he's also a psychic agent.

"Attention everyone, north slope! Anti-infrared smoke grenade blockade!"

After people see the light of hope in despair, they will unconsciously follow the guidance of the light.

Just like this group of mobile infantry, after hearing Amber's voice, they almost subconsciously followed his command.

Soon, the multi-functional throwing devices on the shoulders of several mobile infantry launched several anti-infrared smoke grenades.

After the smoke filled the sight of the imperial soldiers ambushing to the north, the mobile infantrymen at the bottom of the valley saw two plasma grenades flying out of the southeast slope.

And fell into the position of the Imperial soldiers on the south side.

A fireball rises as the plasma grenade explodes.

A figure rushed out of the slope at an incredible speed, firing continuously from the Gauss rifle in his hand, knocking down the Imperial soldiers who had not been knocked over.

His speed was so fast that even the small green frame on the target indicator on the visor's HUD couldn't keep up with his speed.

When these mobile infantrymen watched Amber throw away the rifle that had been drained of bullets, and then kicked away the last imperial soldier on the southern highland like a monster.

Then he took out an automatic shotgun from the surrounding corpses, and then calmly blasted the last unlucky guy with his faceplate and head into pieces. (Actually, shotguns cannot penetrate the armor plate on the chest)

A new order came through the communication channel.

"Stop standing there watching the show! Come up from both wings and don't let anyone go!"

"Don't stop the smoke bomb blockade!"

Amid Amber's roar, these dumbfounded mobile infantry finally started to move.

Less than 30 soldiers who could still move were divided into two teams, one on the left and one on the right, and charged towards the high ground.

At the same time, smoke bombs were continuously thrown, completely blocking the ambush position on the northern highlands.

The Imperial orbital paratroopers, who had completely lost their vision, panicked for a while.

One of the soldiers carried a 25mm chain gun on his shoulder and rushed out of the smoke range, trying to prevent the mobile infantry from attacking.

But a steel needle bullet that broke through the air hit him directly in the chest, knocking him back into the smoke.

The motorized infantry that rushed up to the high ground dispersed around the smoke, but did not open fire.

Anti-infrared smoke bombs not only block the opponent's line of sight, but also interfere with their field of vision.

Even if the infrared mode of the visor is turned on, the heat generated by the burning of the white phosphorus in the smoke bomb makes it impossible for them to see what is going on inside.

But for Amber, that's not a problem.

He could sense the vital signs of creatures through the walls, let alone the smoke.

To him, the battle in the smoke was a one-sided massacre.

The mobile infantrymen in the stalemate saw this psychic agent suddenly appear and rush straight into the smoke.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rapid burst of fully automatic shotgun fire, and the screams of Imperial soldiers came from the smoke.

When a gust of evening wind gradually blew away the smoke.

The surviving mobile infantrymen looked at the man standing next to a pile of corpses of imperial soldiers, looking like a 'ghost in the smoke', and did not dare to say a word for a while.

"Which troop are you from? Who is the commander?"

Amber didn't have time to wait for them to recover.

The news that this group of orbital paratroopers was annihilated will soon be discovered by the empire.

Maybe the other party will judge that there are many federal troops here and send more units to encircle and suppress them.

"Reporting to you, sir! We are the D platoon of the 2nd Motorized Infantry Company of the 179th Combined Battalion of the Yasin Base garrison."

"After the Empire's orbital paratroopers launched the attack, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas took over the command of the base garrison and prepared to break out from the Empire's encirclement."

A mobile infantryman with an older voice walked up to Amber.

Just as he was about to salute subconsciously, he was stopped by Amber.

After realizing that his actions were somewhat inappropriate, the mobile infantry coughed awkwardly twice and then continued:

"But we got separated from the main force, so we were rushing to the preset assembly point, but we were ambushed by the Imperial Army here."

"The platoon leader and combat staff are all in the first car."

Amber looked in the direction of his finger and saw that the leading vehicle of the marching column had burst into flames after being hit by an anti-vehicle missile.

By now, the platoon members of D platoon are probably all familiar with it.

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