From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 25 The power of steel needle bullets

In fact, when wearing an exoskeleton, the mortar can be retracted and fired by an individual soldier.

Especially when there are not enough people, one more person on the front line can add the firepower of a Gauss rifle and grenade launcher.

However, the Imperial Orbital Paratroopers still followed the combat regulations relatively rigidly and arranged for another guard soldier.

This is also a characteristic of the Imperial Army. They will strictly abide by combat regulations no matter what the circumstances.

Even though he got used to it and was tricked by the federation several times, he still didn't correct himself.

The soldiers on guard were carefully guarding the surroundings with guns in hand.

Due to the terminal carried by the medium-sized exoskeleton, the computing power is not as powerful as that of the power armor.

Therefore, the image of the low-light night vision observation device in the visor has not been color-complemented.

The soldier scanned the surroundings and found nothing unusual in the night vision mode, so he switched the observation mode to infrared mode.

When the picture inside the visor becomes clear black and white after switching.

He saw a heat source appearing behind a boulder 150 meters away.


The imperial soldier immediately raised the muzzle of his gun, and the HUD's ray indicator also moved the ray of the Gauss rifle over simultaneously.

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late.

As the heat source in the picture suddenly flashed, a 12mm steel needle bullet accelerated to 2800 meters per second penetrated the connection between the face armor and breastplate in an instant.

The huge kinetic energy forcefully broke the orbital paratrooper's neck.


It wasn't until the headless corpse fell to the ground that the explosion of steel needle bullets piercing the air alerted another soldier who was carrying the shells.

But before he even had time to turn around, a second round of steel needle bullets followed.

It almost hit the same part. Under the huge kinetic energy, the human tissue above the soldier's neck was completely torn apart.

A moment later, with a distortion of the air under the moonlight, Amber's figure appeared on the edge of the mortar position.

He examined the Gauss sniper rifle named "Ghost" in his hand, which is specially designed for psychic agents.

Sacrificing full-automatic shooting capabilities and a larger size than an ordinary Gauss rifle.

In exchange, it is a more powerful motor and a higher muzzle velocity.

The slender gun body does not have too many tactical accessories.

In addition to the folding tripod, there is a multi-functional sight that is not too small on top of the receiver.

Tactical accessories such as suppressors do not make much sense for a Gauss rifle whose muzzle velocity is too fast and may even produce a sonic boom.

The entire gun, including the tripod and scope, is covered with a rubber-like black coating.

This is the same synthetic cell coating used on the surface of the psionic agent combat suit and exoskeleton.

In order to make the optical invisibility of psychic agents more complete.

The Equipment Development Department spared no expense in adding this precious coating to all equipment related to psychic agents.

This will prevent the embarrassing scene of a sniper rifle 'floating' in the air after the psychic agent activates optical stealth.

After confirming that the two Imperial orbital paratroopers who were empty from the neck up would not get up again.

Amber put the Ghost sniper rifle back behind her back, and then squatted next to the 120mm mortar.

This mortar cast from a special alloy has a caliber of 120 mm.

But its weight is not too heavy, and an individual soldier equipped with an exoskeleton can fully carry it and fly.

It is also the easiest accompanying fire support for infantry.

Therefore, the ground forces of the Empire and the Federation are equipped with a large number of such weapons.

The mortar in front of Amber also has a small artillery terminal attached to its bracket.

Soldiers only need to set shooting coordinates on the terminal, and the terminal will automatically calculate the ballistics and provide parameters for gun body adjustment.

And now the electronic topographic map of this area is displayed on the screen of this terminal.

After being associated with the personal terminals of other orbital paratroopers in the team through the data link, the real-time positions of other soldiers are marked with green triangles of 'friendly units'.

In the valley, there are a bunch of red triangles marked as 'enemy units'.

At this moment, after discovering that the vital signs of two teammates disappeared.

Three green triangles representing the Empire's orbital paratroopers are moving this way.

Amber, knowing that time was running out, made a few quick clicks on the terminal and moved the mortar target to the Imperial soldiers on the side of the valley.

After calculation, the bombardment terminal quickly gave the corresponding adjustment parameters.

Although neither in the game nor in the real world, Amber is from an artillery unit.

But as he often fights land battles in games, he often plays with this mortar.

After adjusting the shooting direction and angle of the mortar at a speed that is not inferior to that of a professional mortar shooter.

Amber took out a 120mm high-explosive bomb from the ammunition box on the side.

The special coating on the front of the warhead told Amber that the mortar shell also had a terminal guidance function.

However, Amber has no use for this function. The area damage range of high-explosive bombs is enough to cover the ambush points of imperial soldiers.

After stuffing half of the shell into the muzzle, Amber took a deep breath.

Then let go and let the shell slide into the barrel on its own due to gravity.

At the same time, the whole person turned around and squatted down.

Although the full-coverage tactical visor has noise reduction and sound insulation functions.

But because the distance was too close, Amber opened her mouth subconsciously.


With the dull sound of muzzle coming out, this powerful mortar shell went up to the sky in a high throwing curve.

A moment later, the loud noise of a high-explosive bomb exploded from a distance.

But Amber doesn't have time to confirm the killing effect now.

He adjusted the shooting direction according to the prompts from the terminal, and fired a high-explosive bomb towards the imperial soldiers on the other side of the valley.

After doing all this, Amber activated optical invisibility again and disappeared from the mortar position.

Soon, several Imperial orbital paratroopers in a "pin" formation surrounded them.

After seeing the two headless corpses on the mortar position and the steaming muzzles, the soldier at the head of the platoon secretly thought something was wrong.

The next second, the air-piercing steel needle bullet hit the armor plate on his chest.

With the huge kinetic energy, the tungsten alloy steel needle bullet not only penetrated the hard silicon carbide armor plate, but also knocked him backwards and flew away.

The other two soldiers, in the panic of being attacked by their teammates, discovered that the enemy was not detected in the low-light night vision screen.

Only then did he suddenly realize that he switched to infrared imaging mode.

At the same time, one of them also yelled in the communication channel:

"Attention everyone, we are under attack from optical stealth targets, turn on infrared"

But before he could finish speaking, another steel needle bullet blew his head off.

The last remaining soldier was at the moment when the infrared imaging switch was completed.

Right in front of him, he saw a humanoid heat source rushing toward him like a monster.

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