From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 168 The Reappearance of the Evil Ghost in the Smoke

"Tactical link established!"

Using the laser communication device on the all-terrain vehicle, Lilith successfully completed the link with the air-dropped Zealot and activated a 'thinking clone' already installed inside the body.

This 'thinking clone', which serves as an auxiliary AI for airborne combat, immediately took over the control of the fanatic after being activated.

The air friction caused by the current height and speed has no effect on the HCP's external armor.

So Lilith directly controlled the plane to level and adjusted the airborne radar to ground search mode to quickly locate Amber's position and the positions of the pursuers behind him.

At the same time, the electromagnetic reconnection cannon on the rear weapons rack also completed deployment.

This mission, considering the danger and having to fight, mainly involves fighting in the atmosphere.

Therefore, the weapon rack on the back of the machine body does not have a heavy particle cannon, but uses a combination of electromagnetic reconnection cannon + heavy particle cannon + plasma heavy sword.

The two mechanical arms of the machine body are also a classic combination of HCP electromagnetic rifle + laminated armor shield.

The power and speed of the charged particle cannon indeed allow it to hit anywhere in the atmosphere instantly.

However, the electromagnetic reconnection gun can use a variety of different warheads, and is still superior in terms of comprehensiveness and functionality.

In addition, surface combat within the atmosphere is affected by the curvature of the planet, and the visual combat distance is not infinite.

Based on the common ground combat altitudes of HCP, including altitudes for short-term hovering, the visual combat distance has also been shortened to within a few kilometers to a dozen kilometers.

In this case, the muzzle velocity of the electromagnetic reconnection gun is sufficient.

At this moment, the fanatic's electromagnetic reconnection cannon was already flashing with blue light caused by the arc, and the bomb bay was loaded with several terminally sensitive bombs.

The current infrared signature of the five HCPs in high-speed pursuit on the ground is too obvious.

Although they had discovered the uninvited guest descending at high speed above them, and identified it as a dangerous target after failing to identify friendly forces.

But facing Amber who was already 'close at hand', these HCP pilots who wanted to make meritorious deeds still didn't want to slow down their speed.

"Strong magnetic field reaction detected! Dangerous targets in the air launch high-speed units, number 5, determined to be electromagnetic reconnection cannon fire! Pay attention to avoidance and defense!"

In the cockpits of these Dragon Knights, the combat auxiliary AIs issued warnings to the pilots almost at the same time.

At this time, the minimum straight-line distance between the fanatics in the air and these dragon knights has reached 35 kilometers. According to the muzzle speed of the electromagnetic reconnection cannon used by HCP, it takes less than ten seconds.

Under Lilith's control, the Zealot's electromagnetic reconnection cannon fired continuously, but it still fine-tuned the muzzle orientation between firings, causing the ammunition to fly towards different targets.

Amber, who was speeding, soon heard several explosions behind her.

If these HCP pilots activate the deflection field in time according to combat doctrine, although the pursuit speed will be reduced, at least the aircraft body will not be damaged.

If you are too greedy and don't turn on the deflection field.

Although this small terminally sensitive warhead will not kill it directly, it will be necessary to wash away the "bits and pieces" on the external armor.

In just a moment, the fanatics in mid-air flashed with lightning again.

This round of continuous fire fired a series of non-lethal functional ammunition, mainly anti-infrared smoke and exploding metal chaff.

After completing this last round of covering fire, Lilith controlled the Zealot to put away the electromagnetic reconnection cannon. At the same time, she adjusted the plasma propulsion array to the maximum negative angle and fully opened the thrust.

In the violent blue light accompanied by smoke and dust, the pilots whose vision was temporarily blocked only heard a loud noise.

"Attention everyone, the target has been achieved!"

Amidst the command from the temporary combat commander through quantum encrypted communication, the five HCPs invariably slowed down.

The HCP that just fell from the sky has shown extremely high body attitude control and shooting skills. It is very likely that it is a pilot from an elite unit.

The two guys in the team who had not turned on the deflection field had their main head monitor and some external sensors damaged.

Under this situation, they had to put away their contempt for this 'many-on-one battle' and increase their vigilance.

"Inverted V formation, approach with caution, and be careful to cover your teammates around you!"

The Wutai Dragon Knights shrank their formation and set up the shields in their hands. The electromagnetic rifles also extended the scope of the deflection field and pointed forward.

"Dong dong dong dong."

As they approached, the body's pickup also picked up a series of sounds.

After comparing the characteristics in the database, the combat assistance AI made a judgment on the 'multi-function throwing device' within 0.1 seconds.

And this time, the AI’s judgment was not wrong.

When the Wutai Dragon Knight passed through the first layer of anti-infrared smoke, what was seen in the cockpit all day long was still a large area of ​​anti-infrared smoke.

"Do you want to engage in close combat?"

The pilot, who was the temporary commander, frowned. With their vision blocked, both sides could only fight on the ground honestly.

If you advance recklessly into the air, you will only "hang the meat", and then be shot down by the opponent's long-range firepower like a bird.

Just as this thought flashed through the smoke, a roar of advancing arrays suddenly came from the smoke.

Then a steel giant with a red light on its head rushed out from a weird angle.

The plasma sword, glowing with blue light, bypassed the deflection field and easily inserted into the back of a dragon knight.

The sharp blade even penetrated directly from the front armor of the cockpit.

Without thinking too much, the pilot inside had been reduced to ashes under the plasma blade.

"Five o'clock! Enemy attack!"

The remaining four dragon knights opened fire immediately with their electromagnetic rifles.

But this cunning Zealot used the body of their teammates to avoid most of the high-speed rod penetrations and escape.

The high-speed penetrating rod that luckily hit the machine body was also blocked by the deflection force field and the laminated armor shield.

When the HCP disappeared in the smoke again, the HCP pilots also had cold sweat falling on their foreheads.

"Adjust the formation to a diamond formation and help teammates protect their back weaknesses!"

The temporary commander quickly issued instructions again, although they were only relatively mechanical orders issued in accordance with combat doctrine.

But for these already panicked pilots, it can be regarded as pointing out the next step.

On the other side, Amber, who hid the machine body in the smoke again, turned her head and glanced at Isabel on the temporary seat on the right.

The heavy-duty hydraulic suit originally attached to this fanatic was currently being worn on her body.

Amber herself wore nothing, but connected the body's control operating system to herself through emergency mode.

But even so, the battle just now made Isabel, who had not undergone many body modification surgeries, feel a sense of discomfort.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I just accelerated a little too fast."

Isabel took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to vomit inside her body.

Although she has also received training in high overload, the high overload that HCP constantly pulls out in ground combat is really hard for most people to handle.

In other words, Amber's current body has been modified in terms of muscles, bones, and cardiopulmonary function.

Otherwise, there is no way to achieve this traditional achievement of "flying a Gundam in a physical body".

"Hold on, we'll make a few more sneak attacks and then we'll retreat to the city."

"Okay! Bo~"

Isabel leaned her head over and kissed Amber on the face, with an encouraging smile on her face.

"Come on, Amber!"

Ho ho ho, today is the six o’clock time that I haven’t seen in a long time~

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