"Team Romeo has been dispatched! Next is Team Juliet, everyone move quickly!"

On the electromagnetic ejection track from the hidden Gnaku to the ground, three HCPs belonging to the Irons family's headquarters garrison, with the call sign Romeo Team, have ejected.

With the help of the initial velocity given by electromagnetic orbital ejection, and with the help of the thrust of their own plasma propulsion array, these HCPs can fly with great force in one breath, flying over a distance of 60 kilometers inside the planet's atmosphere at a high speed and quickly entering the battlefield.

These TGT-A2 'Dragon Knights', specially customized by the Irons family and proudly produced by Shenghuo Heavy Industry, are currently one of the most cutting-edge HCPs in the Star Dragon Empire.

Due to the upgrade of various materials, mobile devices, power components, etc., coupled with the current low production volume, high R\u0026D expenses cannot be shared.

Therefore, compared to the old model like the Zealot, the cost of the Dragon Knight has reached twice that of the other model.

This is why this type of HCP is currently equipped in small batches by only some elite troops or experimental troops among the various military branches of the Star Dragon Empire.

Most of Holy Fire Heavy Industry's orders come from wealthy imperial nobles.

Although the price of a single machine is high, the nobles who use it to equip private soldiers do not have as high a demand for HCP as the military, and the price of an order is within their acceptable range.

Therefore, these nobles are also willing to spend a little more money to equip their private soldiers with better HCP.

After all, it is used to protect your own troops, so you still need to pay attention to the equipment.

This has also led to a strange phenomenon currently occurring within the Star Dragon Empire.

That is the private soldiers of the nobles. Although their training level is not high, they often use equipment other than battleships better than the regular army of the empire.

However, these HCPs are currently painted with the Irons family crest on the cockpit armor plates and shields, but the pilots inside them are not pilots trained by the Irons family.

Instead, they were pilots from the Mobile Force under the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Just as Amber guessed, the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs has already completed control of the Irons family headquarters.

Not only were everyone in the manor placed under house arrest, but the private soldiers guarding the manor and exclusive areas were also disarmed and replaced inside and out by members of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And with the help of Bill Water, the "inner ghost", they are still issuing orders to all parts of the Weiminster planet like the Irons family usual, causing family members and private soldiers in other areas to not discover this yet. Side anomalies.

This hidden underground Gnaku, 50 kilometers away from the manor, began an emergency dispatch after receiving the order from the manor.

The preparation team from the mobile force of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs ejected the first group of HCPs faster than the private soldiers of the Irons family.

But just when the second HCP team, Team Juliet, had just stood on the electromagnetic ejection track.

Lilith's improved version of the special virus V2.0, which was infected through previous communication with the manor, began to work.

While all the networked electronic systems in the Gnaku went down, this electronic warfare virus with adaptive and self-learning functions also played new tricks.

For example, if the voltage of the electromagnetic ejection track is too high in time, the insurance mechanism will be successfully triggered to directly cut off the power.

Doing so did not have much impact on the HCP standing on it, but the excessively high voltage still burned out some vulnerable components.

Although it is not difficult to replace these components, the HCP that has already stood on the track has to come down again and wait for the track to be repaired.

Not to mention that because they were connected to Gnaku's internal communication channel, the three HCPs of Juliet's team were also unfortunately infected with the electronic warfare virus.

Of course, compared to older models of HCPs such as Zealots, the Dragon Knight's onboard computer is more powerful and has a higher level of electronic warfare. The onboard auxiliary AI will not be burped by Lilith's virus all at once.

But no matter what, these take time.

And for every second wasted and every second delayed, Amber's chance of escaping would be greater.

Such scenes also occurred in other nearby troop hiding spots and manors.

Especially in the manor area that was most seriously infected by the electronic warfare virus, the infantry's exoskeletons and the core drivers of the power armor were completely destroyed by Lilith's virus.

Their vehicles also had the same problem. After the entire vehicle's telex and electronic components replaced a large number of mechanical parts, the shortcomings were also exposed.

Therefore, the pursuers in the manor directly presented a strange scene of chasing and chasing at the same time.

On the other side, Amber was also running at full speed, and successfully completed the rendezvous with Isabel at the scheduled extraction point No. 1. On the way, she also killed four secret sentries who bravely jumped out to block her.

Although Amber also respected their spirit of 'complete orders no matter what the circumstances', he still sent them to Guixi without mercy.

After getting on the all-terrain vehicle, Amber directly started racing mode.

But the danger is not over yet. According to Lilith's report, at least three HCPs have rushed towards his position.

They also all turned on quantum encrypted communication and temporarily interrupted some unnecessary data exchanges, making it difficult for Lilith to attack them for a while.

The worse news is that before the manor was paralyzed, the order to arrest Amber was sent out.

Now, in Ravenhawk, the capital of the planet, the private soldiers of the Irons family stationed there have also been mobilized.

It can be said that there is no way to escape next.

"Amber, what should we do?"

After hearing the news from Amber that her current situation was not good, Isabel asked this crucial question.

"Would you believe me if I said that I had no intention of escaping after being exposed in the first place?"

"I believe it." Isabel said without hesitation, her eyes full of trust in Amber.


Amber, who failed to show off, raised her eyebrows uninterestedly, and then asked Lilith who was busy:

"Lilith, what's going on with the cargo ship above us?"

"Master, I'm sorry! Information transmission was interrupted 5 minutes ago. The ground control center took back control of the satellite. However, according to the information 5 minutes ago, the cargo ship has begun to lower its orbit as planned!"

"Come on Lilith, the success of the battle depends on you!"

"Roger that! Master!"

At the same time, in the outer space of the planet Weiminster above Amber's head.

The cargo ship St. Russell, which has completed its 'transformation', should not be said to be the low-orbit assault ship St. Russell. At this time, the altitude in orbit has been reduced to 1,100 kilometers.

The elf crew members on the bridge, including Ellenita on the captain's seat, were all sweating.

However, the latter's emotion is more of a sense of excitement brought about by a novel experience.

The Thousand Stars Empire, which had basically never fought a few wars, had no such thing as a 'low-orbit assault ship' before.

The only ship capable of ground support is a large warship called the 'Orbital Purifier'.

When it is necessary to carry out a ground attack, this kind of warship will 'scrub' the ground through the twelve heavy purification beam generators on the bow.

So when Amber proposed the idea of ​​needing the St. Russell to 'transform' into a low-orbit assault ship in an emergency, the elf engineering team accompanying the ship shouted 'awesome and exciting'.

Of course, it was in Elvish.

Moreover, during the jump process, Amber and the ship engineering team worked out a perfect 'transformation process'.

His understanding of the structure of elf ships and the principles of deformation made these elf engineers wonder if the elf in front of them was an elf in human skin.

The 'transformation process' that Amber created was naturally the work of a large number of players. Some high-level players even created strategies to transform a 'scrubber' like the Orbital Purifier into an 'ultra-long-range sniper battleship'.

However, the process Amber came up with at this time was a full 50 years earlier than the time it appeared in the game.

It is indeed a novelty.

While the St. Russell continued to lower its orbital altitude, this move naturally attracted the attention of the orbital control center.

After discovering that this was a cargo ship from the Thousand Stars Empire, the control center also hired a controller who could speak the common language of elves.

"Dear cargo ship CT2023 'Saint Russell', this is the Westminster Orbital Control Center. Your orbital altitude is too low. Please adjust it in time and explain the reason. Thank you."

On the bridge of the St. Russell, the correspondent looked back at Ellenita at the captain's seat. After seeing the other party nodded, he came up with the words he had prepared.

"Weidminster Orbital Control Center, this is CT2023. We are performing a special transportation mission for the Irons Family Headquarters. We are now transmitting the mission identification code of the Irons Family Headquarters."

"The task identification code has been received and related tasks are being inquired, please wait"

Just when the controller at Westminster Control Center sent the mission identification code into the sandbox environment to confirm whether it was safe.

I saw the diamond-shaped icon representing the Saint-Russell on the screen, and it moved downwards a lot, and the orbital height was almost 700 kilometers.

This abnormal phenomenon prevented the controller from using honorifics at this time.

"Hey, CT2023, why did your altitude drop again? Please fly according to the guided orbit. If there is any abnormal orbit altitude change, we will call the patrol warship."

Just as he was speaking, the height of St. Russell on the screen suddenly dropped a lot, causing the little controller's heart to beat violently.

The abnormal situation on the track naturally attracted the attention of the supervisor on duty at the track control center. He had just drifted behind the controller and was thinking about calling the patrol warship in advance.

Several screens in front of the controller's eyes went dark at the same time. When they lighted up again, they turned into the interface of the underlying operating system.

"What the hell?"

Before he could say anything, the same situation appeared on the screens of several controllers around him.

"The mission identification code contains an electronic warfare virus and breaks through the security sandbox!"

There was a tremor in the controller's voice. He had never seen anything like this before.

Moreover, there are currently quite a few ships in the orbit of the planet. If the orbital control center is paralyzed, there may be a big problem.

"Technicians! Call all the technicians here! Quick!"

"Director, communication has also been blocked!"

"Then just run over and inform!"

While the orbital control center was in chaos, the St. Russell continued to lower its orbit under the operation of the helmsman.

"The current orbital altitude is 340 kilometers and the ground speed is 5.6 kilometers. It is expected to arrive at the airdrop location in five minutes, which is in line with the planned airdrop time!"

When the elf on the bridge reported this string of information, Ellenita also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

For this special cargo delivery mission, Amber and they planned it down to the minute.

According to him, if the final airdrop landed one minute earlier or one minute later, he and Isabel might not be able to come back.

"No activated ground air defense units have been found yet. The other party probably hasn't reacted yet. The buffer inside the airdropped spores needs to be checked twice to see if it has been encapsulated!"

"No flying objects have been found on the airdrop slope, and the airdrop countdown is 1 minute."

As the elves reporting the situation kept shouting out this information, everyone on the bridge became more and more nervous. After all, this was the first time for these elves from the Thousand Star Empire to perform low-orbit airdrop support.

According to the standard low-orbit airdrop process in the human world, the low-orbit assault ship will begin to suppress ground fire at this time.

The suppression method is usually to throw several thermobaric warheads or sub-municipal warheads and other tactical missiles at the airdrop zone.

However, this cargo ship obviously did not have these tools for fire suppression, so this step was omitted by Amber.

"The airdrop counts down for 10 seconds. The airdropped spores will disconnect from the ship's biological tentacles."

".3, 2, 1, airdrop begins!"

A hole suddenly opened at the bottom of the St. Russell, and a huge ball of air-dropped spores was thrown out like a larvae breaking away from its mother.

At the end of this 'biological drop cabin', there are a large number of tentacles used to stabilize the course after entering the planet's atmosphere.

As the St. Russell began to raise its orbital altitude and gradually accelerate, it was preparing to enter the jump with the other two escort ships that were also leaving port.

The electronic warfare virus in the orbital control center also mysteriously stopped its activities and began to self-destruct.

When the control center completely returned to normal, the controllers began to anxiously resume track scheduling.

They also discovered that the elf cargo ship with excellent performance had climbed up the orbit again and was preparing to leave.

However, they could not control the St. Russell at this time, because the radar showed that the cargo ship had thrown a ball of something unknown and had entered the thermosphere of the atmosphere.

On the other side, Amber and Isabel had driven more than half the distance on their all-terrain vehicles. At full speed, they were leaving the area at a speed ten times faster than when they came.

At the same time, Lilith also captured the short-frequency communication signals emitted from the airdropped spores through other surrounding communication devices that were still under her control.

"Master, the cargo is 120 kilometers above the ground and traveling at a speed of 2,800 meters per second. According to calculations, it will land at the predetermined location at the predetermined time!"

"Very good, the time passed on our side is also being calculated."

Amber, who was racing, just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Lilith continue:

"Master, I must remind you that the number of chasing HCPs has increased to 5, and the nearest one will come into contact in 10 minutes!"

"So fast?!"

Amber was slightly surprised by the opponent's reaction speed. It seemed that the pilots of the Empire's Ministry of Internal Affairs were not parallel imports.

"But it doesn't matter, there's still enough time!"

Amber looked up and could already see the falling spores with his naked eyes.

If someone could observe near the airdropped spores at this time, they would find that the biomass on the surface of the spores has been burned to black.

As the height of the airdrop further dropped, the spores opened the tentacles on the rear used to stabilize the course, and at the same time, a large number of petal-like decelerators rose on the surface.

The unknown gas also began to emit from directly in front of the spore to assist in deceleration.

When the altitude reached 60 kilometers and the speed dropped to 2,000 meters per second, the entire group of air-dropped spores suddenly exploded.

In the scattered buffer, a main monitor on the Iron Giant's head lit up with a red light.

Thank you to all the book friends for your support last night, especially the brother who asked me to buy etoricoxib tablets. I did have a good sleep after taking them.

I went to the hospital today and found out that it was indeed gout. The uric acid level was over 600 and my blood sugar was a little high.

From now on, we need to start paying attention to a healthy diet and daily routine. Everyone should also pay attention to their health!

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