From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 169: Combat combat is part of machine combat. Don’t play if you don’t feel comfortable with

"These Ministry of Internal Affairs pilots are not very good, and their responses are quite rigid."

Amber couldn't help but shake her head when she looked at the positions of the remaining four dragon knights on the all-circle monitor, as well as the current position determined by Lilith through trajectory prediction.

At the same time, he slightly adjusted the energy distribution of the body and deployed the heavy particle cannon behind it.

"How to say?"

After hearing his words and looking at the cannon unfolding above her head, Isabel asked curiously.

"The inverted V formation searches and advances. After being attacked by a sneak attack, it immediately transforms into a compact diamond formation to cover each other's backs. This is exactly the same as the content in the Army Academy textbook."

Of course, Amber was complaining, but he wished that in the next battle he would encounter pilots like this who followed the combat doctrine and followed the rules.

Such a pilot can even allow Amber to predict their next move during a battle.

In fact, judging from the level of Empire and Federation pilots in the game.

At least before the war, most of the pilot teams on both sides were such relatively well-behaved pilots.

Always fight at the prescribed combat distance, and always arrange the body's energy management according to the prescribed proportions.

At the same time, he is extremely superstitious about long-range attacks, likes to use heavy firepower to overwhelm his opponents, and extremely dislikes close combat.

This phenomenon will not change until the Star Dragon Empire splits and the universe becomes a mess.

And now, Amber doesn't mind giving a simple lesson to these pilots from the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When the four Dragon Knights lined up in a tight diamond formation, covering each other's backs, the combat auxiliary AI in their cockpits issued another warning.

"Warning! A strong electric field reaction has been detected, and it is determined to be a heavy particle cannon shot! It is recommended to turn on the deflection field."

The next moment, a blue-white beam of light dispersed the smoke and hit one of the Dragon Knights.

After the long-range attack and sneak attack just now, these pilots no longer dared to be careless, and each of them activated the deflection field.

But after the heavy particle cannon fired, the temporary commander of the team discovered a problem.

According to the data sent by the team members, the deflection field generator of the Dragon Knight that was facing the shooting was almost overloaded.

The deflection force field generators equipped by these cutting-edge HCPs are naturally new and upgraded models.

Being hit like this by a single shot can only mean one thing.

That is, the sneak attacker fired with excessive power.

The strong instantaneous energy output brings higher temperature and faster speed of heavy metal ion jet.

The increase in kinetic energy will naturally increase the burden on the deflection force field.


"Fire at excess power. Is this guy not planning to use long-range weapons in a short time? Is he trying to escape with the help of this shot?"

The temporary commander was shocked, but his worries were not unreasonable.

Because the cannons on the weapon racks on the back of the HCP are big power consumers.

Although the body is equipped with a subcritical reactor, there is generally no need to worry about running out of energy.

However, the instantaneous high energy consumption is still too much for subcritical reactors.

For example, a certain super-standard machine named "DESTINY" in the studio next door suffered from this aspect.

In the main drama, all the indicators were fulfilled, but the final battle ended with the battery running out while the game was being played. As a result, it was hacked by fans for more than ten years.

It wasn’t until the theatrical version was released that I fully developed ‘Destiny Spec II’ and showed a highlight moment like cheating in the decisive battle of the theatrical version.

Only then did many fans believe that part of the development funds allocated by ZAFT back then must have been hacked.

Without further ado, let’s get back to the topic.

Of course, in theory, using a fusion reactor like the one on a battleship can indeed solve this problem.

It's a pity that until the game plot line before Amber's soul travels, this design still remained on paper.

So after obtaining Lilith, Amber has been thinking about finding opportunities to use Lilith's power to see if she can realize the long-cherished wish of this vast number of HCP designers.

However, at this moment, the interim commander's judgment was still a bit too conservative.

Amber did temporarily give up the use of long-range weapons.

However, he was not planning to escape, but was preparing to give these Imperial Interior Ministry pilots a little 'close combat shock'.

Although the Fanatic is an older model of HCP compared to the Dragon Knight, the one Amber has is even an early batch like Block 30.

But the design idea of ​​the Zealot back then was mainly to take the path of heavy armor and heavy firepower.

Therefore, subcritical reactors and superconducting battery stacks have also followed up with higher-power versions, although the price is larger size and longer charging time for daily maintenance.

This is why the total combat weight of the Zealot once reached hundreds of tons, and the special protection model for high-risk areas can even reach 120 tons.

The new Dragon Knight does not continue to follow the heavy equipment route in terms of design ideas, but is a comprehensive body with high maneuverability and good at medium and long-range suppression.

The total combat weight is less than 80 tons.

But in the current close combat where they were trapped on the ground, the dragon knight's mobility and firepower advantages were greatly eliminated.

Instead, the heavier Zealot gained the advantage in close combat.

After all, when a 100-ton iron block collides with an 80-ton iron block, the result is bound by the laws of physics.

In the blue light erupting from the propulsion array, the tall zealot rushed out of the smoke again brandishing a plasma sword.

"Body performance is not the absolute condition that determines victory or defeat!"

With reflexes far beyond those of normal humans, Amber was like a wolf among sheep. She first pulled a high-overload emergency stop maneuver and avoided all pointed shots from the electromagnetic rifle.

Then he swung his sword to draw an arc in the air, cutting off the gun-holding mechanical arm of the nearest HCP.

Then, there was a simple shield strike.

In the team communication channel, the temporary commander only heard the screams of "Ahhhhhh" from these pilots.

If Amber were asked to rate his HCP battles, he would definitely rank the fighting battles at T1.

He may not be at the top level in anti-ship and anti-HCP combat in space, but ground combat is definitely his specialty.

In any case, the score of HCP Fighting Arena was also marked as 2900 in the game.

In just a short moment, Amber chopped a dragon knight into a human stick.

After piercing the cockpit of another Dragon Knight, he walked away directly.

It wasn't that he planned to let the others go, but based on Lilith's surveillance of the battlefield, he discovered that more HCPs were heading towards this area.

After all, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and it is difficult for a good man to withstand a group fight.

Amber was not a reckless person, so he put away his heavy sword without thinking, and then headed towards a seaside resort city 80 kilometers away from the 'family exclusive area' in a straight line.

At present, the pursuit troops of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs have not yet caught up, and the private soldiers of the Irons family in other areas have just begun to set off.

Therefore, Amber also plans to take advantage of this window period to quickly enter this coastal city, causing chaos and creating opportunities for the next plan.

Although there may be atmospheric internal warplanes in the sky, facing units like HCP that are well protected and have relatively ferocious anti-air firepower, they are not actually too big of a threat.

This is without carrying a charged particle cannon. If it were carried, as many air units as the Irons family could be shot down.

After confirming again that Isabel could still hold on in the temporary seat, Amber controlled the machine body and jumped out a lot again.

At the same time, new instructions were given to Lilith.

"Lilith, prepare to implement the Supreme Agreement."

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