From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 17 Counterattack (Please read it! Please collect it!)

‘Judas’ thought he must be crazy.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to complete the mission despite knowing Amber's combat capabilities.

If he were asked to list the person he most wanted to kill right now.

He will definitely write the code name 'Tail Needle'.

There's obviously something wrong with this guy's intelligence.

Amber's various strengths are completely beyond the level of a level 3 psyker.

Whether it's knocking down two power armors in an instant, or skillfully completing access control cracking.

This shouldn't be what a federal psychic agent who just graduated from the military academy can do.

But ‘Judas’ has no way out now.

If you refuse to carry out the order, you will definitely be killed by the 'Tail Needle'.

And with this perverted reputation, if he fell into the hands of this guy, he might suffer a lot of torture.

If he carries out his orders, he might actually have good luck killing this psyker.

After all, the opponent had just consumed a lot of psychic energy, so his combat effectiveness was definitely not at its peak level.

Amber is currently equipped with the standard combat uniform and lightweight exoskeleton of a federal psychic agent.

Although it can achieve optical invisibility and slightly increase strength and speed.

But the price is sacrificing protective performance.

Except for the flexible bulletproof material sewn inside the combat uniform, this lightweight combat equipment basically does not have a high level of protection.

Even its vital parts can only block a few rounds of small-caliber gunpowder kinetic energy weapons.

For the Gauss rifle, which has become popular among motorized infantry, this level of protection makes no sense.

Of course, 'Judas' also knows that the protective ability of psychic agents comes from the psychic shield inspired by themselves.

This is why these psychics dare to 'run naked' on a battlefield filled with firepower.

However, although the Amber in front of her was strong enough, she was still not at a level where she could release a psychic shield.

Otherwise, when we just dealt with two powered armors in the corridor, there was no need to rely on power outages to create opportunities.

Just head over there with the shield on.

‘Judas’ calmed down, glued high explosives to the back of the terminal, and then started a one-minute countdown.

When remote control explosion operations cannot be carried out, it is necessary to set a countdown timer to facilitate personnel to exit the danger range.

"Okay, the explosives are ready! I set a 1-minute countdown, you guys come here quickly!"

While saying this, 'Judas' quietly bent his arm, hid the pistol at his waist, and pointed the muzzle at the location where Amber was about to appear.

Although he is not a destructive spy who specializes in combat, 'Judas' has received shooting training anyway.

At a distance of less than five meters, he was still confident that he could hit Amber with a pointed shot.

Moreover, the pistol in his hand is not just an ordinary gunpowder kinetic energy weapon as it looks on the outside.

Under his modification, this federal army standard pistol looked a lot bigger.

The warhead propulsion method has been upgraded from pure gunpowder kinetic energy to electrothermal chemical energy.

Although the ammunition capacity has been reduced from the previous 12 rounds to 2 rounds.

But in the space that was freed up, ‘Judas’ could stuff a micro plasma generator and a minimalist pulse shaping network into it.

Under this extreme modification, the kinetic energy of the muzzle increases linearly.

Coupled with a similarly modified high-power explosive warhead.

As long as he can hit Amber's torso, 'Judas' is confident that he will kill him directly.

Although the federal psychic agents have all undergone physical transformation, it only allows them to withstand more than a dozen bullets.

It's not completely immune to bullets.

‘Judas’’ plan is indeed feasible to a certain extent.

With Amber's current physical strength, without a psychic shield, she really couldn't withstand this modified 'little pistol'.

But unfortunately, ‘Judas’ ignored one of the most important issues.

That's Amber's reaction speed, which is no longer on the same order of magnitude as him.

The moment Amber saw the muzzle of the gun, he almost subconsciously fired a psychic blast.

This light blue energy mass that didn't even have time to condense into shape hit 'Judas' in the chest just before he pulled the trigger.


‘Judas’ felt as if he had received a heavy hammer on his chest, and his whole body was knocked to the ground.

Although the trigger was pulled, there was obviously no accuracy at all in this situation.

This precious bullet was fired without any surprise.


‘Judas’ cursed angrily.

Once again he saw how perverted psykers could be.

But he hasn't given up resistance yet.

As a trained spy, he used the force to roll sideways after falling to the ground.

Then he pointed the gun at Margaret, who had not yet fully reacted.

I can't hit psychics, how can I still hit ordinary people?


Amber shot first.

The No. 12 shotgun blasted almost all the steel balls towards 'Judas' at extremely close range.

His chest suddenly became a mess of blood and flesh.

The blood and minced meat sprayed out from behind covered half of the wall.

Amber walked slowly over with a shotgun, only to find this betrayer who betrayed him at the last moment.

A smile actually appeared on his face.

He was so angry that he almost tried his best to squeeze out a word from his mouth that kept foaming with blood.


As his eyes slowly closed, the imperial spy named 'Judas' was freed.

But Amber, codenamed 'Baby Bird', is caught in a tangle.

Margaret, who had just passed by the edge of death, still didn't understand the situation.

She never expected that her teammates, who were fighting side by side just now, would suddenly draw their guns at each other.

And in the lightning room, the winner was decided.

"How is this going?"

Margaret asked cautiously.

But Amber did not respond to her, but pushed her to the ground.


With a bang, the directional high explosive set by 'Judas' exploded.

This kind of explosive used to attack fortresses is really too powerful when used to destroy terminals.

When the smoke cleared, the terminal originally placed in the middle of the core communication room was revealed.

Under the blast of high-energy explosives, it had disappeared and turned into fragments on the ground.

Amber got up from the ground again and dusted herself off.

He looked at the body of 'Judas' and slowly said:

"Do you know what unit this man belongs to?"

Amber's confused question made Margaret stunned for a moment.

But after a series of changes, Amber showed strength and calmness, which made her subconsciously answer.

"He is an on-site support personnel affiliated with the 'Star Dragon Fang'. Why did he shoot at us?"

"Is he a federal double agent?"

"No, if he is from the Federation, why did he cooperate in installing explosives and detonating them?"

However, before Margaret could continue her self-centered analysis, Amber interrupted her directly.

“If I remember correctly, ‘Star Dragon Fang’ should have completely turned to the Regent, right?”

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