From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 18 The battle situation is too unfavorable for our soldiers (Please read it! Please collect

Amber's words suddenly awakened Margaret.

Although she understood the key information immediately, she still couldn't believe it at the moment.

"Just because we belong to different camps, is it possible that we don't even care about the tasks that are related to the success of this battle of the empire?!"

"Exactly, aren't there many things like this caused by party strife?"

Regarding Margaret's shock, Amber complained with some disdain.

The party struggle in the Star Dragon Empire has always been a hot topic among many players in previous lives.

This struggle between the Regent Party and the Princess Party can be said to be even worse than the real-world party struggle in the late Ming Dynasty.

Even many major events that determine the direction of history have the influence of imperial party strife behind them.

Many "Jing Emperor" players in the game often talk about those key battles that suffered miserably due to internal fighting among the parties.

All of them beat their chests and stamped their feet, heartbroken and heartbroken.

Amber checked the remaining ammunition in the automatic shotgun magazine, then walked to the door terminal of the core communication room and completely locked the door from the inside.

He didn't want a group of howling federal motorized infantry to suddenly rush in.

After doing all this, Amber walked back to Margaret, who was still dazed, and pinched her face.

"The Imperial fleet that is raiding above us is the Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group, right?"

"Yes, it is."

"If I remember correctly, the commander of the Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group is the Marquis of Ascania, right?"

Margaret nodded mechanically, and Amber's casual pinching of the face just now caused a trace of blush to appear on her face.

(Amber: Our cosmic succubus is like this.)

"What a coincidence, this Marquis is also a member of the Regent~"

Amber took off her tactical gloves and snapped her fingers.

"you mean?"

Margaret guessed something, but was still a little unsure for a while.

"Believe it or not, after the orbital paratroopers landed, they did more than disintegrate the federal resistance."

Amber paused, then looked into Margaret's eyes.

"The most important thing is to confirm whether you are dead or not."

After hearing Amber's words, Margaret's expression changed for a while, and then she seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Wait. I admit what you said makes sense."

"But here's the thing."

"Didn't this guy shoot you first just now?"

Margaret's rhetorical question successfully stopped Amber.

"Yeah, why did you shoot me first?!"

"I'm not from the princess party!"

Amber suddenly discovered that things might not be as simple as she thought.

Robert IV in outer space.

The Empire's Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group now has an absolute advantage.

Although relying on automatic defense weapons and deflection force fields to buy time.

Most of the ships in the federal garrison fleet successfully completed their emergency departure.

But as the empire's follow-up fleet, guided by the new induction beacon, jumped into the field.

This battle with huge disparity in numbers has entered garbage time.

Relying on its numerical advantage, the imperial fleet gave the garrison fleet no chance to close the distance and 'jump gangs'.

After completing the artillery formation deployment, almost all warships closed the main propulsion array at the rear.

Then, with the continuous adjustments of the vector control engine and the front-end reverse thrust engine, it stabilized on the Robert 4 geostationary orbit.

There is always a straight-line distance of more than 8,000 kilometers from Lansford Military Port.

At this distance, the power of high-energy lasers and charged particle beams has been reduced to a range that can be resisted.

The plasma torpedoes and nuclear bombs that came around the flanks were constantly intercepted by frigates dedicated to air defense operations on the periphery of the fleet.

Although in this process, there were still many fish that slipped through the air defense net.

It also caused varying degrees of damage to 4 cruisers and some destroyers and frigates.

However, these losses were still within acceptable levels.

It was even far lower than the loss threshold given by the Naval Staff before the war began.

Under such circumstances, the Imperial fleet that was engaged in an artillery battle could almost be described as 'calm'.

The advantage in firepower projection allows them to abandon the use of high-energy lasers and charged particle cannons.

Instead, use the most powerful heavy particle cannon directly to carry out uninterrupted bombardment.

With each minute and a half salvo rhythm, these dense white beams of light continuously swept across Lansford Naval Port and the surrounding federal warships like a rain of light.

In the eyes of Randall who is at the combat command center in Port Lansford.

Almost every moment there are warships exploding in the airspace around the military port.

Now, he was looking at a battleship 280 kilometers away from the airport through the images returned by the optical observation equipment.

This Bulldog-class heavy cruiser, one of the first to leave port and engage in counterattack, finally ran out of luck in this asymmetric battle.

As a thick plasma beam bombarded its deflection field, it inspired a dazzling white light.

The deflection force field generator, which had been running at overpower for a long time, finally overloaded and shut down.

After losing this ‘life-saving talisman’ in the fleet battle.

Then the second plasma beam came, penetrating the entire hull directly from the upper right side of its bow.

The battleship's automatic damage control system had no time to respond to this level of damage.

A series of fire bursts along the path of the plasma beam.

The fusion furnace at the heart of the heavy cruiser was detonated.

The entire battleship turned into a huge fireball in an instant.

And this is just one of the constant ship explosions around Port Lansford.

Major Randall sighed.

It is inevitable that the garrison fleet will be wiped out.

The Imperial fleet, on the other hand, always avoided Port Lansford and the main structure of the space elevator during the bombardment.

It shows that the other party came with the purpose of controlling this hub of heaven and earth.

Faced with this situation, Randall had no choice.

Whether it is a military port, a civilian port or a space elevator, there is no crazy "self-destruction mechanism" set up.

After losing all the garrison troops, it was only a matter of time before it was occupied by the Empire.

Seeing all the moveable warships in the port leaving the port, Major Randall also issued the final order:

"Everyone, go to the escape platform immediately!"

Rather than staying here and waiting to be captured by the Imperial Army.

It is undoubtedly a better choice to fall on the Robert IV through the escape capsule to join the ground troops.

At the last moment dragging Tactical Information Coordinator Tom away from the command center.

Major Randall took one last look at the home screen.

I saw that the imperial fleet had entered the final stage of the artillery battle, and they all restarted the main propulsion array.

While the distance to Port Lansford was continuously shortened, a large number of ships with flat shapes like door panels began to break away from the fleet and lower their orbital altitude.

These are orbital assault ships.

Their appearance means that orbital strikes and orbital airdrops are about to begin.

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