From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 16 Betrayal (Please read it! Please collect it!)

20 seconds later.

Looking at the core communication room door control screen, the red font was flashing 'Instruction error, cannot be executed! ’.

‘Judas’’s brows had furrowed into the character ‘Chuan’.

The current situation made it difficult for him to say ‘20 seconds! ’ He was sweating profusely.

"Ahem. The security system here should have been independently upgraded."

"My cracking program is mainly developed for the conventional security system in the base."

"But it doesn't matter, give me some more time, I will definitely be able to complete the crack!"

‘Judas’ raised his arms and tilted his head to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Brother, we may not have time."

Looking at the door that had not yet been opened, Amber came over and took the terminal from Judas' hand.

"Let me take a look"

On the terminal screen is a command window.

After trying to enter a few familiar basic instructions and executing them successfully.

Amber was happy.

The cracking gameplay in "Starry Sky" is relatively hardcore.

It is produced by the production team based on a real programming language in reality.

Therefore, except for a small number of players who are interested in cracking gameplay, ordinary players rarely bother to study cracking gameplay.

In most cases, you just go to the market to buy a few quick cracking devices and put them in your backpack. When you need to use them, you can directly connect them to the electronic device to complete the cracking.

But Amber is different.

His original profession was a programmer, so he quickly got started with the cracking gameplay in the game.

Even when I had just started playing the game and was lacking everything, I went to help others ‘pay’ to crack it.

So after seeing that the cracking program used by 'Judas' is almost the same as the one in the game.

Amber instead breathed a sigh of relief.

The security program used in the core control room also appeared in the early cracking gameplay of the game.

"Well, I'm impressed by this program."

"After the last patch update provided by the security center, there was actually an additional backdoor."

Amber was typing quickly on the virtual keyboard projected by the terminal. She was so fast and skillful that the two people around her were stunned.

"I found it, it's the back door!"

"Huh? When you made this cracking program, you also wrote a virus? Sure, it saves a lot of trouble."

Amber smiled and patted 'Judas' on the shoulder.

But the latter was embarrassed in place for a while.

‘Judas’ secretly glanced at Margaret on the other side, only to find that she was staring at him.

He immediately read two words from the other person's eyes.

"That's it?"

Fortunately, Amber, as the 'little expert at resolving embarrassments', played again.

"Wuhu! It's done, the access control is lifted, you can enter at any time~"

Amber took off the terminal and threw it into 'Judas' arms.

At the same time, he took off the last flash bomb hanging on his waist.

Amber's evaluation of this loaded flash bomb is still very high.

Although the imperial spy beside him was a bit poor at program cracking, his weapon modification level was not bad.

There is no need for the three of them to say anything about the next process.

Amber was still the main attacker, with the other two supporting the attack.

Seeing that Amber was ready to break in, she nodded to herself and took off the safety tab on the flash shock bomb.

'Judas' controlled the terminal without hesitation and opened the door to the core communication room.

As soon as the sliding door opened a crack, the flash bomb in Amber's hand was accurately thrown in.

As the reed breaks away from the projectile body, the firing pin of the flash shock bomb strikes the primer and ignites the fuse.

2.5 seconds later, the burned fuse ignited the magnesium element in the missile.

The flash-shock grenade fed by Judas instantly produced a noise of more than 180 decibels and a violent flash.

The soldiers on duty in the core communications room actually felt something was wrong when the communications center lost power.

And when they realized that they couldn't even contact the two guards outside the door, they started to panic.

In theory, at this time they should immediately send out a warning and a message for help.

But these soldiers in Yasin Base have been at ease for too long, and their reaction speed has been extremely slow.

Amber and others' unobtrusive surprise attack once again shortened their reaction time.

When the door opened automatically, the soldiers on duty subconsciously looked in the direction of the door.

Then I saw a 'little cutie' flying in.

"It's finished."

This was the last thought that flashed through the minds of the soldiers on duty before they lost consciousness.

That's if they're wearing basic combat gear with a helmet and noise-canceling headphones.

Maybe the situation will be better.

But the problem is that no one would do this in the core communications room of the communications center in peacetime.

You have to sit in a combat position for a long time on duty. If you wear a full set of combat equipment, it will be difficult for your waist.

Therefore, this air-burst flash shock bomb directly knocked everyone down.

Amber walked into the core communications room without encountering any resistance.

Looking at these soldiers on duty who didn't even have time to draw their guns, Amber regretfully put down the fully automatic shotgun in her hand.

Ever since she had just knocked over two pieces of power armor, Amber had found that she had been in a state of excitement.

And I don't know if the experience of this body has had some impact on Amber's psychology.

He actually had no objection to shooting and attacking other people.

"It's over, I won't become a war maniac with my mind full of fighting in the future, will I?"

After confirming that the soldiers on duty in the core communication room had completely lost consciousness.

Amber still arranged for Margaret and 'Judas' to tie the hands of these soldiers behind their backs with straps.

He himself locked the door and walked to a huge terminal in the center of the room.

"Just destroy this thing?"

Amber turned his head and looked at Margaret while operating something on the terminal.

"Yes, in order to prevent future troubles, I plan to blow this up directly."

After Margaret tied up the last soldier, she stood up and nodded.

"'Judas', are the explosives ready?"

Hearing his companion's question, 'Judas' took off the backpack on his shoulder and took out high-energy explosives from it.

God knows how this technical sergeant saved these things.

"Let me install it. I have modified it for directional blasting, but for safety reasons, you should stay away for a while."

'Judas' walked to the back of the terminal with explosives. Detonating it from here can directly destroy the core components of this terminal.

If the Imperial Fleet successfully annihilates the garrison fleet and seizes the sky control.

Then the federal army on Robert IV will not be able to contact the outside world in a short time.

At a certain moment when 'Judas' walked behind the terminal, he happened to be out of sight of Amber and Margaret at the same time.

Faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, 'Judas' decided to faithfully execute the orders of his superiors.

He took out a pistol from the holster hidden under his armpit and opened the safety.

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