From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 160 Amber understands the infiltration

The synchronized reconnaissance satellite, which was originally thought to be the most difficult to deal with, was easily solved thanks to Lilith's almost bug-like ability.

Now even if Amber stands on the roof of the Irons family manor and shoots around, it will not trigger any alarm from the satellite.

The light curtain as a 'physical barrier' was quickly solved by Amber herself.

Because this thing is essentially an energy field, and among the new abilities awakened by level four psykers, there is the ability to neutralize energy fields.

Relying on this ability, Amber tore a hole in the 'light curtain' without triggering any alarms, and successfully allowed Isabel to drive the all-terrain vehicle in.

"Lilith, are there any abnormal signals around?"

On the all-terrain vehicle, Amber, who had already set up the individual comprehensive detection unit, connected Lilith to it.

Although it is just a single-soldier detection unit, in fact, in addition to traditional detection methods such as photoelectric infrared, it also has detection capabilities for electromagnetic waves.

This kind of comprehensive reconnaissance equipment is basically equipped only for reconnaissance vehicles belonging to the company and platoon levels in the empire and the federation.

Integrated to the level of individual soldier carrying, it is only equipped by orbital paratroopers who specialize in going deep behind enemy lines.

This one placed in the trunk of the all-terrain vehicle is currently the standard equipment of the reconnaissance unit of the Star Dragon Empire Orbital Paratroopers.

I don’t know how Elenita, an elf from the Thousand Stars Empire, got it.

"Master, no abnormal radio signals have been found yet. Maybe the secret whistles you are worried about do not exist, or maybe these secret whistles have not discovered us yet, so we are still in radio silence."

"Okay, you are responsible for the operation of this equipment. If any abnormal signals are found, intercept them first and report the location at the same time."

"As you command, Master!"

Although this set of individual detection units only has the most basic electronic interference capabilities, it is still sufficient to intercept the signals of individual communication units in a short period of time.

Considering the comfort and persistence of long-term lurking, these hidden sentries will not wear standard infantry exoskeletons.

Generally, only a light exoskeleton and stealth cloak will be equipped, and it will remain in standby mode for a long time.

After carrying reconnaissance equipment, weapons and rations, they do not have too much weight to carry complex communication equipment.

Moreover, this type of complex communication equipment is often energy-consuming and heat-generating, and is not suitable for long-term latent use.

Therefore, compared with standard exoskeleton communication units that are powered by auxiliary power and have the ability to resist electronic interference, these hidden whistles are relatively easy to be suppressed by electronics.

With Lilith's assistance, Amber carefully drove the all-terrain vehicle that had been switched to pure electric mode to reduce noise and facilitate sneaking in, and headed towards the Irons family manor.

Amber successfully eliminated two secret sentries along the way, and also asked Lilith to invade their individual soldier terminals and falsify their vital signs data to delay the discovery of the Irons family.

Fortunately, the secret sentry in the exclusive area of ​​​​the Irons family changes shifts every 2-3 days, so it also helps Amber and the others in disguise.

And because Lilith was already able to share data with the synchronous reconnaissance satellites in the sky, Amber also avoided many patrols along the way.

What's even more incredible is that Lilith also disguised the real-time upload and download traffic in the communication link, causing the ground control center to still not know that their satellite data has been shared.

While the vehicle was traveling, Isabel had also put on her combat uniform, assembled the M200 electromagnetic sniper rifle, and adjusted the sight.

According to Amber's arrangement, the female spy will not embed with him this time.

Instead, as an observer, he stayed on a hilltop 5 kilometers away from the Irons family estate.

And provide Amber with information guidance through individual soldier observation equipment, and at the same time use electromagnetic sniper rifles to fire cover when necessary.

A distance of about 5 kilometers, taking into account additional conditions such as wind resistance, is less than 3 seconds for a high-speed steel needle bullet with a muzzle velocity of 2800-3000 meters per second.

Although there is a certain degree of difficulty, it is not a big problem for Isabel, who has completed all-subject training at the Agent Training Institute under the Naval Intelligence Department.

The two of them walked and stopped for almost a day before finally arriving at the predetermined location.

After hiding the all-terrain vehicle, Amber and Isabel went to the top of the mountain, completely set up the individual reconnaissance unit, and covered it with a camouflage net. At the same time, they inserted vibration-sensing warning devices into the ground at hidden locations around them, forming a Basic perimeter warning circle.

After Isabel lay on the ground and set up her sniper rifle, Amber also put on the psychic combat uniform provided by Ellenita.

"Amber, are you sure you want to sneak in wearing this?"

Looking at Amber wearing a white one-piece waiter uniform and lying on the ground, Isabel still felt that this scene was somewhat abstract.

"Tch, you don't understand."

Amber, who put on the mask, has completely released herself.

Suddenly he became more playful, and after doing a series of middle-class postures, he growled in a deep voice:


Stealth is an art.

In "Star Sky OL", players combine the score rating rules given by the stealth system to divide stealth into three major genres:

Phantom, Cheetah, Pounce.

Phantom is the most traditional stealth genre, which emphasizes coming and going without a trace, and strives to complete the entire infiltration and withdrawal process without killing or even alerting any enemies.

The cheetah refers to maintaining stealth while sneaking in, perfectly killing the enemies encountered, and at the same time not being discovered by others and triggering the alarm.

Raid is the best to understand and is also the genre with the largest number of players.

It's a matter of tug tut tug. As long as I kill everyone, no one will know that I've been here.

Amber, on the other hand, has always followed the path of the Cheetah School.

For him, the sudden attack style of surprise attack is still a bit too violent.

The Phantom genre has extremely high requirements for players' talents and back-up abilities, and it can be quite tiring to play.

This can often be achieved in some dungeons where the strategy can be repeated.

At this time, Amber, who had remained completely invisible for a period of time, had already touched the outer wall of the manor.

Along the way, he was not discovered by any secret whistles, but instead marked the unlucky ones who accidentally exposed themselves.

"Amber, you can reach the inside of the manor after climbing over this wall. There are no protective equipment installed on these walls for the sake of beauty. Although there are all-round surveillance, you should not be able to find you in a stealth state."

Isabel's voice rang out from the communication channel under Lilith's protection. The female spy finally showed her professionalism during this cover mission.

"Copy that, continue to observe."

Amber walked to the wall carefully with her waist bent, looked at the figure inside the fence, and thought.

"Psychic vision, activated."

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