"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at Ravenhawk Skyport, the destination of this round-trip flight. The plane is taxiing. For the safety of you and others, please do not stand up or open the luggage rack. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Choose Irons Airways and we look forward to seeing you again next time.”

In the sweet announcement of the flight attendant, the space passenger plane Amber and Isabel took landed smoothly at the Ravenhawk Skyport.

This is also the first stop for most tourists after coming to the ground.

Here they will go to various tourist areas on the planet according to their different tourist routes.

Amber and Isabel, like other tourists, dragged their boxes and followed the flow of people out of the arrivals level.

On the outside of the arrivals level, just like the airports on earth in previous lives, there are many local tour groups, tour guides, and drivers soliciting customers.

But Amber and the others don't need to make any further changes, because this is their destination, the administrative capital of Weiminster Star - Ravenhawk.

The Irons family's manor is located on the outskirts of Ravenhawk. A large land area and sea area have been enclosed as the 'Irons family exclusive land'.

It includes family estates, hunting grounds, fishing grounds and other facilities.

According to Isabel, there are generally more than fifty family members living in the family manor. In addition to the current head of the family, Isabel's father and his wife, there are mainly some older elders and younger family members.

After leaving Skyport, the two of them came to an office of the Yuge family near Skyport according to Ellenita's instructions before leaving.

After receiving them, a female elf drove the two of them directly to a parking lot on the outskirts of the city in a floating car.

"I arranged a vehicle for you according to Ms. Yuge's instructions, but the vehicle was stolen two days ago and has never been recovered. In addition, because I have been busy recently, there are really not enough vehicles, so I can only temporarily transport you. Sent here~"

After the female elf put Amber and Isabel down from the car, she took out a small key and gave it to Amber.

"I will leave this key to you as a souvenir. I wish you a pleasant journey. By the way, please remember that we did not meet today~"

After doing all this, the female elf quickly drove away with a standardized smile on her face, and quickly disappeared from Amber's sight.

"that's all?"

Isabel was confused, because the female elf said so much in a serious manner, and the core content was, 'The car has been stolen, you will make do with it yourself. ’

Not only her, but Amber was also confused at first.

But he knew that Ellenita was not such an unreliable person, so he reacted quickly and walked into the parking lot.

He took out the key left by the female elf and pressed the 'vehicle start' button.

Two headlights came on deep in the parking lot, and at the same time there was a roar of engines.

Immediately afterwards, a black all-terrain vehicle slowly drove over and finally stopped next to Amber and Isabel.

"So this is the stolen car?"

Isabel also realized at this time that "stolen" was just a cover-up.

"Yes, after all, you are doing these things on your family's territory, so you still have to be a little careful."

Amber walked to the back of the vehicle and opened the storage box.

"Good fellow, why don't you thank Ms. Yuge properly when you go back?"

Amber looked at the things in the trunk and said in a daze.


Isabel also spoke slowly and opened a box in the trunk.

As the lock clicked, the contents of the box were revealed to the two of them.

A set of individual comprehensive detection units with camouflaged photoelectric masts, a pair of camouflage nets that can cover up infrared signatures, a set of jungle camouflage combat uniforms, and an Imperial Army standard M200 'Daedalus' electromagnetic sniper rifle, As well as supporting ammunition and sighting equipment.

Finally there are some shock-sensing warning devices.

"It seems that Ms. Yuge thought that our trip might not go smoothly, so she prepared these things in advance?"

Amber quickly inventoried the equipment, then closed the box again and turned to look at Isabel, who had been silent.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid of being close to home?"

"No. I just regret bringing you back. You may be in danger later. Amber, there is no need for you to come."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Amber pinched Isabel's face several times angrily, and finally couldn't help but rub her tender face with her hands.

"Forget it, let's just treat it as a trip and restorative training. Some time ago, most of the battles were frontal assaults. I haven't done this kind of infiltration operation for a long time."

"Thank you Amber." Isabel didn't resist, just stared blankly into Amber's eyes.

"Don't talk about it, thank me properly when you get back to the ship after everything is over~"


Tourists cannot enter the exclusive land of the Irons family directly. There are checkpoints on the roads leading here. You cannot pass the customs without receiving an invitation.

There will definitely be no problem for Isabel to return to her home, even if she takes Amber with her.

But the scene that happened in the aerospace passenger terminal let the two of them know that the situation on this planet might not be good.

Although the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs is a department that specializes in dealing with nobles, it is still a bit abnormal to arrest people in noble territories so carelessly.

Considering that the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs has been controlled by the Regent, Amber and the others have reason to suspect that the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs has launched operations on this planet.

Since there is such a risk, going home directly is undoubtedly a mistake.

So in the border area closest to the family estate, Amber drove the all-terrain vehicle directly into the mountains and forests.

The imperial nobles used to divide the 'family exclusive land' through a device called a 'light curtain'.

This kind of 'light curtain' drawn out by towers separated by hundreds of meters can physically isolate internal and external traffic.

Coupled with the 24-hour monitoring of synchronous reconnaissance satellites in space, as well as a large number of patrols and secret sentries in the territory, they jointly formed the protection of the 'family's exclusive land'.

But for Amber, these means are not an unsolvable problem.

Synchronous reconnaissance satellites in space were originally the aspect that worried him the most.

But Lilith's ability was still so powerful that it was a bit scary. While the aerospace plane was flying from the space port to the ground, the 'jungle' clone implanted inside the space port found a way to hack into nearby satellites.

And for every additional electronic device hacked, Lilith controls one more 'broiler', and the distributed computing power will also increase by one point.

In the end, all five synchronous satellites used to monitor the exclusive territory of the Irons family were hacked by Lilith.

Also, through the data transmission between the ground control center and the satellite, he hacked into the ground and released a clone on standby.

According to Lilith, it is inappropriate to use 'doppelgangers' to describe these 'Liliths' scattered everywhere.

Because they are Lilith herself, there is no difference in abilities.

However, Amber still felt that her explanation was a bit abstract, and after thinking for a moment, Lilith gave a more understandable explanation.

"'Hive Mind', Master and the others are me, I am them~"

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