With the activation of psychic vision, Amber's eyes seemed to be covered with another layer of canvas.

On this 'canvas', all surrounding creatures are clearly marked.

In other words, Amber can now see biological activities inside the walls and even inside the manor buildings through the walls.

As we all know, Xiaotou is not a fool.

So Amber used her psychic vision to locate the positions of all the inspectors inside the wall with peace of mind. Then she took a few steps back and then used a short run-up to climb over the nearly 5-meter-high wrought iron fence using her hands and feet.

Under the control of psychic energy, he made no sound when he landed.

Even a nearby specially trained fighting dog just raised its head and glanced this way in confusion, without making a sound.

The guard holding the dog just glanced curiously at the position where the fighting dog was looking.

Finally, he came to the conclusion that everything was normal, and then walked away with the dog somewhere else.

"Isa, something's not right. Does your family usually have so many guards?"

After there were no other guards around, Amber couldn't help but ask in a low voice on the communication channel through the microphone.

It's actually because the guards inside this manor are a bit too strict.

Generally speaking, the protective force on the periphery is the strictest.

Especially under the surveillance of multiple simultaneous reconnaissance satellites and the physical isolation from the light curtain, ordinary spies and assassins simply cannot reach the vicinity of the manor.

Therefore, in the family territories of most nobles, especially near their family estates, the defensive power is relatively weak.

After all, it is the living area where these nobles stay every day. It is a bit unpleasant to have a large group of guards standing guard and patrolling all day long.

Not to mention the several heavy powered armors at the gate. Once they stopped there, the retro, elegant, and luxurious atmosphere of the entire manor was gone.

It looked more like the scene of a house being ransacked.

"I also find it very strange. Our manor usually does not have so many guards. There are even at least twice as many hidden sentries on the outside as before. Although the coat of arms on these people's combat uniforms is indeed the coat of arms of our family. "

Isabel was also very puzzled. The Irons family's reputation in the territory had always been quite good, and they were considered to be relatively decent nobles.

In addition, the vigorous development of tourism and service industries on the planet not only protects the environment but also increases the income of the people on the planet, so it is not like the territories of some nobles where there are riots by 'tricksters' every three days.

This also means that the Irons family does not need to be so defensive about other people in their territory, and naturally does not need to build the family manor like a watchtower.

After all, in this era, if someone is really beaten to the door of the family manor, it is basically a point of no return.

Retreating to the family manor will only make it easier for the enemy to take advantage of you.

"These people don't look like ordinary noble private soldiers."

Amber walked around the main buildings of the manor in a circle. The alert guards and neat patrols told him that this looked more like some kind of elite force.

"Based on what happened in the terminal before, I have a bold idea. These people are likely to be mobile troops under the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"How is that possible? Does that mean the entire manor has been controlled by the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Isabel's voice was a little anxious, and the crisis facing the family seemed to have reached the most dangerous stage.

"It's very possible, but we still have to wait and find a way to verify it later. I'm going to find a way to enter the building now. I will keep the radio silent after that. Don't contact me unless it's an emergency. Wait for my news."

Amber paused and added:

"Isa, adjust your mentality and do your job well. You can't be distracted at this time."

"Copy that, Amber, please pay attention to safety, retreat immediately when in danger, and don't show off."

After hearing Isabel's reply, Amber took the opportunity when a group of patrolling soldiers entered the building and followed them through the door they opened.

The soldier at the end of the team always felt as if someone was passing by him, but when he turned around and closed the door, he didn't see any suspicious people. There was no one hiding around him in broad daylight.

He scratched his head in confusion, and then quickly followed the team forward.

Little did they know that Amber was not far behind them at the moment.

This group of soldiers seemed to have just come down from the guard outside. Perhaps to conceal their identity, their lounge was not outside, but was placed in several connected guest rooms on the first floor of the main building.

After confirming the location of these changing soldiers, Amber left the area and walked towards the upper area.

There are so many defenders deployed here in the manor, which shows that there must be important targets that need to be guarded.

Amber guessed that there was a high probability that Isabel's family members were under house arrest within the manor and had not been moved to other places.

According to what Isabel had previously told Amber, her parents' master bedroom was at the end of the main hallway on the third floor of the four-story building.

In such a closed area full of enemies, Amber would naturally not waste time.

So after quickly confirming that the second floor was the rest area for another part of the defenders and a 'command room' equipped with various electronic equipment, he immediately went to the third floor.

As soon as she came to the corridor, Amber quickly saw the luxuriously decorated master bedroom door at the end of the corridor.

And there are power armor guards like two door gods at the gate.

"It's probably right here, but it's not easy to get in there with the door closed."

While thinking this, Amber saw a room in the corridor to her right.

According to Isabel's description, this should be his father's study.

After quietly walking over to confirm that there were no signs of biological activity inside, Amber carefully opened the door and walked in.

Fortunately, the daily maintenance of this manor was in place, and the door shaft was regularly maintained and oiled, so it opened smoothly without making any "creak" noise.

The study is also very tidy inside, with no signs of violence.

Amber walked to the desk, where there was an open book and a cup of steaming tea.

Everything looks like someone was sitting here reading a book just now.

Wait, someone was sitting here just now?

Could it be Isabel's father?

Amber was shocked. Just when he wanted to see if there were any more clues, Lilith, who had been immersed in it for a long time, suddenly said:

"Master, we just discovered through synchronous reconnaissance satellites that four aircraft have entered the exclusive area and are flying directly towards here."

Before he had time to check what Lilith said, a rhythmic tapping sound came from the communication channel.

That was the signal agreed with Isabel that urgent contact was needed.

"I'm here, I can talk now."

"Amber, several aircraft have just flown towards the manor. They should be at your place now."

As soon as Isabel finished speaking, Amber heard the roar of the aircraft outside the window.

He walked quickly to the bed, and these transport planes switched to vertical take-off and landing mode and landed directly at the gate of the manor.

Soon, several groups of escort soldiers and a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes disembarked from the transport plane.

"Isabelle, what are the seven silver stars surrounding the golden dragon head and the red and white moons meeting each other?"

Amber is not proficient in the complicated heraldry in the game, so she can only turn to Isabel for help at this time.

"The first one sounds a bit like the Royal Guards, and the second one sounds a bit like the coat of arms of my mother's family?"

"Oh? Then I may know who this person is."

After ending the communication, Amber turned around and prepared to leave the study. After all, there were unidentified people staying here just now.

But fortunately, his psychic vision detected several people approaching quickly in the corridor outside.

It seemed that it was too late to go out. Even if no one could be seen, the sudden opening of the door would arouse others' suspicion.

Amber glanced left and right, then looked up.

"Tsk, this kind of Western-style building is still inconvenient, so you can't be a gentleman."

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