During the jump of Yuge Family's huge fleet, Amber and Isabel also simulated various emergencies that they might encounter.

After 15 days of jump, the fleet finally arrived at a material distribution spaceport in the Star Dragon Empire.

This fleet will unload and carry out basic supplies here, while waiting for the shipment of materials that need to be transferred back to the Thousand Stars Empire.

Amber and Isabel transferred to another small cargo ship in the fleet and headed to the planet where Isabel's family is located.

Isabel's full name is Isabel Irons, and the Irons family has always had trade relations with the Thousand Planets Empire because of the relationship between Isabel and Ellenita.

Therefore, according to Ellenita's arrangement, this cargo ship was loaded with a batch of elven luxury goods customized by the Irons family, and this trip was to deliver these goods.

The cargo ship entered the jump again, followed by the two escort armed ships, and Ellenita also personally sat on the bridge to pressurize the ship.

As Isabel's best friend and Amber's 'funder father', she certainly knew that these two people were going to take risks on this trip.

Even the information sent back to the Thousand Stars Empire at that time was transmitted through Ellenita's channels.

During the ship's jump, the female elf also called Amber into the cargo hold.

"I know that your journey is dangerous, so I came with you personally. However, my protection for you is limited to this ship. There is not much I can do when you go to the surface of the planet."

In front of a cargo box somewhere, Ellenita said to Amber next to her:

"You have gone through customs through regular channels, so you cannot carry weapons, but such things should be of some help to your subsequent actions."

Ellenita pulled out a small suitcase from the cargo box. The overall light green appearance of the suitcase and the complex patterns of the elves made it look like a gift box.

"An elf gift box?"

"That's right, it's an elf gift box~"

Ellenita smiled, then opened the gift box, and took out a pure white jumpsuit full of elven patterns from the Thousand Stars Empire, as well as a mask with complicated decorations.

It looks like some kind of party costume.

"Okay, I'm not going to be too pretentious. The gift box is just for your convenience. This dress is the protagonist."

"Hey, you are really generous, Ms. Yuge"

Amber took a breath, he knew this thing.

He carefully took over the clothes and mask, feeling the fabric that resembled the texture of some kind of reptile skin, and then slightly inspired a burst of psychic energy.

The next moment, the surface of the jumpsuit and mask seemed to be stimulated, and countless scale-like patterns flashed. When it was reshaped, it had become some kind of low-visibility combat clothing.

"The psychic combat uniform of the Spirit-Gathering Internal Guard of the Elf King's Court? I dare not ask you how you got this thing."

"Haha, our family also participated in the development of this combat uniform. This is just a defective product."

The female elf covered her mouth and chuckled. This action caused the peaks on her chest to rise and fall, and Amber couldn't help but take a second look.

"Of course, it is said to be a defective product just because the pattern in some areas has some flaws in the normal service state. If Mr. Amber uses it for 'secret infiltration', it will not be affected at all~"

The normal state that Ellenita refers to refers to the state of the elf dress that the combat uniform displays when it is not activated by psychic energy.

And this dress is also the uniform of the waiters in the Elven Court.

The Juling inner guards usually wear combat uniforms and mingle among the waiters, and will only be activated into combat mode when fighting is needed.

It is precisely because of this slightly ghostly and perverted setting that these spirit-gathering inner guards are also nicknamed 'perverted masks' by players.

After all, he wears a one-piece dress and a mask and patrols the royal court all day long, which does sound a bit abnormal.

And Amber is still curious, will it be inconvenient to go to the toilet if wearing a jumpsuit for a long time?

"This psionic combat suit is adaptive in size and can be switched between three modes of 'protection', 'attack' and 'stealth' after being activated by psionic energy."

Ellenita took out another pamphlet from the box and handed it to Amber. It was the instructions for using the combat uniform.

"Mr. Amber probably uses the 'stealth' mode the most. In this mode, you can completely disappear from what you humans call optical and infrared detection equipment. At the same time, while maintaining high-intensity psychic blessing, you can also It can cancel out your radar wave detection and psychic detection."

Amber nodded, just as Ellenita said, it is best to only use the 'stealth' mode for this journey.

If she was forced to use the 'protect' and 'attack' modes, it meant that Amber had already fought against the enemy.

Isolated and helpless on a planet, facing encirclement and attack by all the forces on the planet.

This has to be a difficulty level that can only be found in the Hard raid in the later stages of the game.

Amber didn't want this to happen from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you, Ms. Yuge, this psychic combat suit is really helpful."

Amber sincerely expressed her gratitude. After all, on this trip home with Isabel, he did not bring any weapons and equipment except for an emergency HCP left on the cargo ship, so he was ready to sneak in naked from the beginning. Planned.

"It's just a little effort. After all, Isa is my best friend, and Mr. Amber is also my investment target. No matter what happens to any of you, it will be a huge loss to me and my family, not to mention that I am still here. You have invested so many psychic points in me, and I don’t want to get nothing~”

Ellenita smiled and shook her head, then looked into Amber's eyes and said seriously:

"Please, Mr. Amber, please take more care of Isa."

"Don't worry, it's your job."

After another three-day jump, the cargo ship and two escort armed ships broke away from the jump and arrived at the Irons family's fiefdom, the planet Weiminster.

This kind of terrestrial planet, which is a noble fiefdom, generally has relatively good scenery and has some unique landscapes, so it is often a tourist attraction.

The ticket fees and various consumption incurred by tourists coming and going when visiting the planet, as well as the share given by the interstellar travel agency, are also an additional income for these nobles.

When the cargo ship docked at the space port, Amber and Isabel, dressed in casual clothes, said goodbye to Ellenita and arrived at the customs entrance like a couple on a honeymoon trip.

In the game, Amber rarely enters the planet in such a serious way.

More often than not, they reach the surface by airborne orbit, or by driving a later HCP stand-alone aircraft into the atmosphere.

But this time Amber didn't want to make any noise, because this was a covert operation with Isabel, so it was impossible to make an orbital airdrop directly from the cargo ship.

He and Isabel chose the most normal way - taking an aerospace passenger plane to the surface of the planet openly.

"Lilith, you can go out to "fight in the wild" separately."

"As you command, Master!"

Before entering the gate, Amber gave instructions to the upgraded Lilith.

Although there is definitely no problem with the identities Ellenita prepared for them, Amber still doesn't want to leave traces of herself and Isabel here just to be on the safe side.

Human beings in this world have fully popularized automation and information equipment, and the Internet of Everything has long been realized in the Star Dragon Empire and the Federation.

This also allows Lilith to enter the entire network and swim freely through any electronic device at the entrance.

In front of the fully upgraded Lilith, the firewall of the border inspection system was as weak as a piece of paper, and Lilith hacked in without even triggering any warning.

Then it took over all key systems including security systems, personnel databases, and monitoring.

The identities of Amber and Isabel successfully passed the unmanned window test, and what was displayed in the background were 'Mr. Rebel' and 'Mrs. Rebel', and even their faces and biometrics were changed to other people's data.

But the psychic combat suit he carried still confused the security robot.

"Sorry, Mr. Rebel, we need to check this... clothes again."

The staff member who came over said with a strange expression, and Amber did not stop him and extended his hand to signal.

"It's okay, please do~"

However, after various tests, the staff still found no abnormalities in this dress, and Amber also explained that this is a precious work of art from the Thousand Stars Empire, and it is normal for you rubes not to understand.

In the end, they could only decide that Amber might have some special hobbies and let them in.

Biopsionic technology is shocking.

"Did it go so smoothly?"

Isabelle asked, nuzzling Amber's ear.

"Bah, bah, bah, don't say such things."

Amber frowned. How could he say such flagrant words at such a critical moment?

The two people who successfully entered the customs cuddled together and walked to the bustling space passenger terminal. This is one of the few areas in the entire space port that has artificial gravity.

While feeling the strong popularity of the 'popular tourist destination', Amber and Isabel found that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"Amber, at two o'clock, the two people standing chatting together seem to be agents of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs."

In Amber's opinion, Isabel's role as a spy was a bit weak, but her basic professionalism and acumen were still there.

"Well, I also discovered that there are couples at nine o'clock and a few young people with big bags and small bags at five o'clock. There should be more than that..."

Amber also discovered the agents around him. His identity as a psyker and his training as an imperial spy and a federal psionic agent gave him the same acumen.

When he turned on his psychic vision, although these agents of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs had undergone professional training in lurking disguises, in Amber's eyes they were still somewhat out of tune with the people around them.

"Is this a trap?"

"Don't panic, follow me"

After realizing that something was wrong, the two of them were ready to fight. Amber had even planned the fastest escape route to the ship docking area in her mind.

If Ellenita's ship had left the port in an emergency and then forced a jump, it probably wouldn't have been intercepted.

The garrison fleets on the periphery of these planets are basically the family fleets of local nobles.

Except for a few elites, most of the training conditions are not very good, and they can barely keep up with the training level of the second and third line fleets of the Imperial Royal Navy.

At this moment, the agents of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, who were disguised and lurking in the terminal, began to take action.

Amber and Isabel calmly walked towards an exit, only to find that the encirclement of these Empire Ministry of Internal Affairs agents was not coming this way.

"Wait a minute, it doesn't seem like it's coming towards us."

Amber walked near a decorative green plant, and then held Isabel in her arms, like many couples in love in the terminal.

However, Amber kept glancing at the direction of the agents' actions while her ears and temples were grinding.

"The encirclement has narrowed. It seems that the target is the middle-aged man."

"Middle-aged man? Let me take a look!"

Isabel was about to turn around when Amber kissed her.

After a moment, Amber raised her head and looked at Isabel's flushed face.

"Be professional, have you forgotten all the things the Naval Intelligence Chief taught you?"


Isabel stopped talking, lowered her head and buried her head in Amber's arms, and looked at the middle-aged man Amber mentioned under the slight adjustment of their pace.

Although this man looked limited and panicked, judging from his clothes, he was not an ordinary person.

"I think I know this person."

"How come you know everyone?"

"Do you have a good memory? There were a lot of guests at home when I was a kid, so some of the people who came often still have memories."

Isabel rubbed her face in Amber's arms, greedily inhaled his scent, and then continued:

"This middle-aged man is the former chief retainer, equivalent to the royal minister of internal affairs. He is also a member of the princess party."

"How could a character like this be here and look like he's on the run?"

Amber looked at the surrounded middle-aged man with some confusion.

When the agents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs surrounded him, the middle-aged man finally realized something was wrong, but by then it was already too late.

The two closest agents pounced on him and didn't know what they did. The middle-aged man immediately lost consciousness and passed out.

The other agents neatly took out the handcuffs and shackles and put them on the middle-aged man, and put on a hood.

Although their attacking movements were skillful and neat, and the battle ended quickly.

But there were so many people in the terminal, so some commotions still occurred.

However, the security personnel who arrived quickly dispersed the crowd. At the same time, an agent took out an instrument and shook it. All the images that had just been recorded were erased from the electronic devices in the hands of the surrounding crowd.

"Are these guys from the Ministry of Internal Affairs still doing this?"

Isabel looked at the actions of these people and couldn't help but complain.

"If they do this, won't they get complained? I remember that the Ministry of Internal Affairs mainly targets nobles, right?"

Amber watched these agents escorting the middle-aged man away. After a few calm glances, he withdrew his gaze.

"That was the former Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ever since they were controlled by the Prince Regent, these guys have become lawless."

"Similar to the Imperial Guards or the Gestapo in ancient times?"

"I think about it, Amber, your mind works very fast."

The turmoil over arrests by the Ministry of Internal Affairs quickly subsided, and calm returned to the terminal.

There was no further disturbance after that. After the two successfully boarded the plane, they landed smoothly at the airport on the surface.

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