Murat reacted immediately after seeing the news.

"The optical camouflage is lifted! The computing power is reallocated to other units!"

"The output power of the subcritical reactor is increased to combat level!"

"Turn off the APU, switch the entire system to power the host, and enter the working state!"

As the icons symbolizing each subsystem turned into 'normal' green, Murat raised the thrust of the plasma propulsion array to the highest level without hesitation.

While his whole body was pressed against the back of the chair by the huge G-force, he broke out of the optical invisibility state to reveal a fanatic in a silver-white outer armor. He headed towards the yacht with a long blue trail like a comet. Rushed over.

On the multi-function display, the relative speed between the HCP and the yacht immediately reached 18 kilometers per second.

According to this relative speed, the two sides will meet in less than a minute.

But in fact, Murat will not keep accelerating and sprint, but will turn off the propulsion array when the attack distance exceeds one-third.

After relying on inertia to continue approaching, the last third of the distance is left before starting to slow down.

As a novice in space warfare, although he is now serving as Amber's wingman, he should cover his lead aircraft in combat.

But Amber patted him on the shoulder before attacking and said:

"It's okay. You don't need to take cover during the approach. Just control the machine and don't fly over."

At that time, Murat actually felt that his instructor was exaggerating.

But now, while resisting the G force while maintaining body attitude control, he also needs to pay attention to relative speed, attack path, deceleration point and other information.

Murat admitted that Instructor Amber was not alarmist.

When the acceleration process ends, the G-force that kills people disappears, and the propulsion array temporarily dims.

He turned his head slightly to look at the full-circle display, and saw another Zealot 800 kilometers away, still advancing at high speed, and constantly changing its trajectory in the process.

Even while avoiding the attack of the yacht's close-in defense weapon station, the airborne Gauss rifle in his hand also flashed with lightning, detonating the three close-in defense weapon stations raised in the middle of the yacht.

Seeing this scene, Murat felt that the gap between people was really too big.

"What kind of monster is the instructor?"

“Didi, di, di, di!”

While Murat was complaining, a warning sound sounded to remind him to prepare to enter the deceleration stage.

He immediately twisted his waist to turn the fuselage around, and then lit up the propulsion array on the back again.

If it is in a fierce fleet battle, such deceleration behavior is undoubtedly suicide.

But facing a yacht whose self-defense weapons have been scrapped, there is no danger in doing so.

For novices, this deceleration method is also more practical.

Although Murat also wanted to learn the instructor's more practical maneuvering method, he knew that he had not even learned to crawl yet, so he should not even think about running.

At this time, Amber's lead aircraft had already rushed close to the yacht. Under Murat's observation, he turned and almost dragged out a sharp-angle trajectory, which made the space combat rookie feel palpitations.

Soon, the machine circled the yacht several times, using close-range defense lasers and Gauss rifles to clear away all fragments of HCP on the outside of the hull. After putting the electromagnetic rifle back into the gun rack, it took off the plasma heavy sword.

Then he cut off the yacht's external communication array with his sword and then skillfully found a bulge at the bow of the ship. He stabbed it in and smashed it into a pile of fragments.

At the same time, Murat also heard Amber's voice on the communication channel.

"Call the war horses. The ships have backup communication units. If you don't want to be chased around the world by patrolling warships, then remember to destroy them all."

"Yes, instructor!"

"Remember to call the air combat call sign during the battle. This will not happen next time."

Murat, who was sweating profusely and finished the communication, looked at Amber who had stood on top of the yacht and inserted the heavy sword into the hull to fix it.

A question suddenly popped into my mind.

"Instructor, why is he so skilled at attacking yachts?"

As a traitor with a sensitive identity, the Central Intelligence Agency responsible for instigating Adam's rebellion actually proposed sending a VIP protection team to be responsible for Adam's safety.

But this proposal was declined by the newly promoted baron.

In his opinion, this is no different from letting a bunch of people monitor him.

Although he knew that he was the culprit that caused the fall of Robert IV, now that the entire planet was gone, those who wanted revenge would naturally be buried with the planet.

Even if the Federation already knew that he was a traitor, they were so devastated by the attack of the imperial fleet that they did not have the time to come to the hinterland of the empire to assassinate him.

Now the only people who have the ability to kill him are the people from the Star Dragon Empire.

If these people really want to kill the donkey, maybe the dignitary protection team arranged around them will be the first to take action.

In this case, Adam felt that there was no need to fight back.

Therefore, Baron Adam finally found a security company run by a nobleman and hired a group of part-time thugs and scoundrel marines.

When the alarm sounded on the bridge of the yacht, Baron Adam's first reaction was:

"CNMD, these imperial dogs really want to destroy me!"

Adam got up from the woman, picked up his pants and rushed to the bridge, where he saw everyone including the captain looking panicked.

"what happened?!"

"Sir, we were ambushed, the other party is obviously a veteran!"

The captain swallowed hard and continued:

"Not only did they breach the firewall, use electronic warfare viruses to paralyze the main control system and reduce the output power of the reactor, but they also sent HCP to destroy the external communication array and backup communication unit of the ship! We can't even send out a distress signal now!"

"How can this behavior be like that of a pirate?"

Baron Adam's eyebrows squeezed into the character "Chuan".

"This is not a border area. How come there are pirates?"

Although he was puzzled, he also knew that now was not the time to dwell on this.

Putting these questions to the back of his mind, Baron Adam walked straight up to the captain and slapped him across the face.

"Buck yourself up, I'm not even panicking, why are you panicking?!"

Looking at the quiet bridge, he waved his hand and began to issue instructions:

"Everyone put on spacesuits, drain the air inside the ship and inject inert gas. I don't want to be blown up directly."

"Inform the guys at Trident Defense in the crew cabin and give them so much money. Now it's time to get to work."

"Everyone else, please calm down and prepare to fight! This place is less than 50,000 kilometers away from the warning circle, and we reported our estimated arrival time to the port authority before coming. As long as we persist for another hour, the port authority will They will find that we have lost contact, and they will naturally call for the patrol fleet to come over. "

"Did you all understand that?!"

"Yes! Sir!"

Looking at the bridge that was finally quiet, Baron Adam nodded with satisfaction, and then prepared to change into his space suit.

But at this moment, the captain’s voice sounded again:

"The other party launched two high-speed objects. Compared with the infrared imaging signature database, it seems to be an assault cabin!"

After hearing these words, Baron Adam turned his head and looked at the big screen. The yacht's integrated sensors had captured two assault pods approaching at extremely high speeds.

"Jump into the gang. Tsk, are you really helping pirates?"

Yesterday, I watched the sneaky killing scene of Destiny 2.0 from the Seed movie, and I cum six times.

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