Haven III is an earth-like planet in the Haven galaxy, and its distance from the star of the Haven galaxy is exactly 1 astronomical unit.

This planet, located in the T2 living circle of the Star Dragon Empire, has a relatively mature ecosystem due to its suitable environment and climate.

So decades ago, it was planned as a tourist planet by the owner of this planet, an imperial marquis.

After the marquis passed away, his family continued the work of planet construction.

Now, Haven III has become a relatively high-end tourist planet in the empire.

Many high-ranking nobles of the empire have obtained the right to use the land from the marquis' family by paying a huge sum of money for long-term lease.

Then they built their own holiday villas on this planet as one of their many leisure places, or a place to hide their beauties.

So the outer space of Haven III has always been quite lively.

You can almost see high-end ships of various brands here, as well as large family flagships.

These warships, luxury cruise ships, and private yachts are either moored in the planet's synchronous geostationary orbit, or sailing in low orbit to enjoy the spectacular scenery of the planet from outer space.

The area 400,000 kilometers from the surface is a hub area with "busy traffic".

On this huge celestial sphere, ships that have left the space jump can be seen from time to time, drilling out from the space cracks they have torn open.

According to the requirements of the general regulations for the navigation of the Star Dragon Empire ships, the position of civilian ships or military ships that are not performing missions must not be less than 400,000 kilometers from the surface of the target planet.

However, captains who often run this line, in order to minimize the remaining sailing distance after leaving the jump, generally let the ship leave the jump at a distance just over 400,000 kilometers.

Most ships tend to use some public jump coordinates, while those old-time captains will use their own "private coordinates".

This is even more true for nobles of higher levels. In order to show the difference from the common people, they will use the "family exclusive route" that only they know.

Some extreme nobles will even fire at civilian ships that accidentally jump near the "family exclusive route" to drive them away.

Adam, the former commander of the Yasin base on Robert IV, was sitting on his private yacht and leaving the space jump, arriving at a private coordinate on the 400,000-kilometer red line.

This coordinate was provided by the Star Dragon Empire Intelligence Department that he was connected to. According to them, this coordinate has always been in their hands and has not been used by anyone else.

So in Adam's view, having such a private jump coordinate is a symbol of status, and it can be regarded as the beginning of integration into the aristocratic circle of the Star Dragon Empire.

When the battle of the Robert Galaxy came to an end in the collapse of the Robert IV planet, Adam also arrived in the Star Dragon Empire first through the destroyer he was riding at the time.

In some ways, the Star Dragon Empire will fulfill their promises to these "traitors" who have made great contributions, and basically there will be no situation of killing the donkey after it has done its work.

So a person like Adam who defected from the Federation was directly granted the title of Baron.

At the same time, he also obtained a brand new private yacht and the ownership of an archipelago resort on Haven II.

It can be said that although he has no military power, Baron Adam can spend the rest of his life in peace and abundance on this island.

"Sir, we have left the jump. The captain said that we are expected to arrive at the berthing area in 1 hour and 37 minutes. Then you can transfer to the space shuttle to the surface."

"Got it, let's go."

Baron Adam was lying on a big bed big enough for several people to roll around. He raised his right hand slightly and sent his butler away.

And his left hand slipped into the nightgown of the woman next to him after he heard that it would take 1 hour and 37 minutes to reach the destination.

"Sir, hate it~"

"Hehehe, since there is still so much time, we might as well play games for a while. By the way, call your sister too."

When Baron Adam pounced on the woman with a lewd smile, a space about 2,500 kilometers away from the Venus private custom yacht suddenly appeared a mosaic-like fluctuation, but it soon returned to normal.

"Huh, I was scared to death. The optical camouflage algorithm of this old ship is too backward."

On the bridge with only a dim red light, Randall looked at the normalized optical camouflage system and breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only him, but also the others on this Confession-class frigate, which had long been retired from the Imperial Navy, were relieved.

After all, they were now doing "wet work" within the Empire, and this place was only 50,000 kilometers away from the absolute alert defense circle of Haven III.

If this was discovered in advance, the patrol warships of the Imperial Royal Navy would arrive in a minute and bomb them and this old ship to pieces.

"Liya, how is the camouflage? Have we been discovered?"

"Report to the acting captain, we are still in the shadow of the planet, the temperature of the ship is stable, the optical camouflage system has been corrected, and the black body covering layer remains activated. There is no abnormal movement of the target ship, and it is speculated that no abnormality has been found."

Lilith, who disguised herself as the "shipborne control personality-Liya", played her role seriously and answered Randall's question.

"What about the captain?"

"The captain and his wingman are still in a silent state with the optical camouflage activated. However, they captured the balanced throwing block 3 minutes and 12 seconds ago. Based on the combat plan, it can be inferred that the two HCPs are adjusting their attitude to enter the attack distance."

Randall nodded, and then connected the communication in Gnaku's attack preparation area.

"Macho men, get ready for your first real gang-hopping experience!"

In the front hemisphere of the Venus private yacht, the straight-line distance is 1,650 kilometers.

Sitting in the HCP cockpit, Murat took several deep breaths to calm down his nervous mood.

Because of his driving skills and better scores in the basic assessment, he was selected to serve as Amber's wingman in this mission.

At first, Murat actually felt that this was an honor and an affirmation of him.

But when he sat in the cockpit of the HCP, was ejected from the frigate and arrived at the scheduled combat position, looking at the dark universe around him and the huge planet in the distance, Murat couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness.

This feeling of loneliness intensified after Amber ordered a state of silence, shut down the main propulsion array and activated the optical camouflage.

In order to keep the surface temperature of the fuselage close to the cosmic background, Murat temporarily turned off the cockpit's constant temperature system according to the requirements in the combat manual given to him by Amber before the operation.

Although the outer layer of the spherical cockpit is actually covered with insulation, the temperature of the cockpit is still unacceptable to ordinary people in the universe and without access to light radiation generated by stars.

Now, he relied entirely on the simple thermal insulation power supply built into the heavy-duty hydraulic anti-gravity suit to survive these 20 minutes.


A dull sound came from behind the machine body. Without looking back, Murat knew that this was the throwing block balancing system, and another standard-sized balancing block was thrown out.

The body also adjusted its posture based on the reaction force generated by the action of throwing the block.

Because the plasma propulsion array is too dazzling when in operation, it is easily detected by the target.

Therefore, in the case of such covert operations, the operation of adjusting the posture to enter the attack position or deploying the battle formation can only be achieved by relying on the temporary plug-in throwing block balancing system.

Just when Murat was guessing how long it would take for Amber, his HCP instructor and future boss, to take action.

The sensor suddenly captured an HCP that had removed its optical camouflage and lit up its plasma propulsion array 800 kilometers away.

At the same time, the blue-green laser communication channel finally received a brief message from the leader:

"Start the attack."

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