The anti-ship assault pod is the most popular vehicle in the eyes of most players, tied with the airborne pod.

This seemingly simple and crude method of forcibly delivering Marines to the target ship is actually not that simple.

It is also extremely versatile. In addition to being used on target ships, it also has a very good force projection effect on space ports, asteroid bases, battle fortresses and other facilities.

What Amber and his crew are using on this ship is the AT22 hot-melt cutting assault module that they 'bought' from Ellenita's private ship storage port together with this long-decommissioned imperial frigate.

It is also equipment that has been retired from the imperial battle sequence, but is now widely used by noble private soldiers, PMCs, and pirates.

According to the results of Ellenita's query in the storage port database, this Penitence-class frigate and these four AT22 assault cabins were all used by business partners to pay off debts.

This kind of assault cabin uses a dual-mounted hot-melt cutter at the front end to cut the hull armor plate to complete the jump. It can carry 9 marines equipped with exoskeletons at a time.

Including the signal corpsmen and electronic warfare technicians, there are only 16 people under Amber who can complete the infantry combat subjects, so Amber only took away two assault cabins in the end.

Although Amber didn't know what kind of business partner would use frigates and assault cabins to pay off debts, in any case, finding these things still helped a lot in today's battle.

Through Isabel's 'Face Fruit', Amber shamelessly borrowed a frigate and two assault cabins from the female elf. She also found a space dock that could prepare imperial ships in the Yuge family's industry.

Of course, it’s impossible to get so much ‘sponsorship’ just by relying on Isabel’s reputation.

The most important thing is that Amber proposed to use this action to show Ellenita the comprehensive strength of the team, which can also be regarded as a 'corporate culture display' before soliciting investment.

If it finally impresses investors, then everything will be fine.

But if investors can't be found or can't get them interested, Amber will have to find other ways to repay the cost of the operation.

"Mr. Amber, to be honest, I'm quite curious about how you can repay me if you can't impress me as an investor."

Thinking of the meaningful words Ellenita said before setting off, Amber opened the team communication channel:

"Everyone, please be careful! Especially the Marines! If anyone dares to mess with me, you know the consequences."

While Amber was talking, the melt cutters at the front ends of the two assault cabins began to glow red, indicating that they had entered the final stage of penetration.



As Amber was fixed above the yacht, she felt two waves of shaking coming from the soles of her feet, and after the sound was transmitted through solid objects, it was like two loud noises heard underwater.

The two assault cabins crashed into the passage in the middle of the yacht and the crew cabin in the rear half.

For the hot-melt cutter used to deal with the laminated armor plates of battleships, although the external armor of this private yacht, which is mainly comfortable and luxurious, is considered strong, it is still a bit unsatisfactory.

The Trident Marines who were gathering in the crew cabin were thrown flying all over the sky by the huge kinetic energy caused by the impact of the assault cabin.

Before the mercenaries could react to the impact, the small ring-shaped hatch at the front of the assault cabin was bounced off.

Immediately afterwards, a round of shrapnel crackled like a firecracker.

Not only did it instantly smash the crew cabin like a sieve, but it also directly eliminated nearly 70% of the Trident mercenaries.

The mercenaries who were lucky enough to survive without being beaten into rags saw that the front end of the assault cabin was finally fully opened.

Then two tough men wearing exoskeletons and holding large shields rushed out.

Since this battle is simply about jumping gangs rather than seizing ships, there is no need to consider the damage caused to ships during the battle.

Therefore, the Marines who participated in gang jumping were equipped with standard long-range weapons.

These marines who hid most of their bodies behind the shield-wielding man kept firing, and it took almost no time to knock down all the Trident mercenaries hired by Baron Adam at a high price.

The reason for such a one-sided situation is not the gap in combat capabilities between the two sides.

To be fair, the mercenaries of Trident are also a bunch of characters who lick blood to make a living.

And like most mercenaries in the world, most of them have experience in serving.

If we really want to fight openly and openly, Amber's 'former mobile infantry' won't be able to take much advantage.

However, due to the sudden nature of the ambush and Amber's decision to use the crew cabin as one of the jumping points, these mercenaries did not even have time to find cover before being blown up by anti-personnel shrapnel from the assault cabin.

Soon, the Marines completed the suppression of the crew compartment. When they kept Amber's teachings in mind, they fired at the mercenaries on the ground who couldn't tell whether they were wounded or corpses.

Another group of Marines who hit the middle channel of the yacht also heard on the communication channel, 'Middle channel, suppression has been completed! ’ news.

The two teams immediately rushed towards the bridge according to the battle plan.

One of the teams also checked Baron Adam's master bedroom along the way. After finding no trace of the target, they also confirmed that the fat man had escaped to the bridge.

The battle that follows needs no introduction.

Even with weapons in hand, the sailors on the bridge wearing only spacesuits were unable to withstand the attack of the Marines.

When the Marine responsible for capturing the target saw Adam's huge figure, he immediately raised his right hand and fired a net bomb from the multi-function launcher mounted under his arm.

The carbon fiber cable net bomb with electric shock effect immediately knocked down Baron Adam and tightened it to complete the package.

"Team Megalodon reports that the package has been obtained!"

After hearing the news from the communication channel, Amber in the Fanatic cockpit was relieved.

"Copy that, hurry up and clean the battlefield and prepare to evacuate."

"Remember to take away the core of the shipboard control personality on the bridge. This thing is always valuable."

"By the way, there are also those decorations in the master bedroom, right, right, the one on your right, take them together!"

With the help of the lenses on the Marines' tactical visors, Amber skillfully guided them to quickly search the yacht.

Just as everyone was preparing to retreat, a Marine reported on the communication channel:

"Call the ghost, there are still some survivors on the cruise ship, what should we do?"

The communication channel went silent, and it took a while before Amber's reply came.

"Leave no one behind. Be smart and give them a good time."

"Warning, temperature too high"

When Baron Adam regained consciousness due to the alarm in his spacesuit, he found himself tightly held in the hands of an HCP.

At this time, the HCP was standing on the outer armor of a frigate.

In front of his eyes was a huge 'fireball' that almost completely occupied his field of vision - it was the sun of the Haven galaxy.

Although the helmet of the space suit detected excessive light intensity, it dimmed the helmet mask of the space suit to reduce the amount of light.

But Baron Adam was still blinded by the dazzling sunlight.

He judged that his current location should be relatively close to the star.

Because under direct light radiation, even if the thermostatic system of the space suit was operating at full strength, Baron Adam felt that the temperature had been rising, so much so that the space suit issued a warning of excessive temperature.

Looking up at the silver-white steel giant in front of him, he recognized the appearance of the HCP as an Imperial Zealot.

"So you, this bunch of imperial bastards, are going to kill me in the end? Why can't you just do it earlier? Why don't you pretend to give me a noble title and a private yacht?"

empire? You may have made a mistake."

The voice coming through the contact communication sounded familiar to Adam.

Before he could recall it in his mind, he saw the fanatic opening the cockpit door on the chest.

"Commander Adam is really a noble man who forgets things."

The huge mechanical arm lifted Adam to the cabin door. The pilot inside clicked on the helmet, and then the originally opaque helmet mask revealed the face inside.

"Amber hum, you guy didn't disappear with Robert No. 4."

At this time, Adam was extremely regretful. He regretted that he had not been on Robert No. 4, so he listened to Tail Needle's advice and killed this little pawn who was causing trouble, which led to things developing to this point.

"I'm deeply sorry for your disappointment~" The mockery in Amber's words almost overflowed.

"From the tone of your voice, it seems that you also killed the tail needle?"

"of course."

"Oh, I really didn't expect the final outcome to be like this. I accept that I fell into your hands, and I won't beg for mercy or beg you to let me go. I know that is impossible."

Adam sighed, and the expression on his face became calmer at this time.

"Give me a good time."

"Hahaha, give you a pleasure? Then you may be overthinking it. If I wanted to give you a pleasure, I wouldn't have brought you here with such a big fanfare."

Amber turned Adam to face the sun. This star that was constantly emitting light radiation had already made the newly minted Baron feel sweat on his forehead - this was a sign that the constant temperature system had reached its limit.

"I thought about it for a long time and decided to give you a very romantic death."

Amber closed the cockpit, reactivated the control system, and assumed a throwing posture.

"Go embrace the sun, Commander Adam."

"No, no, no! You can't be so cruel!"

Commander Adam immediately became hysterical as he thought about what was about to happen.

"No! Amber! Please, give me a good time!"


The energy released by the subcritical reactor is converted into electromagnetic force through the thermoelectric exchange device, and finally drives the electromagnetic muscle bundle to drive the mechanical arm to throw it out.

HCP's arm strength is very strong, so even throwing stones is extremely lethal.

The communication module on the spacesuit worn by Adam has been removed by Amber.

After being thrown into the sun, he will be the loneliest man in the universe.

Then at higher and higher temperatures, watching the space suit's oxygen storage become lower and lower, and finally suffocating with despair.

"Hey, even an artificial intelligence is scary to me. How perverted Master do you have to be to come up with such a way to torture people?"

However, Amber did not answer Lilith's words. He looked at Adam who was struggling like a bastard in the distance and said to himself:

"Lieutenant Colonel, I have fulfilled your request."

Federation, Capital Galaxy, Artificial Intelligence Research Center.

Dr. Mephisto, sitting in the office, looked a little dull and unbelievable at this time.

On the virtual screen in front of him, the news about the Battle of Robert Galaxy has occupied the front pages of major media.

"It has just been confirmed that the Earth-like planet Robert IV located in the Robert system in the border zone has disintegrated under the attack of the Federation Navy fleet. This attack wiped out a large number of the Star Dragon Empire's invading forces on the planet in one fell swoop."

"The imperial army's invasion was thwarted and suffered heavy losses!"

"The federal army soldier broke his arm, it was so sad to sing and cry!"

"As can be seen in the picture, a large number of citizens have gathered in Freedom Square in the capital. They came spontaneously with flowers in hand to commemorate the federal soldiers who heroically resisted the enemy on Planet Robert IV and ultimately died."

"Dong dong dong"

A knock on the door drew Dr. Mephisto's attention.

He looked up at the door of his office and saw Secretary of Defense Miller standing there.

"Doctor, is it convenient for me to come in?"

"Miller, you actually dare to come looking for me!"

Dr. Mephisto, who was usually gentle and full of academic research, was like an angry old lion at this time.

He stood up abruptly, then walked quickly towards Miller on crutches.

"Why did you attack Robert No. 4! Do you know?"

"Of course I know."

Miller calmly interrupted Mephisto's words. As the Minister of Defense, he has been fighting in the political arena for many years. Although in the eyes of hard-blooded soldiers like Marshal Trafalgar, he is a "little boy" scholar.

But to ordinary people, he has a calm and self-defeating temperament.

In this regard, Minister Miller can easily suppress Mephisto, who stays in the institute every day and lacks social interaction.

"If I hadn't been helping you cover up those little tricks you did on Robert 4, do you think you would have been able to avoid being discovered with your wooden fish head that stays in the research institute every day?"


Just as Dr. Mephisto was about to speak, he was interrupted again by Minister Miller.

"Although the Creator Project has been cancelled, its phased result 'Project 02', also known as 'Lilith' as ​​you call it, still has extremely high research value.

This is why I will help you cover up the fact that you did not destroy Lilith.

Because I also think it would be a pity to destroy it directly. I may consider continuing to study it if I have the opportunity in the future. "

Minister Miller walked to a chair in the office, sat down, and continued:

“But that doesn’t mean I would be willing to see the risk of it falling into the hands of the enemy.

That’s why I asked Marshal Trafalgar to choose to attack Robert 4, otherwise with this old man’s style, he will definitely choose to attack the star to create a black hole.”

What Minister Miller said reached Dr. Mephisto's ears word by word, and it also made him calm down.

Reason told him that there was nothing wrong with the defense minister's decision.

As the creator of Lilith, Dr. Mephisto naturally knew what would happen if Lilith fell into the hands of the Star Dragon Empire.

The well-thought-out doctor exhaled a breath of turbidity, and his whole body became visibly weak.

"You came to me specifically today, probably not just to talk about this matter."

"Doctor, you are still as sharp as ever." Minister Miller smiled.

"Actually, the main reason I came here today was to confirm whether the 'self-disciplined combat fleet led by shipboard control personality' - the so-called 'unmanned fleet' - can be considered for actual combat testing?"

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