When they heard this big news, everyone, including Isabel, the female imperial spy, was a little confused.

"Wait, you mean the Federation Army destroyed Robert IV? Not the Imperial Army?"

We were still undergoing land combat training just now, and the exoskeleton on our body had not yet been taken off. Randall raised his hand and asked.

"That's right, Mr. Randall, according to the news from my news channel, it was the Federation fleet that attacked Robert 4."

Ellenita nodded, her tone more positive.

"Don't worry, I will tell you as soon as other news comes."

This sudden news made the soldiers who came to the Thousand Stars Empire with Amber a little scared.

If they had not followed Amber into space and had not made up their mind to leave with Amber, they would probably have disappeared during the disintegration of the planet like the federal army on Robert 4.

So these soldiers couldn't help but discuss in a low voice.

After all, for them, this news is indeed a bit too magical.

And it's hard for them to imagine what kind of weapon can directly destroy a planet.

However, after Amber heard the news, he immediately understood that the Federation finally chose to use their strategic weapon-proton annihilation bomb.

As the Federation's only strategic-level weapon before it is installed in their strategic mobile fortress.

Before the war between the two sides, the Federation only produced 30 of these.

After having each main fleet carry one, the rest were stored in dedicated fixed facilities.

In the eyes of Amber and other players, the greatest use is to implement the Federation's 'scorched earth resistance' strategy.

Because the carrier of this strategic weapon is a large missile equipped with a jump drive.

Although it can conduct cross-system attacks, with the popularity of directed energy weapons, it basically has no penetration capabilities.

Therefore, it is impossible to achieve the purpose that the designers originally intended to use this weapon to destroy the enemy fleet.

It can only be used to attack planets or stars in the galaxy and carry out celestial destruction operations.

It does have a certain deterrent effect on the empire's border star systems, but not much.

More often than not, they are used by the Federation to bomb planets within their own territory.

For example, in the timeline of Amber's previous life game, when faced with a sudden attack by the Empire, Amber did not send a message for help.

The Federation lost many systems in succession in the early stages of the war.

In this case, how did the Federation stop the Empire's offensive?

The answer was to blow up the stars in four galaxies occupied by the Empire in one go, creating four black holes, forcing the Empire to finally give up attacking from the direction of these galaxies, and instead bite the bullet and launch an attack on the galaxies where the Federation deployed heavy troops.

That's why Amber was confused at this time. The federal fleet did not use proton annihilation bombs to attack the star of Robert's system, namely Robert 1, to create an artificial black hole.

Instead, he chose to blow up the only Earth-like planet in the galaxy.

Although judging from the results, whether there is an extra black hole in the galaxy or the loss of the only earth-like planet, the strategic value of Robert's galaxy will be greatly reduced for the empire.

But no matter what, in terms of priority, the Federation should also attack the star in a limited manner, rather than attacking Robert IV, which still has friendly forces deployed.

"Mr. Amber, it seems you know something?"

Ellenita walked to Amber's side at some point, and the two of them were located far away from other people.

"You are joking, Ms. Yuge."

Although the top rich woman brought a lot of pressure to people, Amber still managed her expression well.

"I am just a small warrant officer, what can I know?"

"Really? But my sixth sense tells me that Mr. Amber, your identity is not as simple as you said."

Ellenita smiled beautifully, with disbelief written all over her face.

"Isabel's vision is not low. When she was in school, many sons of high-ranking imperial officials and descendants of imperial nobles pursued her, but she didn't like any of them.

But now, it has been captured by you, a person who claims to be just a 'little warrant officer'. I have to wonder what kind of ecstasy drug you gave Isabel. "

"Of course it's sincerity!" Amber didn't delve into what Ellenita meant by 'taken', but answered directly and decisively, without any hesitation in her tone.

"Sincerity is my last resort."

"Hahaha, Mr. Amber is really funny."

Ellenita lazily sat down on a sofa next to Amber, stretched out her body and stretched out her body.

"But I still hope that next time we discuss issues related to 'angel investment', this kind of candidness between us can be more thorough."

As soon as these words came out, Amber suspected whether Ellenita Yuge was reading her mind.

"Don't worry, we will be honest with each other when the time comes, but I really didn't expect that Ms. Yu Ge, you have already thought of this step."

"Haha, this is just an investment businessman's sensitivity to high-quality investment products~"

After a brief exchange, Ellenita left the physical training area where Amber was.

Amber looked at the charming female elf, twisting her waist and walking away.

Lilith's voice also sounded in his mind.

"Master, I feel like you are completely controlled~"

"Oh, I have to bow my head when I rely on someone else. What's more, the other person is a shrewd businessman who manages a huge company, and she is also a businesswoman.

It may even be the financial backer of our ‘start-up group’. People like this are the hardest to deal with. "

"Oh, it's rare to see you say something like this, Master."

There was a teasing tone in Lilith's tone.

"Only when a man can bend and stretch can he achieve great things. Is there any clue to what I asked you to check?"

"We found the entry position of the destroyer after entering the empire, but more detailed information cannot be found through the public network. The only way is to obtain high-level access to the imperial military network."

While Lilith was speaking, a large amount of information was projected on Amber's modified retina.

"High-level access. Well, I'll ask Isabel if there's any way over there."

Amber immediately asked Randall to continue organizing physical training, and she was going to find Isabel.

"Master, are you sure you can get Miss Isabel to help you? This may also touch her bottom line, right?"

"Believe me, I will find a way to convince her."

"Master, is this 'persuasion' you're talking about serious?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you see it if it's not serious~"

In the following days, many details about the destruction of Robert IV came from Ellenita's news channels.

This female elf didn't hide anything. Apart from not explaining the source of the channel, she didn't hide much other information.

This information also made Amber and others more aware of the incident that brought an end to the Robert Galaxy Campaign.

The Federation Combined Fleet did not directly attack Robert IV after breaking away from contact with the Imperial Fleet.

Instead, it has been relying on hiding behind other planets, constantly hiding itself outside the attack range of the Focusing Iris.

The fleet commander waited until the reconnaissance ship discovered the Imperial Expeditionary Strike Group and began to deploy ground forces on a large scale through the space elevator before launching the attack.

In the end, this attack not only succeeded in disintegrating Robert IV, but also destroyed all the troops deployed by the Empire to the surface of the planet, except for those rotated out.

Of course, what also disappeared in the disintegration of the planet were the civilians and federal ground defense forces on the planet.

Currently, the remaining fleets of the Federation have withdrawn from the Robert System, and the Empire's Expeditionary Strike Group and Fortress of Sorrow are also missing.

In addition to the news from Ellenita, Amber also made a huge breakthrough on Isabel's side.

Under his persuasion, the imperial female spy finally completed the last step of her 'evil fall', and obtained mid-level and high-level permissions to access the imperial military network through some covert means.

And Lilith did not disappoint Amber and quickly secured the position of an 'old friend'.

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