In another time and space, gamers including Amber once summarized the four technical characteristics of "wind, forest, fire, and mountain" for the federal army.

They are:

Attacking backward is as fast as the wind.

Transfer to support Xu Rulin.

Stealing power, bullying and aggression are like fire.

When friendly forces are in trouble, they are as immovable as a mountain.

These four technical features almost perfectly explain the federal army's outstanding performance on the battlefield.

Today, the federal naval escort detachment, which hastily lit up the plasma propulsion array and evacuated from orbit, seems to Amber to have captured the essence of 'wind' and 'mountain'.

Although there are many outstanding soldiers in the federal army such as Brigadier General Dewell, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas, and Black.

But unfortunately, there are more scum like Commander Adam in this army.

It can be called a place where humanoid stars gather.

Of course, the Federation's military is so bad, but it can still coexist with the Star Dragon Empire for so many years.

It can only be said that the Imperial Army is not much better.

Both sides are pretty bad, but they are not bad in the same track. From the perspective of vertical subdivision, there are still some differences.

Robert IV Outer Space, Port Lansford.

"Well, that's the situation anyway."

Amber stood in the middle of the control center and spread her hands.

"As you can see, the naval ships that were originally going to enter the port to support us have been evacuated urgently for unknown reasons.

Judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that they will not come back in a short time. "

The atmosphere in the control center became extremely depressing after Amber said these words.


Looking at the eyes of others looking over again, Amber continued:

"Lieutenant Colonel Dallas told me before departure that if something unexpected happens, don't go back to the ground. It's a dead end there."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, wondering what Amber wanted to do, and he continued talking without pausing.

"He hopes that if I have the chance to leave here, I will take you with me and leave this galaxy."

"Leave? Warrant officer, do you mean leaving this galaxy and seceding from the Federation?"

A bold mobile infantryman raised his hand and asked. He was also the first survivor to be rescued by Amber from the battle at the bottom of the valley.

"That's right, but don't get me wrong, I'm not taking you to defect to the empire."

After saying these words, the worries on many soldiers' faces disappeared.

“Whether it’s the Empire or the Federation, the ruling classes on both sides are not good things in my opinion.

So I am going to the Thousand Star Empire, the kingdom of elves, to try my luck.

Open a company, make some money, and then club young models or something."

Before speaking, Amber sent a text message to Isabel and asked her if she could take a few more people with her.

After sending a string of ellipses, Isabel finally agreed to the request.

"Amber, remember you owe me a favor~"

And now, looking at some of the soldiers' faces with that 'really? With an I-don’t-believe-it look, Amber added:

"Don't think that I only know how to fight and kill, but I actually have a lot of business acumen.

And I don't force you to go with me. I just want to fulfill Lieutenant Colonel Dallas's instructions. He is a good commander. "

As Amber finished speaking, everyone in the control center began to whisper.

At present, Amber's plan seems to have become the best choice.

The garrison on Robert IV, or even the entire federal army on Robert IV, except for a very few "locals" like Black, most of the soldiers came from various star systems in the Federation.

They responded to the Federation's call to join the army and stayed away from their homeland. Their biggest purpose was to hope that their families could live a good life with the help of the 'Subsidy for Soldiers Stationed in Foreign Systems'.

"Sir, if I follow you, will there be any price or consequences?"

The person who raised his hand to ask a question this time was the Solitary Miao communications soldier.

"Well, the biggest price is that if you follow me, you won't be able to see or contact your family for a short period of time.

As far as I know, only the families of soldiers killed or missing in action can receive corresponding subsidies.

But if the federation discovers that you are still alive, you should be labeled as deserters.

Although what I plan to do now is really no different from deserting."

Amber didn't hide it, and spoke frankly about the consequences and costs.

For him, leaving the Federation has no psychological burden at all. After all, in his heart, his motherland will always be a big eastern country on the earth.

As for the Federation? What the hell?

But for these Union soldiers, it was a different story.

Although in this era when human beings are blooming and spreading all over the universe, everyone's sense of belonging to the country is far less than it was in the Blue Star era.

But no matter what, after all, the soldiers talk about the Federation every day, and then facing this kind of escape behavior, they still need some psychological construction.

Amber didn't push it and let the soldiers in the control center think it over.

Major Randall walked up to him. The highest-ranking federal soldier in the audience looked at him seriously.

"Amber, are you really going to open a company in the Thousand Stars Empire? Can you make money?"


Amber didn't expect that Randall would come up with a bitter look on his face, and he would actually ask this question.

"Major Randall, why do you care about this?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If Tom and I are really going to leave with you, then I have to confirm whether you can really make money? Are there really young models in the club in the future?"

"No, brother, you are a lieutenant colonel in the navy? Are you sure you want to go with me at your rank?"

"Hmph, what's the use of a lieutenant colonel serving in this kind of fringe galaxy? If I really had connections in the core administrative galaxy, I wouldn't be here."

Randall snorted angrily, and then said:

"And if the Robert Galaxy is really lost, the Federation would like us all to die so that they can use us as war mobilization material for propaganda."

"What about your family? Are you not going to see them?"

"What family? My parents died long ago, and I only have a few lovers now."


Although I don’t know why this naval lieutenant commander is so determined to board his pirate ship.

But Amber also had to admit that if this old man came to help, it would indeed be very helpful for his subsequent plans.

The other mobile infantrymen also expressed their opinions one after another.

To Amber's surprise, these big soldiers actually planned to go with him.

"No, I was just being polite."

Amber emphasized the consequences again.

"Think clearly. If you follow me, there may be no way back. Being labeled a deserter by the federation is an easy task."

"Warrant Officer, you have led us all the way here, no matter what, you must be responsible to the end!"

"That's right! I'm willing to go with you. Anyway, the federation will take care of my family!"

"Yes, after the Federation has been stationed in this barren place for so long, I also want to meet the young models in the club."

Although Amber wanted to tell them that starting a business is risky and partnership should be cautious.

But as a psyker, he could fully feel the trust of these big-headed soldiers in him. These people really believed that he would lead them to survive.

Amber was just about to say something when an alarm suddenly sounded in the control center.

Major Randall, who had just been thinking about the young elf model, his eyes returned to the sharpness of his serious state, and he immediately floated to the console.

"Warning, an unidentified ship is approaching, distance is 33251 kilometers."

Amber also floated over, only to find that Lansford's Identification Friend or Foe system had been reset by Randall.

As soon as the system completed the reset, it discovered a small imperial fleet approaching the military port.

"Amber, what should we do? Do we want the defense unit to open fire?"

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