From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 119 Winning the young model in the club

Faced with Randall's question, Amber did not answer directly.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Don't fire, we can't let them notice that the military port has been recaptured by us."

"Are you sure?" Randall was a little hesitant.

"What if they plan to enter the port?"

"Go straight through and let them enter the port."

Amber turned to look at Randall, who looked worried, and said with a smile:

"We have to prepare to leave anyway, right?"

"That's indeed the truth, but how do you plan to proceed?"

Randall said as he opened the port berth interface.

After the federal combined fleet entered the scene, except for some ships undergoing repairs at the military port, other imperial warships had already left the port and returned to the fleet before the battle between the two sides.

Therefore, the entire Lansford Harbor is currently filled with destroyers and frigates.

Either these battleships have not yet been repaired, or the crews have been replaced on the living ships to rest and have not had time to return to the military port.

"It's very simple. Find an Imperial frigate, leave while the Imperial fleet is entering the harbor, and then jump to a safe area first."

"If the frigate is allowed to have the shipboard controller control most of its subsystems, it will indeed be able to operate with only a small number of personnel. But are you sure you can pilot an imperial ship?"

"Harm, we are all human beings, we are all the same."

Amber waved his hands calmly, and then found a Penitent-class frigate in the docking list that he had already taken a fancy to.

According to the description of the maintenance record, in the previous battle of this ship, the deflection field generator stopped working due to overload, resulting in the side of the ship being penetrated by the penetrating rod fired by two electromagnetic reconnection cannons.

Fortunately, it was not sunk on the spot. With the desperate repairs of the damage control personnel, it was able to reach Lansford Harbor.

The surviving personnel on the ship were sent to the living ship for treatment and rest. The two penetrating wounds on the ship were also repaired during this time.

Although it looks like there are two patches on the left and right sides, it can indeed continue to be used.

Judging from the personnel transfer records Lilith climbed out of, the personnel on the ship were originally supposed to return to the ship in these two days.

However, due to the outbreak of a battle with the federal fleet, their return process was temporarily suspended.

This also gave Amber a chance to occupy the magpie's nest.

"There's no time to worry, this is it."

Amber propped herself up on the console for a moment, then floated near other mobile infantry and clapped her hands.

"Okay, since you have decided to leave with me, let's take action now.

Get ready for battle and go to berth 025 to board the ship.

Signal soldier, notify the two HCPs in the docking area to bring the wounded to the berth to join us. "

Under Amber's command, everyone took action immediately without any hesitation.

Instead, Isabel slowly floated in front of him, and a smile appeared on her face after lifting her tactical visor.

"Can't you tell that you are quite a kind person?"

"Kindness doesn't really count. At most, it's just good people who do what they do to the end. Besides, these guys are unfamiliar with the land of elves when they come to the land of elves, so don't they have to come and work for me in the end?"

"Wait, I thought you were joking. Are you really planning to open a company in the Thousand Stars Empire?"

"I'm not joking. The business environment of the Thousand Star Empire and the Business Community is much better than that of the Federation and the Empire. However, the location of the Business Community is really too far away, so for the time being, we can only consider developing in the Thousand Star Empire."

Amber said it very seriously, which was completely different from her usual joking tone.

But what he didn't explain to Isabel was that the company he wanted to open might be different from a business company in the general sense.

"It seems that you really want to break away from the control of the Federation and the Empire."

Isabel tilted her head, looked into Amber's eyes and smiled:

"That's okay. If I can't return to the empire, I'll come here to rely on you, hahahaha."

"Hey, you are more open-minded now. What? No longer want to be loyal to your princess?"

In the end, Isabel did not answer this question directly.

Amber also understood that after all, the other party was born in a noble family in the empire, and there were some deep-rooted things in his mind that could not be easily eliminated.

Looking at Isabel's retreating back, Amber said to herself.

"Looks like we need to add more ingredients."

After everyone in the assault team united in thinking and wanted to follow Amber, the overall efficiency of the team increased to another level.

At the same time, after taking back control of the military port, Major Randall directly lowered the isolation doors of many passages, dividing and blocking the imperial soldiers who came from other areas of the military port to support them in each passage.

This also allowed Amber and his team to quickly reach the port without any hindrance.

The HCPs driven by the other two rookie pilots were like holding a string of kites, carrying the wounded and arriving here in advance.

At the same time, the two of them finally showed their initiative and used HCP's iron fist and close-defense laser to clear out a small number of enemies in the port.

The two pilots from the Southern Continent Federal Army soon learned of Amber's plans from other soldiers.

And what humans are best at is actually following the crowd.

When they discovered that the other members of the assault team were willing to run away with Amber.

After about a minute of hard mental struggle, the two rookie pilots finally decided to go to the Thousand Stars Empire to meet the young elf model.

The entire assault team, including the wounded, quickly arrived at berth No. 025.

Parked here is the ship they will use to escape next, a Penitence-class frigate of the Star Dragon Empire.

The side of this frigate, like other imperial combat ships, has the ship's name and hull number - SENY-FF-965, Past Glory - written in gold letters.

And this ship, which is in the final stage of repair work, is indeed a very good escape vehicle.

Not only is it in the highest level of maintenance mode, but the shipboard control personality on the ship is in a dormant state, giving Lilith an opportunity to steal the ship.

At the same time, because it is planned to recall the ship's crew and return to combat in the past two days, the fusion reactor that has been inspected and confirmed to be undamaged has also been activated and preheated.

This directly saved Amber and the others a lot of effort and allowed them to start the ship as quickly as possible.

And with Lilith replacing the ship's control personality, Amber was able to control the frigate with a minimal crew.

Except for the helmsman, gunner, tactical information coordinator, radar, navigation operator, and communications officer who were appointed by him and went to the bridge, the rest of the people stayed in the crew cabin to rest temporarily.

After Amber led everyone to the bridge, these 'bumpkins' who had never boarded an imperial battleship all said, 'Wow! ’ exclamations.

Isabel also pretended to be shocked.

"The decoration is too luxurious."

"Is this really a frigate? Not some private vessel?"

"Damn it, look at this captain's seat, be a good boy."

Amber ignored everyone's comments in the communication channel, floated to the battleship's star map, and entered the coordinates sent by Isabel's elf friend.

Judging from the shortest distance given by the star map, the frigate can easily reach here by making a single jump.

And it is located in deep space at the edge of the galaxy, which is very suitable for running.

"Master, you have fully obtained the authority of the entire ship and cut off communication, data links and other information exchange channels with the imperial fleet!"

Lilith's voice sounded, and the artificial intelligence's electronic warfare capabilities have been rapidly improved during this period.

The invasion speed of regular units has been getting faster and faster. Amber feels that if Lilith gets a server array, this guy may be even more outrageous.

"Understood. Where is the imperial fleet approaching the port?"

"Master, they are about to arrive at the port. These ships have already issued port entry requests. With your permission, I have approved their port entry requests."

"Then let's start this ship and prepare to enter the departure procedure."

Amber, who was sitting on the captain's seat on the bridge, felt an unusually familiar feeling at this moment.

"I'm back to my old job."

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