From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 117: Collapse and sell out (two-in-one)

Although in order to face the ever-changing and complex battlefield environment, combat exoskeletons will have the most basic anti-shock and explosion-proof capabilities.

But this does not mean that the personnel inside the exoskeleton will not be affected in any way when the shock bomb explodes at zero distance.

Especially after three shock bombs flew out of the grenade launcher, Amber used psychic energy to adjust their trajectories just before the explosion, so that they landed in the most effective position.

So when these three can-sized programmed shock grenades exploded, these Imperial soldiers were still disturbed.

Especially the fire team operating the portable electromagnetic gun was knocked upside down by the shock grenade that exploded in the air.

Before they could react, Amber had already rushed to their side.

First, he used his right arm to mount a fighting spike to send one away, and then used his left hand to throw a psychic blast at the face of another imperial soldier.

Amber, who knocked down the two men in an instant, picked up a chain sword dropped by the fallen soldier while loading the gun with a fighting spike, and sawed the last soldier with a buzzing sound.

In fact, Amber doesn't like to use chain swords very much. In his opinion, this thing is more of a faith bonus. In fact, it is far less clean and neat to use than fighting spikes.

"Men just like driving piles!"

This was also a sentence that Amber often said.

And although the chain sword is quite lethal and intimidating, it still takes some time when facing the silicon carbide armor plates commonly equipped on exoskeletons.

If the grinding teeth are severely worn, sometimes the embarrassing situation of getting stuck in the armor plate will occur.

Although it is said that as long as it is successfully sawed, it will be fatal or injured, but there are still some hidden dangers.

Of course, there is one thing to say, this thing is really cool when facing targets without armor protection.

But now Amber has no time to worry about the quality of the weapon. His concussive sword has been shattered in the previous battle, so it is naturally useful now.

The chain sword in his hand was functioning normally, and with the huge noise, it cut in half the last soldier in the electromagnetic gun fire team along with the armor plate.

The other imperial soldiers who were shocked by the shells came to their senses amidst the loud sound of chain saws.

Then they saw Amber holding a chainsaw, covered in blood and minced meat, rushing towards them.

When Amber joined the battlefield, the battle, which originally put the Federation assault team at a disadvantage, became a one-sided crushing of Imperial soldiers.

The previous battle was between psykers and psykers. The physical strength, reaction speed, and power of both sides were at least at the same level, and both could use psychic powers.

But now in this battle, the two sides have become psychics and ordinary people. The combat effectiveness and various qualities of the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Even though the physical fitness of these soldiers has been greatly improved with the help of exoskeletons, in Amber's eyes they are just like a group of old men doing Tai Chi in the park.

The Imperial soldiers' counterattack didn't even touch Amber. He could always dodge attacks from various weapons with minimal dodge, and at the same time put the fighting spike on the chest of the nearest target to create a bloody penetrating wound.

"Everyone! Be careful!"

"Psychic! It's psyker!"

"Where's the anti-psionic team?! Call them over!"

Amid the panicked 'William Scream' of the imperial soldiers, Amber was like a wolf among sheep. No one among the imperial soldiers present could survive a round under his hands.

At this time, his fighting spike had replaced two 6-round magazines.

Now he is pressing an Imperial soldier against the bulkhead with one hand, then throwing away the empty magazine with his right hand, and loading the last magazine that was ejected from the thigh storage compartment.


Amber, transformed into a ruthless pile-driving machine, killed the last Imperial soldier around her.

In the passage behind him, including the fire team, all the imperial soldiers who came to support him had been killed by him.

The corpses, blood, and body parts floating in the passage formed a picture of hell.

The Imperial soldiers who originally blocked the assault team at the exit also found that their retreat was surrounded by a psyker, and all friendly forces who came to support were killed.

The only psyker standing in this passage looked like a war madman, even exuding embodied red spiritual pressure from all over his body.

The morale of these imperial soldiers immediately collapsed.

Even without Amber's continued action, the remaining members of the federal assault team began to fight back.

Amber directly jumped over the fighting crowd, and with the propulsion of the jetpack, flew directly towards the four HCPs who were fighting hand-to-hand.

Although Amber is not a "HCP stunt soldier," he still knows how to quickly destroy these two imperial HCPs when their HCP weapons are severely limited.

In a gravity-free environment, Amber can easily fly above them. At the same time, the combat spike on her right arm can easily destroy the HCP's plasma propulsion array after being loaded with shaped armor-piercing projectiles.

However, due to the possibility of quenching in the superconducting battery stack, in the event of quenching in such a closed environment, the high-temperature plasma ejected may burn through the bulkhead of the docking area, and the risk is too high.

So Amber finally decided to adopt a safer style of play.

"Two rookies! Let me paralyze the walking mechanisms of these two fanatics. Pay attention to the position of friendly forces and don't accidentally hit them!"

"Copy that, sir!"

The two pilots in the cockpit, sweating profusely from the hand-to-hand combat, felt as if they were hearing sounds of nature when they heard Amber's voice.

And what Amber did was very simple.

Level 4 psykers can already use psychic energy to change the properties of objects in the material world, so Amber directly used psychic energy to temporarily lose conductivity in the universal electromagnetic joints of the knees and the electromagnetic muscle bundles in the legs of the two HCPs. .

This directly caused the legs of the two Empire Fanatics to instantly become like lead-filled cement, unable to move a single step.

The two rookie HCPs in the assault team also seized this opportunity and directly removed the arms of the two Zealots and broke their universal electromagnetic joints with a kick.

Finally, an airborne combat spike was used to penetrate the cockpit.

At this point in the battle, there is basically no suspense.

The two Steppenwolves got rid of the entanglement and rushed directly to the exit area. After the pilot used the method of identifying friend or foe and pupil locking to let the HCP's fire control unit lock a large number of Imperial soldiers, the laser close-in defense gun turret on the head of the machine was Starts flashing at high frequency.

Every time it flashes, a scorched bloody hole will appear on the head of the targeted Imperial soldier.

When the last imperial soldier who intercepted fell to the ground, temporary calm returned to the car docking area.

The intensity of this hand-to-hand battle was not low. Amber looked around and saw that the entire assault team could still stand and continue fighting. Except for the two HCPs, only 13 people were left.

"Simply treat the injury and add nutrients. We don't have much time."

Amber glanced at some of the wounded floating in the air, struggling and groaning, and then added.

"For those who are not injured or not seriously injured, look at the wounded around you. If there are still those who can be saved, treat them urgently. For those who cannot be saved, give them a good life."

This decision was not made because Amber was cruel.

But under the current circumstances, the assault team really has no way to rescue the seriously injured.

Not to mention that in hand-to-hand combat, the seriously injured were basically missing arms and legs, or their stomachs were torn apart by chain swords.

This kind of injury cannot even be transported to the ground through the car.

In fact, everyone else knew that Amber's order at this moment was a helpless act, and there was really no better way to deal with it at the moment.

In the end, after some emergency treatment, a total of 8 less seriously injured motorized infantry were rescued.

However, they will either have a broken arm or a missing leg, and they will definitely be unable to continue fighting.

So Amber temporarily placed them in the docking area, connected them in series with safety ropes, and asked two HCPs to guard them.

After all, these two big guys couldn't participate in the subsequent battle to raid the core control center.

After having eliminated most of the defenders, there were not many defenders in the core control center. Amber just launched a round of impact with the psychic shield and penetrated their defense line.

In this kind of pure infantry battle where powerful weapons cannot be used, the advantages of psykers are infinitely magnified, and the battle often becomes one-sided at the beginning.

After killing the defenders, Randall immediately rushed into the core control center, then rushed to the console and began to use his authority to reset the identification friend or foe system.

At the same time, the transportation channel from the docking area to the port was opened, so that the two HCPs guarding the docking area could go directly there.

At this moment, in the direction of the fleet battle between the Federation and the Empire, another bright Milky Way swept across the starry sky.

The screen in the control center displayed the real-time footage returned by the military port's comprehensive observation equipment. Everyone gathered in front of the screen and were so shocked that they didn't know what to say for a while.

"Did the Focusing Iris fire again?"

Amber's brows furrowed. He already felt that the Federation fleet would probably be unable to withstand it.

If the commander of the federal fleet was rational enough, he should immediately find a way to break away from the battle and leave the area.

And regroup the fleet behind the shadow of a certain planet to prevent being called by the Focusing Iris from a long distance.

At this point in the battle, the federal fleet has little hope of making a comeback in a short time, unless more main fleets can be mobilized.

Because the entry of the man-made celestial fortress not only illustrates the Star Dragon Empire's determination to seize the Robert IV system, but also gives them a strategic advantage.

This strategic fortress can deploy several gravitational wave radar antennas with a diameter of 50 kilometers, which can monitor the general movements of enemy fleets in the galaxy at ultra-long distances.

It can also detect the phenomenon of space collapse and give early warning to the enemy fleet's jump.

Amber had used this tactic more than once in her previous life.

Take advantage of the absolute advantage in long-distance detection to discover the enemy fleet's jump breakout point, and then directly sweep over it with a focusing rainbow at the moment the opponent's fleet breaks away from the jump.

"The Federation fleet is really passive now."

"Wait. They won't be forced to use that, right? I hope the fleet commander will be a human being."

Suddenly thinking of a strategic weapon unique to the Federation, Amber immediately felt a little pain in her head.

At the same time, the communications soldier who followed Amber all the way to the battlefield and survived also made a somewhat confused sound in the communications channel.

"Sir, let us cooperate with the naval ship that attacked Port Lansford and agreed to communicate after retaking the core control center, but until now they have not responded to our communication request!"


Amber floated to the communication soldier's side in confusion and looked at the communication terminal screen in front of him. He only saw the communication requests sent to the federal navy ships. At this time, they were all in an 'unresponsive' state.

The federal escort detachment and several transport ships that were supposed to dock and drop off their troops after Amber and the others regained control of Lansford Harbor completely ignored their calls.

Amber suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and he immediately turned around and drifted in the direction of Randall.

"Major, can you use optical equipment to find the federal escort detachment on the nearby track?"

"Let me try. What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"There might be a big problem."

Under Randall's control, another set of screens in the control center showed images of nearby Port Lansford.

After continuous searching and amplification through the optical sensor lens, the movements of this driving escort detachment were also successfully captured.

At this time, these warships that were supposed to enter Port Lansford had already passed the military port and headed towards the back of the planet.

It is easy to tell from the bright blue light emitted by the plasma propulsion arrays on their sterns that these ships are accelerating.

Amber's heart suddenly sank. This escort detachment obviously no longer planned to stop at the port. Their current actions were obviously to use the planet's autobiography to accelerate out of orbit.


Amber saw this scene and was so angry that she punched the bulkhead of the control center.

"His uncle, the navy is going to run away, and we are being sold."

As soon as these words came out, the control center fell into silence. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to say.

They fought hard to get to the space elevator and successfully regained control of the space elevator at the cost of so many troops, but they failed to wait for friendly forces.

"how so."

"TMD, why!"

"Shame on you! These navy must know their shame!"

The originally silent control center became lively again after one of the mobile infantrymen cursed angrily.

The survivors lifted their visors one after another and cursed at the fleeing naval ships.

But this kind of curse can only relieve temporary hatred, but cannot relieve the current crisis they are facing.

In the end, these mobile infantrymen, including Randall and Isabel, naturally focused their attention on Amber.

For them, this mysterious warrant officer who has led them all the way to the present has become a backbone.

Looking at everyone's expectant gazes, Amber sighed as if resigned to her fate.

"Um, don't be impatient for a moment, I'll think of a solution."

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