The vitality of psychics is indeed very strong.

But after the metal jet of the shaped charge armor-piercing projectile shattered the tactical visor, then shot through the skull and stirred it into a mixture of metal fragments, bone fragments and burnt protein.

Even if the gods came, they couldn't save it.

Looking at the tail needle floating in the passage with a big hole in the chest and head, after confirming that the other party had no vital signs,

Amber used psychic power to overload all the electronic equipment on the tail needle exoskeleton, and then burned through all the chips and storage devices into an irreversible state.

In the previous battle, because the opponent had been activating the psychic shield, it was impossible to use psychic power to directly attack the exoskeleton body.

After doing all this and confirming that at least there would be no more news from the tail needle, Amber finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether it was his own identity or Lilith in his mind, he was like a time bomb at the moment.

So the best way at the moment was to meet up with Isabel's elf friends and then sneak to the Thousand Star Empire first.

Although various technical means for "finding people" are becoming more and more advanced now.

However, the huge territory of human society makes the efficiency of finding people incredibly low.

Basically, as long as you don't take the initiative to show yourself and hide on a planet in a remote galaxy, even if the person looking for you is lucky, it may take more than ten years or even longer to roughly determine your location.

This is why financial crimes and financial frauds are frequent in both the Star Dragon Empire and the Federation.

After committing a crime, as long as you spend a little more money to successfully escape, unless you are someone that the rulers of both sides must catch, in most cases, these criminals will only enter the fugitive database and let it go.

Not to mention guys like Amber who are going to escape directly to the Thousand Star Empire.

There is no extradition treaty between humans and elves.

While thinking about the subsequent escape plan, Amber floated towards the area where Randall and others were under the guidance of Lilith.

"Major! I've resolved the battle here. How are you guys doing?"

"Fuck, you've finally finished! We're now blocked at the exit of the docking area. The Imperial garrison is still recruiting. Come quickly!"

Randall's communication background was noisy, mixed with intermittent screams. It was obvious that the situation on his side was not very clear.

"Hold on! I'll be there soon!"

Amber sped up his movement without saying a word. He actually didn't expect that Randall and his team, who had two HCPs to support them, would be suppressed to this extent.

Although the pilots of the two Steppenwolves were rookies, the only weapons they could use were physical swords and close-range defense lasers.

But anyway, even if this kind of steel giant waved his fist, it was not something that the Imperial infantry equipped with only exoskeletons could handle.

"Master, do you remember the signal that you asked me to track on the public channel?"

Lilith's voice brought Amber back to his thoughts.

"Of course I remember. What? Did you track it?"

"Yes, Master!"

Lilith's voice was very excited, with a sense of seeking credit.

"Before, I could only roughly determine that the signal source was on the track through the communication relay car, but just now when I was searching for signals from various places in this military port, I found that the signal source was in the port!" As Lilith explained, a string of ship information was displayed on Amber's tactical visor. SENY-DD-772, Bedouin. This is a Dragoon-class destroyer belonging to the 8th Expeditionary Strike Group, currently docked at berth 066 of Lansford Military Port. "In other words, the Adam I am looking for may be on this ship?" Amber's eyes lit up, and this old Deng was finally discovered. "That's right, Master!" "Is there any way to confirm it?" "If you want to confirm it, you can only find a way to access the internal sensors of the ship, but it may be discovered by the controlled personality" "Access it, it's not a big deal since it's already like this. Try to disguise it as a federal intrusion program and erase your own traces." Amber glanced at the tactical map. The intersection of the channels he was in at the moment, one of which led to the docking area, and the other led directly to the port. "How long will it take?"

"I have completed the invasion, but I have also been discovered by the controlled personality. Ahhhhh! She is attacking me crazily!"

Lilith's voice was a little panicked. This was her first time fighting with a controlled personality of this level.

But she still projected a picture, which looked like a screenshot of the monitor inside the ship.

The figure on the passage in the center of the picture was undoubtedly Adam, who betrayed all the federal troops on Robert IV.

"Master! I have another bad news for you. This destroyer has started the departure procedure."

"No, this old Deng is going to run away!"

A dilemma was placed in front of Amber.

It was like the doctor suddenly rushed out at the door of the emergency room and asked him whether to save the big one or the small one.

Either go to the docking area to meet Major Randall and others, or go to the port to find a way to stop this destroyer.

Amber felt that his head was big now, but after struggling for a moment, he finally chose to support Randall and others.

In any case, there were dozens of lives over there, and Isabel was there too.

If I want to escape in the end, I must protect her.

"Let this guy live a little longer."

Amber comforted herself in this way, then grabbed the mobile handle on the wall and floated towards the car docking area.

Soon, Amber came to the exit of the accumulation area, which was already a mess.

The entire passage was littered with broken weapons, armor plate fragments, floating blood and human body parts.

Randall and the rest of the assault team were blocked at the exit, while the two HCPs were fighting with the other two Imperial HCPs in the space inside the docking area.

Their weapons had already been damaged in the battle, because the result of a slashing attack with a weapon like the Plasma Heavy Sword was to cut off both of them.

The four steel giants were now locked in hand-to-hand combat, and the various pieces of their bodies were flying all over the sky with each other's heavy punches.

Just in front of Amber, a group of Imperial soldiers carrying portable electromagnetic guns were preparing to mount the guns on the bulkhead.

Judging from their posture, these imperial soldiers who were already red-eyed seemed to have forgotten the crossfire control in the space station and space port, and were preparing to fire directly at the assembled assault team in the exit area.

Even if they do this, other Imperial soldiers in the shooting path will also be beaten into pieces.

Of course Amber wouldn't just watch them fire. He directly activated the external triple-mounted multi-function grenade launcher on his right leg.

Then, through ballistic auxiliary aiming, three shock bombs were hit behind the electromagnetic gun fire team and the imperial soldiers who were fighting with the assault team.

I haven't been in a good state these past few days, and I'm not very satisfied with what I wrote. I'm trying to adjust my state.

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