From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 331 A Billion Dollar Business

A long time ago, various analyzes and indications showed that there was water ice at the poles of the moon.

Of course, these water ices are not ice layers in the traditional sense, but exist in a form mixed with lunar soil.

But observation is observation, if you really have to see it with your own eyes and extract it yourself, then you can truly determine the sound!

With the voice of Geological Captain Luo Kaihuai, the entire Yaoyue, including the Xichang Command Center, immediately cheered up.

Ye Ming gulped down his coffee. He kept in touch with Aita, controlled the camera of the spacecraft, and instantly completed the picture and displayed it on the big screen.

Soon, the rover returns.

There are three lunar rovers that landed on the moon this time. The size of the car is similar to that of an ordinary car, but the cabin is relatively short, and the wheels are much larger than ordinary cars. This design is to ensure a certain speed and maintain the stability of the body. .

After jumping off the lunar rover, Captain Luo and two other teammates immediately lifted out the heat-insulated collection box from the rover.

This is a good thing about the low-gravity environment, and it doesn't take much effort to lift anything.

In addition, in the training base for landing on the moon, everyone has already summed up and adapted to the optimal way of walking on the moon in the anti-gravity field, so the work is particularly efficient-compared with the bouncing walking way, it is actually the most efficient way to walk on the moon. To save effort, just step forward with your toes and walk in big strides.

Of course, the premise of being able to go like this is that everyone has adopted a new type of spacesuit. The new space suit is not as bulky as the previous space suit, and it also needs to wear diapers or something...

As the geological team sent the collection box to Yaoyue, a mechanical arm immediately extended from the cargo hold of Yaoyue, and then the robotic arm clamped the collection box and retracted it into the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, three team members entered an integrated board room that had been built, and immediately a group of cleaning team members came to the lunar rover with something in the shape of a mop.

These... are naturally for disinfecting.

The place where the Yueyue is currently docked is at the boundary between the shadow area and the light area. And the geological exploration team just collected the water-ice mixture from the area below zero Baidu...

(Hey, it seems that the date of landing on the moon and the lighting conditions of the moon are written BUG... everyone pretends not to see it.)

The lunar soil in ordinary areas has already been proven to be very clean, and no grass can grow, but in the permafrost area...God knows if there are any bacteria and viruses that have been dormant for hundreds of millions of years.

Soon, the analysis of the experimental group came out, and no microorganisms were found.

This news made everyone heave a sigh of relief, but also sighed slightly.

And this analysis was soon passed on to Aita’s lunar geology column—unsurprisingly, these results will bring enough reverie to the research on the source of lunar water ice.

After confirming the safety of water ice resources, the rest is simple, and the direct condensation method is enough.


Time passed slowly, and as all the crew of the Yaoyue returned to the cabin to rest, the command center also gathered in the meeting room.

Astronauts can sleep, they can't.

Because the construction of the most important moon factory will start tomorrow.

"At present, according to the analysis of the lunar soil collected by the Yueyue, our stop position is not perfect... If it is one kilometer further to the west, it will land in the richest helium-3 area in this area."

After pointing out five points on the lunar map, Chief Zhang said with regret.

Everyone laughed—according to the data, these five points, if you talk about reserves, are not too different. It can only be said that in the richest area, it is a little higher.

This sounds good and is the pursuit of perfection, but it sounds bad, it's a bit of "a lack of human heart and a snake swallowing an elephant".

Director Zhang also smiled: "Well, it's almost the same, we still follow the principle of proximity, right?"

"Well, the principle of proximity." Ye Ming held the pen and kept turning it in his hand: "The main thing is to take care of the power generation unit, and we can use it as a follow-up expansion direction."

"Well, that's right! Anyway, this area will be ours from now on!"

"Yes, if there is no accident, the assembly period of the integrated factory can be completed within three days and put into operation within a week." Ye Ming pursed his lips, exhaled lightly, and then laughed at himself: "This day is really Difficult."

Everyone laughed too.

Yes, as the Yueyue successfully landed on the moon and began to carry out its mission, the people in the country were already overjoyed, and the whole country fell into a carnival.

But only they know that the most difficult thing is yet to come, and it still depends on how the lunar soil is refined.

Fortunately, the helium-3 content of the lunar soil today has been released. Although it is not very rich, it is completely within the acceptable range of the plan. The next step is only large-scale refining.

And the refining process involves the collection of lunar soil—although everyone believes in XCMG's machinery, no one is sure about this long-term, mechanical reciprocating task!

Therefore, although everyone is very relaxed now, in fact, no one can really breathe a sigh of relief until the refined helium 3 is not enough to serve as the return fuel.

And as long as this period of time is over, as long as everything runs according to plan, then... the next unmanned transport ship of Xuntian will make its debut.

According to the plan, the Yaoyue will return after performing a two-month mission, perform a two-month rest and spacecraft maintenance assessment, and then lift off with the Xuntian-1 transport ship again in September.

With a professional transport ship, there are more things that can be carried.

"Now that the water ice has been determined, the construction of a water resource collection plant must be taken into consideration—and there is iron ore there, which means that a smelter can be built in the future."

"I'm afraid that iron ore is not easy to mine?"

"Well, it's not good, but that's for later." Ye Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, lost in his imagination: "By the way, the living area should be designed as a gravity area, otherwise I won't get used to everything."

"The main reason is that in low gravity, many things have to be redesigned, and habits have to be changed-the cup will fly when touched, that's really unbearable."

"Yes." Ye Ming nodded again: "In addition to the moon base, there is also a space city... Hey, I really won't be the commander next time, I can't stand it."

Everyone was startled, and then burst out laughing.

Indeed, Ye Ming's toil and worries these days are seen by everyone.

Frankly speaking, if it is not the first time that he is inexperienced and a genius like Ye Ming who can coordinate the overall situation must be in charge, in fact, everyone does not want Ye Ming to suffer.

Such a baby bump, I'm really tired and lying down, then it's really...

Therefore, when the BOSS was about to leave, he would pull Ye Ming and tell him to pay attention to rest, combine work and rest, and there are stars and seas waiting for him...

Amidst the laughter, Ye Ming's phone rang.

After a while, Director Niu's voice came.

"You're still in a meeting, right?"

Ye Ming glanced at everyone: "The meeting is about to end, is there something urgent?"

"If you say it's urgent, it's urgent, if you say it's not urgent, it's not urgent." Director Niu said with a slight smile in his voice: "You don't need to arrange a discussion right away."

"Huh? What's the matter..." Ye Ming paused, and immediately said: "Fuck, is it Lao Mei...?"

"Haha! Yes, a note has been sent over there, and Guo Wuqing and officials with a bad foot are rushing to the capital overnight. So you said...for what?"

Ye Ming coughed immediately: "Are they planning to land on the moon and let Yaoyue take it back?"

Director Niu obviously laughed: "Well, the summary is like this. But the note sent is to strengthen space cooperation, promote bilateral relations, and realize the peaceful development of the moon."

Ye Ming was stunned, and then laughed.

When Ye Ming said the content of the note, everyone laughed like him.

I have to say, it's about this time...

"Lao Mei really cares about face." Director Zhang laughed, thought for a while and then said seriously: "Then should we inform Yaoyue? Let them prepare to order the cabin out?"

"I don't think it's necessary for the time being..." Ye Ming pondered for a few seconds and then shook his head: "Since they care about face so much, they definitely won't cooperate with us. Besides, all the equipment and systems of Yaoyue are in Chinese, and ita It's also incompatible with their equipment... What can they do here? Grab two handfuls of moon soil? Or grab two handfuls of shallots?"

Someone added with a smile: "You can also learn how to fry sugar."

"Hahahaha! Well, I guess they will only send people here when they are about to leave at the end."

Ye Ming nodded: "Well, they are not in a hurry, what are we in a hurry for?"

Yaoyue not only adopts an integrated design, but also all the interface language, operation guide and even the system are incompatible with the West.

Even if Lao Mei was brought in, they would be blinded.

Instead of coming over and being restrained, it's better to toss yourself.


Braque's special plane landed slowly in the capital.

Different from the grand welcome scene in other places, this time... there was not such a grand welcome ceremony, only a few officials and the ambassador from his side were waiting.

It seemed that he came here this time just to discuss a different business than usual.

Suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, Blake quickly got into the car, and then arrived at the location of this interview.

Well, he came here today... indeed, he was just talking about business.

And it's a business involving billions of dollars.

It's Party A who spent money, he didn't feel the treatment he should receive as a rich man.

Thinking of this, Braque's face turned ashen for a while.

Following the guidance of the staff, Braque walked into the conference hall silently.

The old opponent with a serious expression on the opposite side was smiling at the moment.

"Mr. Black, welcome."

"Let's get straight to the point."


"As indicated in the note, we hope that the two sides will abandon all interference and strengthen cooperation in the field of space..."

The owner of this house has been listening to the other party with a smile.

Then, he looked at Braque again and smiled meaningfully.

"Mr. Braque, why are you beating around the bush like this? Just say that you need to take the Yueyue to come back."

Braque exhaled slowly and looked directly at the other party: "There must be cooperation in space!"

"Yes, of course, cooperation." The host smiled again: "300 million dollars per cabin."

(This paragraph is awkward, dare not write)

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