From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 330 I have successfully reached the moon and I am in good condition

There was silence in the conference room.

No one dared to suggest anything.

Because... When hearing that the insulation tile "seems" to have "scratches", everyone's minds will rise to the disaster 23 years ago.

——In 2003, Columbia was also launched here, but it disintegrated on the way back to Earth after completing its mission.

None of the seven astronauts remained.

The cause of the accident was that during takeoff, a piece of foam fell off at high speed and hit and damaged the heat insulation tile of the wing.

During the return process, high-speed friction with the air caused high-temperature airflow to enter the wings, and eventually led to the disintegration of the entire spacecraft.

The reason why NASA has slowed down the pace of space exploration in the following years is that the loss of Columbia and the previous Challenger accident are very important reasons.

It can be said that the three words of heat insulation tile make people tremble when they hear it.

In the silence, Chief Bowles exhaled slowly.

"Prepare a plan and give it to the white house."


There was a commotion in the White House.

"President, the cause of the failure can be preliminarily determined at present. It is because the material cabin is too heavy, and the center of gravity is shifted so that the posture changes, and there is no time to adjust. Abandoning the material cabin is the best choice."

"What can be confirmed at present is that they lost some equipment and some materials and tools for building the base, and there is no problem with food and space equipment."

"That is to say, when they go up, they can only do a little basic research and investigation, and bring back lunar soil and other mineral resources."

"Of course, these are not important. The important thing is that the spaceship's insulation tiles have scratches and are very likely to be damaged, but how serious it is can only be determined after the deceleration is completed and people are sent out of the cabin for inspection. "

"But it doesn't matter..."

Listening to the long-winded words of the scientific advisor, the master, who had already been a little impatient, growled angrily: "Then what is important?"

"As long as there is a defect in the insulation tile, we dare not let them return on Artemis."

The science advisor looked to the owner of the house: "None of us can afford another Columbia accident."

The occupant of the white house fell silent at once when he heard the Columbia.

"Is it because of the insulation tiles in Columbia?"

"Yes, sir."

"Kennedy gave three plans. The first one is to carry out the D-plan transfer and be picked up by other spacecraft. The second is to execute the C plan, land again, and complete a small number of tasks before the transfer. The third Also log in and ask them for help."

The scientific advisor pursed his lips and looked at the TV.

Of course, there is no news on TV now.

"Now, the Yaoyue has entered the landing stage. Their spaceship is full of 80 people, and there is enough space..."

The master's eyebrows were instantly raised, and uncontrollable surprise rose in his eyes.

"Sir, this is currently the best... It is also the safest and most economical solution."

"Then how are you sure they can bring people back?"

After a few seconds of silence, the scientific advisor said softly, "If you can't bring it back, it's not our responsibility."



When NASA announced that Artemis had returned to orbit and interrupted the live broadcast, most of the viewers focused their attention on the moon landing of the Yueyue.

Provincial Jiaotong Brain-Computer Center, everyone gathered in the coffee shop on the fifth floor again.

The screen on the TV is showing that the Yaoyue is descending in the sky "leisurely and happily".

In the picture, the main engine of Yaoyue has stopped ejecting matter, and only the attitude engine is ejecting plasma beams.

This kind of landing has already been shown nakedly, the Yaoyue is using the anti-gravity force field.

Moreover, in the connection between the command center and Yaoyue, apart from the attitude engine, the most mentioned status report is about the "force field".

You said, with such a "black technology" blessing, what suspense is there?

So everyone felt very relaxed, and inevitably talked about the situation of Artemis.

Just because there are no more details, everyone can only guess.

"First of all, eliminate their style of promotion, and let Yaoyue take the lead in landing on the moon this century."

"Hahaha, I think the biggest possibility is that the landing attitude is wrong, and then go back into the air and do it again."

"It's possible, but maybe they forgot to take something? Didn't they prepare well this time? They just sent supplies to the orbit several times in the early stage."

"You guessed it too amateurishly... How could aerospace engineering be so careless?"

"Maybe, Lao Mei has dropped the space shuttle twice."

"Cough... say something good, if they really get into trouble, we can still be saved."

"Well, but it's too late to save it now. The Yaoyue is about to land, and it will take at least a month before it takes off."

Everyone was discussing in a hurry, but Qi and Mo still hugged their cousin's slender waist, and watched the TV without blinking.

At this point, the screen has switched to the vision of Yaoyue.

On the screen, Yaoyue is getting closer and closer to the moon, and can already clearly see the desolate and vast lunar surface.

"Xichang, the Yaoyue will start the landing procedure in three hundred seconds."

"Received in Xichang, the Yueyue will carry out a pre-landing force field inspection."

"Received by the Invitation to the Moon, the force field generator is in good condition, running stably, and all data is normal."

"Received in Xichang, invite the moon, pay attention to maintaining posture."

"Received the invitation to the moon."

Following the dialogue, the Yueyue began the landing procedure.

The landing speed of the spacecraft also slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If the Yaoyue was like a sinking ship in the water before, it has turned into a light fallen leaf now.

So... a magical scene appeared on the barrage of all the live broadcast platforms.

"Damn it, this makes me have high blood pressure."

"The speed at which this old lady crosses the road... that buddy who hangs the big man, calculate the speed?"

"According to visual inspection, the speed does not exceed 2 meters per second, which is purely the speed of the elevator."

"Stable batch!"

"Come on, invite the moon!"

Amidst countless anxious "urgings", the earth is getting closer. ,

Accompanied by a puff of smoke, the picture on Yaoyue no longer changes.

Everyone held their breath at the same time.

On the TV, there was no sound at all.

Yang Hongbo, the captain of the Yaoyue who has been in contact with Ye Ming and an old astronaut with many spaceflight experiences, took a deep breath.

People all over the world heard this tone.

After a while, Captain Yang's voice sounded with a smile.

"Xichang, this is the Yaoyue. I have successfully reached the moon. The Yaoyue is in good condition."

"Xichang received it, invites the moon, and prepares to connect to the capital communication."


In the Xichang command hall, everyone stood up at the same time, applause and cheers resounded.

From the week before the Yaoyue was ignited, the scientists and engineers in the entire command hall have entered a state of tension, especially in the past few days, many of them have not even slept at all.

Everyone has lost weight visibly.

Now that the Yaoyue has successfully landed, that means... the long march of ten thousand li has already completed half of it.

The remaining missions, although dangerous, are at least not as frightening as they are now.

After Ye Ming hugged and shook hands with Director Zhang, and waved to everyone behind him...he walked quickly to his lounge.

He desperately needed to close his eyes and rest, even if he couldn't sleep.


That night, the news channel broadcast the landing situation of Yaoyue in full length, and all the leaders attended the congratulatory meeting and the connection with Yaoyue at the same time.

Of course, the whole country has already fallen into a collective carnival without the deliberate "emphasis" of the news channel.

Countless people posted a toast to invite the moon—even though they could only invite the first quarter moon.

All the social media, as well as the media pages, were all occupied by the news that the Yueyue successfully landed on the moon with more than 60 people on board.

The aerospace industry of various countries issued congratulations one after another.

Among them, NASA is also included.

Of course, not all the media expressed their congratulations.

In particular, certain media dedicated to smearing the country, both in and out of the words, expressed a strong sour taste, and even said "I hope this will not be the beginning of a space monopoly and colonization." .

Hmm... This shows how wise it is that Yaoyue did not continue to broadcast live the execution of the mission to the moon.


Eight o'clock in the evening Earth time.

Six hours after the Invitation Moon landed.

South Pole of the Moon.

Invitation to the moon base.

As the first batch of humans to land on the moon, Captain Yang Hongbo didn't say any "adverbs of pride" when he stepped on the moon. Instead, he took everyone to take a simple group photo and started working.

after all……

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" is really awesome.

No matter what people said on the moon later, they could not exceed this sentence. much work to do, need I say?

Just do it!

The first thing to do, of course, is to build an energy system.

Under the sun, dozens of people mobilized together to unfold the prefabricated solar panels facing the sun one by one.

Subsequently, Li Dongsheng and other engineers began to use engineering robotic arms to complete the line docking.

"The connection of solar panels in the fourth area is completed."

"The connection of solar panels in the first area is completed."

"The solar panel connection in the third area is completed."

"All solar panels are laid and connected to the grid."

"Xichang, I have connected the solar panels to the grid."

"Invite the moon, execute the grid-connected auxiliary project."


Hearing Ye Ming's voice from the command center again, Li Dongsheng looked back at the sun that was so dazzling that he couldn't look directly at it, and pressed his personal communicator.

"Commander Ye, take a break."

"Haha, Captain Li, if you don't rest, how can I have the nerve to rest?"

After a while, Ye Ming's voice continued: "How is the factory equipment? Have you finished the inspection?"

"Old Liu and the others are checking. Everything is going well so far. We will confirm the address of the factory tomorrow."

As he spoke, Li Dongsheng looked around.

Under the sun, the geological exploration team members are already driving the lunar rover and returning.

"Well, whether you can return successfully... depends on you."

"no problem!"

"By the way, haven't you seen Artemis yet?"

"No, aren't they coming?"

" may have to be prepared. According to the news, there is something wrong with Artemis's heat insulation layer, and it will be difficult to re-enter the atmosphere."


Li Dongsheng walked briskly on the moon soil on his toes: "Do they want our help?"

Ye Ming laughed: "At present, they just released the news, I guess...sooner or later we will have to help."

During the conversation between the two, the lunar rover gradually approached.

After a while, the geological captain's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Good news! We found a lot of water ice! And there is iron ore nearby!"

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