From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 332 The moon welcomes you, Mr. Joseph.

Three days later, on May 25th.

From the ignition to this time, exactly one week has passed.

Even for such a great feat as the success of landing on the moon, without the follow-up live broadcast and the disclosure of more details, public opinion seems to be unable to escape the seven-day law of Internet public opinion, and then became quiet.

Of course, the changes and impacts that the Yueyue landing on the moon will bring to China and even the entire human world are inevitable.

Rather than saying that people tend to follow the essence of life and no longer waste energy to pay attention to the distant sky, it is better to say that after these days of carnival, everyone has gradually accepted that human beings have substantially completed the feat of truly conquering another planet.

And when the news channel reported that Yaoyue had completed the construction of the Helium 3 factory, although netizens were also forwarding comments, it was obvious that the enthusiasm was not enough.

Well, to sum it up, people's G-spot got higher. If you want to reproduce the carnival of the whole people, I am afraid that the only way is to land on Mars.

But it is different in Xichang Command Center.

When it was heard that the factory was set up and all equipment and machinery were completely normal, there was five minutes of applause in the command hall on the ground.

And that night, Ye Ming had a rare drink with everyone, and then slept through the drunkenness until noon the next day.

This was the most sound sleep he had had in the past half month.

When he woke up, there was another news from Yaoyue that the first trial production was successful.

At the same time, He Mo also told him that the higher-ups had already negotiated to bring 15 people back from the moon, and the package price would be 4.5 billion knives.


"Why don't you bring them all back?"

Ye Ming rubbed his eyes while eating the boxed lunch that He Mo brought back from the cafeteria. He looked confused, paused, frowned slightly, and smiled again: "Okay, I understand, they are reluctant to part with the pile of broken copper." Rotten iron."

He Mo coughed and blinked lightly: "Why are you so smart?"

"...Is this not obvious? They must be taking Artemis from the moon to orbit, and then repairing it in orbit." Ye Ming pouted as he spoke: "It is probably because they are afraid that the spacecraft will stay on the moon. It will be dismantled by us, you are stingy."

"That's what we guessed too."

"It's only 4.5 billion knives... Fuck, this price is okay!"

"That's pretty good!"

The two laughed at the same time.

What is this equivalent to? This is equivalent to when a taxi takes a long distance to return to the city and returns to the air, only to meet someone who happens to be on the way...

To put it bluntly, the money was picked for nothing.

——By the way, there is another thing that this time the Invitation to the Moon did not send a lunar rover to the Camel Kingdom.

After the Moon Landing Project was announced last year, as a responsible Party B, in order to continue the close and friendly cooperative relationship between the two parties, China and the Camel Country re-signed the contract, changing the lunar rover to send two astronauts up.

You see, how atmospheric!


After eating, Ye Ming washed up again before entering the command center.

The command center has already held a round of meetings in the morning. It stands to reason that as the commander-in-chief of the moon landing, he must not be able to hold meetings without him. But compared to these rules, everyone cares more about letting him rest for a while—— And everyone knows that Ye Ming doesn't care about these.

"The results of our preliminary discussion in the morning have been summarized on the Aita project, take a look."

As soon as he sat down at the meeting, Director Zhang greeted him with a smile: "Seeing that you are sleeping soundly, I didn't bother you."

"Yeah, it's okay." Ye Ming smiled while turning on the computer: "I really want to thank you all...I really slept well this time."

The minutes of the meeting are actually very simple, that is, according to the previous space cooperation plan, everyone initially drafted a plan and precautions for reception, especially issues related to certain classified areas.

But as Ye Ming said, there is actually nothing to see about the spaceship—the shape of the spaceship has been announced, and the most important engines and two force field generators are "hidden" and are modular in design.

Unless you can disassemble the ship into parts! Otherwise, it is useless to look at it. In fact, in the previous four-day live broadcast, the internal structure of the spacecraft has been "leaked" almost. (There is also an aerospace class in China, which introduces the structure and internal conditions of the space station in detail)

Of course, some areas are still not allowed to visit.

Like a military zone.

So far, no one in the outside world knows that the Yaoyue actually has missile launchers and laser launchers—they are hidden at the bottom of the spacecraft, disguised as the material compartment of the restaurant.

After reading the record, Ye Ming immediately signed his name.

"No problem, send it directly to Yaoyue. By the way, where is Artemis now?"

"They...are preparing to land."

Ye Ming laughed immediately after being stunned: "Good guy, are they so fast? Where did they land?"

Director Zhang blinked: "Guess!"

Ye Ming was stunned: "No way? They want to be neighbors with Yaoyue?"

"I can only say that it's not far away."




Since the failed landing a few days ago and the loss of the supply compartment, you said that it would not affect everyone's emotions... that is obviously impossible.

The reason why they changed the plan before was to complete the first return of this century on the moon before the Yueyue.

But a slight mistake, instead of being the first to say nothing, caused them to drift in orbit for five days... Even now they have to take someone else's boat to return...

This mood really can't get better.

It's just that the situation is stronger than people, no matter how difficult it is to accept, you have to accept it.

Time passed by second by second.

Gradually, the horizon rises in front of your eyes and gradually spreads.

As the land and mountains approached, everyone subconsciously held their breath.

Finally, with a slight vibration, the lunar module stopped descending, and everyone looked out through the porthole at the same time.

Under the pale sunlight, the Yaoyue was like a hill, standing quietly five kilometers away, and two moving objects were rushing towards it.

In silence, the commander exhaled lightly.

"Kennedy, we have successfully landed on the moon."

"Artemis, this is Kennedy, congratulations."


"Artemis, please implement the follow-up plan."


The commander raised his head and looked at the people behind him: "Hey, everyone get off the boat, let's say hello to the friends who arrived first."


Ten minutes later, Captain Yang and Academician Huo Liang took a lunar rover and arrived at the landing site of Artemis together.

Although everyone teased, how did you say that sentence?

This is going to the moon, going out, not to mention a dozen or so big living people, even if there are more than a dozen... they must be taken care of carefully!

And as the "masters" who arrived first, they should also come to pick them up.

The door of the car was opened wide, and the six astronauts of the Yueyue were invited to get out of the car together and waited quietly outside the hatch of Artemis.

Everything they saw was also transmitted to the Xichang Command Center via satellite.

A few minutes later, the Artemis hatch opened.

Commander Joseph Akaba walked out of the hatch first.

Captain Yang smiled slightly, and adjusted the communication to the other party's wireless frequency band.

Then, he slowly stretched out his right hand.

The other party also stretched out his hand.

The two held hands tightly.


An astronaut held up the camera next to him, leaving this precious scene.

"Welcome to the moon, Mr. Joseph."

This sentence was transmitted to the ears of all the crew members through Joseph's earphones, and also to Kennedy.

The expressions of everyone who heard this sentence changed.

They... do they really regard themselves as the masters of the moon? !

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