From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 322 If you want to go to heaven, you must enter the rules

Although Ye Ming stayed in Xichang most of the time this month, it doesn't mean he doesn't know how much effort has been made around the world to resolve this incident, and how many "speculations" have been born.

To put it bluntly, even in "that" country, it can already be seen that... the world pattern is about to change.

Except for some "iron men", no one can refuse the "contribution of support".

Then... Correspondingly, as a new boss who is about to take over, he must make some gestures.

As far as Ye Ming knows, at least in the field of aerospace scientific research, the above has begun to join hands with other countries. Many countries from Asia, Europe, the Middle East and even Africa have issued applications for landing on the moon.

Of course, today Ye Ming mainly wants to know what is the country's attitude towards the allocation of space resources.


Tang and Chen looked at each other and laughed.

Professor Tang picked up the teacup and gently blew the tea foam, took a sip and looked at Ye Ming.

"It depends on where you stand."

Ye Ming immediately coughed and blinked: "Then what do you think I should stand for?"

Teacher Chen just smiled: "Good boy, who did you learn this Tai Chi from?"

"Hey, of course I learned from the two teachers."

"Get out." Teacher Chen cursed with a smile, pondered for a few seconds, and then smiled: "That's right, I don't believe that you are here for money, right?"

Ye Ming nodded.

No matter how much his personal wealth is, it is impossible to mobilize the power of the whole country.

"Then, Jizhi Technology needs to consider the issue from the standpoint of the country."

Ye Ming: "...Okay."

From the perspective of shareholding structure, Jizhi Technology is already a state-owned holding company in essence, but the state has always followed its promise and has not engaged in other behaviors such as airborne management.

Of course, the chairman Tang Zhigao himself is a member of the D and vice-principal office. What are you airborne for?

"In the future, the country will set up a special energy group to complete the exploitation of space resources. Jizhi Technology can use the method of equity participation to achieve in-depth cooperation and profit distribution. Of course, the leadership will still be completed by this new energy group."

"Well... now this new energy group is still in preparation, to put it bluntly, it is still competing with each other, because it involves multiple groups and departments, this cake is too big... it is bound to touch the interests of many people. "

Ye Ming nodded again.

This is inevitable, not to mention traditional energy minerals, even traditional power plants and power grids will definitely come to grab them!

Because the technological line of helium-3 fusion will directly revolutionize the existing power energy system.

If you don't get on the bus, then the related industries it involves will face the torrent of the technological revolution, which cannot be stopped by anyone or any group.

"So you have to know that you are actually quite hated." Professor Chen joked.

Ye Ming laughed.

"However, this does not have much impact on us, because we mainly provide solutions. Whether it is domestic or international."

Ye Ming raised his eyebrows slightly: "International? Wouldn't it be asking us to send it up, and then let them mine it..."

Professor Tang added: "The old American side has updated a new plan, boasting that Haikou will jointly develop resources."

Ye Ming immediately pursed his mouth: "Their progress, it will take at least two years to complete the then we will have planted red flags all over the place."

Professor Tang looked at him with a smile: "It's business."

Ye Ming coughed: "Well, the surface area of ​​the moon is still quite large... two years can't be finished, but it's enough for us to pick the resources first."

The surface area of ​​the moon is 38 million square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​four Chinese continents. Even if half of the places that are not easy to be developed and mined are removed, at least half of them can be built and developed.

Even if the country is known as an infrastructure madman, and it is necessary to build a mining area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers... that will not work.

It can only be said that helium 3 and various rare earths, ore-enriched areas can be selected first, and... now no one knows how many water ice areas there are.

The moon not only has helium 3, but also a large amount of rare earths and various metal minerals, and both rare earths and smelting require a lot of water.

If all this water is sent by the earth...

It might as well send steel directly from the earth.

"That means, we still have to adopt a cooperative approach to let other countries come up? What about the conditions?"

"According to the news, there are two preliminary conditions, one: settlement in RMB; two: inclusion in Aita's automated production and management system."

Ye Ming immediately took a breath: "Damn!"

Professor Tang nodded with a smile, and said leisurely: "Capital needs to be transformed and transferred to become sheep, otherwise they will become rich wolves and wild dogs. Although they are not afraid, it is annoying to bite you."

Ye Ming exhaled and nodded slightly.

In fact, his previous idea was very simple, that is, the country took advantage of the leading window period of two to three to five years to directly occupy all that should be accounted for, and expanded wildly...planting red flags all over the place.

——This sounds very inconsistent with the feelings he should have as a scientist.

But in fact, Ye Ming understood very early on that to realize his dreams, or in other words, to deal with those possible crises, or to put it more grandly - to push human civilization and technology to a higher level...

Then, you must have a strong collective will that absolutely supports you.

This collective will can be a country or a collection of countries.

But now it seems that it is very difficult to rely on the collection of countries to support themselves.

Only one's own motherland will support oneself without reservation.

Then it is most logical to grab the greatest benefits for one's own motherland and expand like a snowball... that is the most logical.

However... With the growth in the past two years, he also realized that the country is indeed supporting him unconditionally.

But this world is not as simple as playing games.

What the country needs to consider more is rising and standing.

Realizing this is also the reason why Ye Ming pays attention to how the cake will be distributed.

Now, the meaning of the state is clear.

——If you want to go to heaven, you must enter within my rules.

"Of course, everything is still under discussion. After all, we haven't really gone to heaven." Professor Tang said with a smile: "And if you think about it, if the country wants to take the lead, it has to spend more money... If it is all borne by the country, it will not be good for us. Right now, the pressure is really high. So the more big boys, the better."

"Besides, before the energy is completely liberated and materials are extremely abundant, the nature of the world's operations remains unchanged." Professor Tang earnestly taught: "If we want to live a good life, we still need to grab from other countries... High school politics, I I believe you can understand."

Ye Ming: "Cough..."


It is definitely impossible to talk about business affairs completely in New Year's greetings, and the topic of the two soon shifted to Ye Ming's lifelong events...

This almost made Ye Ming run away.

In the end, it was Tang Haowen who opened the door to help, saying that he had thought of a good idea of ​​non-invasive nerve invasion.

As the first person to carry a chip back to life, Tang Haowen has fallen into a state of frantic study since his body regained consciousness.

Ye Ming naturally understands this feeling - he wants to make up for the three years he lost.

Therefore, in less than a year, Tang Haowen completed the computer science credits with the assistance of Aita. During this period, he has been cooperating with Mogu and others to conduct various experiments, and has developed a strong interest in medicine .

Judging from the fields he has been involved in and his learning status, Tang Haowen even fits the setting of a "monster scientist" better than Ye Ming.

"In the past year, Sister Mogu and the others have been trying to apply hybrid chips to various brain diseases, especially degenerative diseases, but you know, these experiments are very troublesome."

Ye Ming nodded. To apply the hybrid chip to various brain and nerve diseases, it needs to be connected to the central nervous system... This operation is not only difficult, but also extremely dangerous.

For degenerative brain diseases, including brain atrophy, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, the current idea is to see if it is possible to stimulate the nerves through chips and signals, so as to restore part of the brain ability of the patient. At worst, AI intervention can also be used to improve the quality of life of patients.

But that's easy to say, but really hard to do.

These diseases are mainly "geriatric diseases". And the elderly have to have a craniotomy... the risk is extremely high.

Therefore, the brain-computer center has been designing a low-invasive intervention method.

As a "core member" of the Mogu team, Tang Haowen is naturally involved in it.

Tang Haowen asked Ye Ming to sit on the chair, and then told Ita to open the design drawing.

On the picture, is a pushpin-shaped design drawing.

"This is the inspiration I got from senior brother Sheng Fei." Tang Haowen manipulated the design drawing, revealing the cross section of the needle: "This is a needle with a diameter of 1.5 mm, and there are pre-laid pipes inside, which can complete forty to six needles. Ten or so GTRGD fiber wires."

"Then you see, the outer side of the fiber wire area is designed to intervene in the catalytic solution, which can be catalyzed by electrical control."

"In this way, we can directly intervene in the nerve through a needle, and we can even design another layer to hold the anesthetic."

Tang Haowen took a breath as he spoke, and said excitedly: "When the time comes, just press it on the nerve... and that's it."

Before Ye Ming could speak, Professor Tang's voice came from behind him: "Then how do you know if the nerve is aligned? And how do you solve the interference of the needle tube on the nerve?"

Ye Ming and Tang Haowen turned their heads at the same time.

Professor Tang shrugged: "My son has been ill for a long time, so I will naturally become a doctor. I still know a little bit."

Ye Ming laughed.

Tang Haowen also coughed embarrassingly.

But immediately, Ye Ming frowned slightly.

If it is really possible to make this pushpin-like interventional device... Not to mention the interference later, but it is definitely convenient, and the wound is extremely small.

"A different material?" Professor Chen, who also came to watch the excitement, joked with a smile.

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback: "What material?"

"How do I know, anyway, materials that don't stimulate nerves, or materials that can fuse muscles."

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