From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 323 Space City and Space Observatory

A long time ago, Ye Ming determined that the ultimate direction of future human information terminals should be brain-computer chips.

This is not his random guess... He analyzed it based on facts.

As a scientist, or Ye Ming prefers to call himself an engineer - he never thinks that the connection between Ita or the system and him is because of his "extraordinary talent" and "the chosen one".

The greatness of science lies largely in its repeatability and universality—this is why "technology can benefit mankind".

Then, Ye Ming naturally believes that the "technology" that the system can communicate with itself can be repeated and "enjoyed" by everyone.

Moreover, the implementation model of this technology must also be ultra-distance + centralization.

Therefore, whether it is Jizhi Technology or the Brain-Computer Center, they are all platforms, or "credentials", for Ye Ming to work towards this aspect.

It's just that in the past two years, Ye Ming has been busy in the field of fusion and aerospace, and paid little attention to the brain-computer center, so that people have an illusion about him, thinking that he is a genius scientist like Einstein... But in fact , quantum computer AI expert, and "fire stealer" in the material world are Ye Ming's original identities.

——His position is the "Director of Brain Science Joint Research Center" of Provincial University and Provincial Jiaotong University!

Just when Ye Ming was lost in thought, Tang Haowen said: "Uncle Chen, we discussed it when Brother Sheng was here before, and the existing conditions are not enough to meet our conditions."

Ye Ming immediately asked: "Have you used Aita to simulate new materials?"

"I've used it, but Aita gave a lot of molecular formulas, and then exhaustively listed the synthesis methods... To be honest, this is a bit mysterious." After a pause, Tang Haowen laughed: "Dr. Zhou tried several Synthesis, the result is a bald head..."

Ye Ming smiled and nodded slightly.

Whether it is computational chemistry or computational materials science, they are actually very mature now, especially in the field of polymers. Aita can give many molecular formulas of imaginary materials based on theories.

But giving it out does not mean that the material with this molecular formula can really exist, let alone that it can be manufactured.

"Let me see what imaginary materials Aita gave that meet the requirements." Ye Ming glanced back and saw that Ita was still watching TV in the living room, so he turned on the microphone of his notebook: "Aita, Ye Ming. "

Aita's voice sounded immediately: "Hello, Ye Ming."

"The terminal of this machine retrieves the material analysis results of the brain-computer center." After a pause, Ye Ming continued: "Keywords, nerve invasion, body anastomosis, plasticity, insulation, rigidity."

When Tang Haowen heard Ye Ming's accurate description of the needs, admiration arose in his eyes, and he made no secret of his admiration.

His expression was seen by the two professors behind him, and they smiled.

But they didn't interrupt, just looking at the list that popped up on the monitor.

"Good guy... so many." Ye Ming was taken aback.

Tang Haowen laughed: "It's all imaginary materials, and we have to verify them one by one... Maybe we have to wait for the atomic printer."

"Well, I'll take some time to see if I can integrate the existing materials."

Ye Ming glanced at it, and knew that these imaginary materials had to rely on Aita, which would definitely not work - because any step of material generation required experimental verification.

The material experiment is the most prone to errors.

Therefore, unless we “spread hero posts widely” and let material studios all over the world come to conduct large-scale trial and error on some of these materials, it really won’t work.

Then you have to try the material analysis of super simulation for yourself.

"By the way, what is the material idea of ​​your current design?" Ye Ming closed the window, looked at Tang Haowen and asked.

"My idea is to see if I can think of a way to make the hydrosol material two-dimensional, and then fix it on the metal to maintain strength and integrate with the body, and then design a flexible insulating catheter that can be ejected at the probe position, so that it can be avoided. There's a power leak."

"Hey, you can try it."

Ye Ming listened with great interest.

Professor Tang put forward a different opinion: "However, such a small mechanical design of yours will not only cost high, but also reduce reliability."

Ye Ming glanced at Tang Haowen, and then laughed: "Teacher, creativity is the most important thing! I think Brother Haowen has a good idea!"


At noon, Ye Ming had lunch at Professor Tang's house, and then went to Professor Huo Laien's house in the afternoon.

This is the first Spring Festival that Mr. and Mrs. Huo Laien spent in China. Naturally, he wants to pay a visit to avoid loneliness.

But when he knocked on the door, he realized that his worries were unnecessary—the villa of the two professors was full of laughter and laughter, except for the friends they made in the province, there were also scholars and professors who were invited by them last year. one class.

Seeing Ye Ming, everyone was naturally very happy, and soon they took him to chat about the high-dimensional space coordinate system.

Of course, several astrophysicists also chatted about the astrophysical observation experiment after the Yueyue went to the sky.

Many people expressed that if given the opportunity, they would like to take a look in the future "Heavenly Palace" and witness the beauty of the universe with their own eyes.

These people don't know that they will be the first permanent residents of the future space city.

——They still don't know that the Tiangong in the future will have artificial gravity.


On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Ye Ming finally ushered in the day when others wished him New Year greetings.

Zhou Xiangnan and his wife Chen Yun were the first to visit.

"Hey, sister-in-law, be careful." Seeing Chen Yun's big belly, Ye Ming immediately asked Ita to help her up.

"Haha, it's okay, the due date is still one month away." Zhou Xiangnan laughed, helped his wife sit down on the sofa, and said with a smile, "The doctor just asked her to move around properly."

"One more month?" Ye Ming couldn't stare at the big belly, but looking at it... Even if he has never given birth to a child, he knows that the belly is a bit too big.

Chen Yun was careful, and seeing Ye Ming's doubts, she pursed her lips and smiled: "There are two boys."

Ye Ming suddenly realized and smiled: "Then I must congratulate."

"Thank you thank you."

The two exchanged pleasantries, and soon the doorbell rang again.

The one who came this time was Li Lei, who had already got a teaching post in the province, but still stayed at the Sky Eye.

Now that Li Lei is here, it is inevitable to talk about the topic of Xuntian.

Inviting the moon to the sky will not only drive the development of the moon and helium 3, but also include the expansion of the entire space station, the release of orbiting satellites, and space observatories and other projects.

"Xuntian" is an important sub-project of the Space Observatory, currently in charge of by Li Lei.

Its subject goal is to build a space telescope dedicated to observing the "unknown celestial body" that has been confirmed.

Since it does not need to be launched by a rocket, there is a lot of leeway in the design of the sky-seeking telescope. With the assistance of Aita, the design and demonstration have been completed, and the construction unit will be delivered to the construction unit for distributed completion of parts.

Of course, the Sky-finding Telescope will definitely not be able to catch up with the first train from the Yaoyue.

"Where will this telescope be placed?"

After listening to Li Lei and Ye Ming briefly discussing the sky-finding telescope, Zhou Xiangnan asked curiously, "Put it in Earth orbit or L2?"

"Put it on L2."

Zhou Xiangnan immediately laughed: "Wouldn't it be a crash with the Weber telescope?"

The L2 Earth-Sun Lagrangian point is at the gravitational balance point between the sun and the earth, and only requires a very small amount of energy to maintain the orbit. At the same time, because the earth can block most of the sunlight, it can keep the temperature low and reduce disturbance.

This is also the target location of the space observatory in the future.

Li Lei also smiled and said, "Hey, when the observatory is built, we can also upgrade and maintain Weber."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After laughing, Li Lei looked at Ye Ming and said, "But speaking of it, maybe we can really cooperate with Lao Mei and let them install Weber on our observatory, and it will be convenient for maintenance. Not to mention, the conditions of our observatory How wonderful..."

The domestic plan for space research is divided into two major projects: "Space City" and "Space Observatory".

Not to mention the space city, it will be located at the L1 Lagrangian point of the "Earth-Moon", serving as a transfer station between the Earth and the Moon, and at the same time providing scientists with a broader research platform.

The space observatory is expected to build multiple astronomical observatories at L2, L4, L5 and other local Lagrangian points—of course, L4 and L5 are too far away, that needs to be done slowly, and now the most important point is L2.

In the plan, these astronomical observatories will not be very large in scale, and will adopt the current plan of Tiangong, but will increase the construction of artificial gravity, allowing astrophysicists to carry out comfortable space observation and various experiments.

In addition, there is a longer-term plan to build a "sky eye" in space to explore various dimensional waves and rays from the universe.

This can also be regarded as a passive radar for humans facing space.

It's just that this is too late. At least in Ye Ming's plan, the resources for its construction should be developed from the moon.

"If you say that, I think it's really difficult." Zhou Xiangnan said with a smile, "Look at Lao Mei's posture...they still don't give up."

"The will of technology is not based on their will."



The Spring Festival holiday is fleeting.

During this period, Ye Ming chose a molecular formula listed by Aita that was pleasing to the eye.

Then he spent 800 exchange points to create a T-TAVNC-like polymethyl methacrylate material—a bit similar to acrylic, or simply say it is a kind of acrylic.

According to its properties, in addition to being used in invasive hybrid chips, it can also be used in fields such as artificial bones and artificial eyeballs.

And this time, he didn't ask anyone for help.

Ita is a ready-made good helper, or good "labor force".

In addition, she is also very keen on this kind of tinkering, so Ye Ming handed over the synthesis experiment to her.

So, on the first day of the Spring Festival vacation, he also brought this brand new T-TAVNC material, and notified Mogu and Tang Haowen who had been waiting for his message to come to his office.

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