From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 321 Cake After Landing on the Moon

January twenty-fourth.

This year's Spring Festival obviously has to come earlier, and the 24th is already the 25th of the twelfth lunar month.

Ye Ming and Qi and Mo have stayed here for more than ten days—in fact, Qi and Mo had completed all the debugging of the main control computer three days ago, and they can go home.

It's just that she was not very willing to give up the opportunity to get along with Ye Ming, and also wanted to see the last moment of completion, so she stayed.

Therefore, she was also able to witness the birth of the first spaceship in human history.

With the last insulation tile installed by Ye Ming himself, the audience applauded like thunder for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ming and Director Zhang made a brief completion speech.

Then everyone present, one counts as one, took out a pen and wrote their names on the disposable film of the insulation tile and started taking pictures.

Ye Ming was also unavoidable, but he didn't have a pen in his hand, and when he looked behind Qi and Mo's head, he found that there was no pen inserted in the back of Qi and Mo's head.

"Huh? Where's your pen?"

"Cough... I won't forget things now." Qi Yumo chuckled, and took out a gel pen from his pocket: "Can I write?"

"Of course, those who see it will have a share."

"Then help me take a picture."

After taking a group photo, Qi and Mo and several company colleagues left first. She is now an executive of the company, and she still cannot miss certain meetings of the company at this critical time of year.

Ye Ming continued to stay in Xichang, and he will participate in the anti-gravity force field test that will last for the next three days.

The anti-gravity force field is the most important device for taking off and landing in a gravity environment, and there is no room for mistakes—Ye Ming stayed here ten days ago, but it really wasn't to avoid some missiles.

Moreover, this is also the last test that can be done under the existing conditions.

After the test is completed, and after the Spring Festival, it will enter the assembly stage of materials and various equipment.

That is... the preparation stage for takeoff!


three days later.

Ye Ming shook hands with Director Zhang and various structural design engineers.

"It's not easy!" Director Zhang looked at the data in different environments for three consecutive days, and let out a long breath.

"It's a pity, I can't do the ignition test." Ye Ming put his hands on his waist, looked up at the spaceship that was quietly crawling in the stability tank again, and was filled with emotion.

As early as a week ago, after the "mild" exercise in the Philippine Sea ended, Ye Ming and Director Zhang made a report, requesting a re-ignition test, and also tested the anti-gravity force field simulation during take-off using the energy of the engine— —This way, it can be as close as possible to the state at the time of take-off.

However, after three days of consideration, the above gave a reply. Should they be told to wait, or should they reserve enough energy to deal with the threat? Don’t worry about re-ignition, as long as you can light it again before takeoff. During this period, multiple departments will start again. Think of a way to see if we can get some Helium 3 over...

Well, I heard the reply like this, what do you think Ye Ming and the others want?

Of course not.

And this kind of reply also reflects the attitude of the higher authorities towards Lao Mei... they are still vigilant.

After all, compared to the threat in the air, the failure during the take-off phase is actually nothing-the problem with the engine is more likely to fail to fly than to blow up.

"It's almost there, don't expect too much." Chief Zhang asked, "Will you leave today or tomorrow?"

"I'm leaving right away... I can't stay here for the New Year." Ye Ming glanced at the sky, and exhaled with a smile: "Everyone, too, let's go home to celebrate the New Year, and we will get together next year when it's over!"

"Hahaha! Let's meet again next year!"


Three hours later, the helicopter slowly landed on the roof of the brain-computer center.

After reuniting with Ita and He Mo who were guarding the roof, Ye Ming took Zhong Lei and others home for the New Year - their family has moved into the villa area of ​​the School of Physics.

After the reunion dinner, Zhong Lei and the others announced their farewell.

Ye Ming also followed his father to the basement.

This basement was arranged at the place where the house was designed - it is a wide underground workshop.

There are not only machine tools with various functions inside, but also four six-axis high-precision robotic arms that can be linked.

If I had to describe it, it's the real-life version of Iron Man's office.

It's just... This office was repaired according to Ye Ming's ideas, but the will actually embodied was indeed his father's.

Or more precisely, Ita's.

At this time, Ita was squatting in front of the brand-new outer armor and mechanical arm. Seeing Ye Ming and his son coming down, she raised two bionic arms and made a heart shape on top of her head.

Ye Ming was delighted to see it, and turned to look at his father: "Dad, have you done DY for her?"

"No!" The old man flatly denied.

"Then how did she learn the movements of those little sisters?"

"Isn't this action nice?" Ita blinked her eyes in confusion.

——Because she had to go to class, her "eyes" were changed half a year ago, and a very simple digital screen was added, which can be used to simulate eyes and express "emotions".

As for the reason for such a change... of course, it is because her previously naked binocular camera really does not match the temperament she expressed.

It's just that in this way, the imaging effect will be somewhat affected, so she made up her own mind and said that a camera should be placed on the left and right sides of the chest...

Ye Ming almost died laughing when he heard this request.

In the end, after knowing what the two openings meant, Ita quickly compromised and changed to drilling a small hole under the neck.

But after being influenced by various hand-made videos, the old man still has the basic aesthetics, so he made a small heart hole for her. When you look at it suddenly, you will think it is a necklace she is wearing.

"Well, it looks good, but...don't compare to those students."

"Don't worry, Teacher Yi is very serious!"

Ye Ming laughed loudly.

"Okay, Teacher Yi, turn off the phone."


After the voice fell, she walked under the support frame and automatically cut off the power supply.

Then, her voice rang in Ye Ming's ears: "Ye Ming, make me look more beautiful!"

"That is required!"


Next, Ye Ming and his father began to take care of Ita's mechanical body——true health care.

"Good guy!" Looking at the dust inside the machine, the father shook his head: "So much dust... You said you didn't see her running to the construction site every day, it's just like a computer."

Ye Ming also touched the adult dust accumulated on the shell, and said with a smile: "The main reason is that there is a lot of dust on the playground, and she doesn't notice how dirty she is."

"I don't think she minds." The father also laughed: "The little girl has a family, so she doesn't care."

Ye Ming laughed loudly.

With laughter, the father and son blew off the dust for Ita, replaced some severely worn parts, and finally installed the brand new shell for her.

This shell was tailor-made for her by her father using aluminum-magnesium alloy. In addition to the brand-new blue and white paint, the whole structure is also more slender—after measurement, whether it is the shoulder-waist width or the distance between the chest and the back, it is all the same. Shrunk by at least 2 cm.

Don't underestimate the two centimeters, it makes her look slimmer and slimmer.

In addition, this time she will be replaced with two brand new bionic arms.

These two bionic arms slightly sacrificed the previous strength, but added a higher-precision force feedback processor to the fingers, allowing her to more precisely control the strength of the grip.

The father and son worked until 11 o'clock at night before finishing the new clothes for Ita.

After restarting, the little girl turned around first, then made a few dancing movements, and finally nodded.

"It seems that it is indeed a little lighter."

Ye Ming laughed loudly: "And it's become more beautiful."

"Then can I wear clothes?" Ita blinked, her tone full of envy: "I really like them wearing clothes."

"Cough... you can wear it, but it doesn't look good."


Ye Ming looked serious: "Because you look better than them like this!"

The poor robot girl turned her head, confused.

She really still can't grasp the specific definition of beauty for human beings - she always thinks that the golden section is beauty, but a large amount of data shows, especially the data from clothing, that there are many widely praised clothing that do not meet the golden section.

A lot of them don't even fit the math formula.

"It's true." Father also nodded in agreement.

Ita became happy, and compared his heart to Ye Ming again.


New Years Eve always flies by quickly.

Now Ye Ming has lost the qualification to "visit relatives and friends"... The most he can visit is Mr. Huo Laien, that is, Professor Tang, Professor Chen and others.

New Year's Day.

Ye Ming took Ita and knocked on the door of Professor Tang's house at nine o'clock in the morning.

The one who opened the door was Tang Haowen, who hadn't seen him for a long time.

After more than a year of exercise, Tang Haowen has recovered almost like an ordinary person. Not only has he completely lost his wheelchair and crutches, he can even jog!

In addition, the sunshine and the blush of a healthy person reappeared on his face.


"Academician Ye, drink tea."

"Uh...Teacher Tang, if you want to shout like that again, then I will really leave?" Ye Ming looked at Professor Tang and Professor Chen helplessly.

"Okay, Ye Ming." Professor Tang Zhigao smiled, took the fruit plate from his son, and handed it to Ye Ming: "You are welcome to eat fruit."

Afterwards, Professor Tang smiled and looked at Ita, who was sitting obediently, and joked, "Ita, do you want to charge it? The plug in my house is under the TV."

"Thank you, Teacher Tang, no need!"

Ita's voice sounded, and everyone's hearty laughter came from the living room.

After laughing, Ye Ming picked up the teacup and took a sip, then looked at Tang and Chen.

He came to the door this time, except for New Year's greetings.

But more, I still want to discuss the future of Jizhi Technology.

To be precise, it is to discuss the future after landing on the moon.

"Teacher, what does the country say about the mining of helium-3 minerals, commuting after landing on the moon, and even subsequent space development and exploration?"

Or in other words, how the country arranged the cake after the moon landing.

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