From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 314 Give up fantasy, space carrier

In a certain famous building.

A joint meeting composed of multiple departments is being held.

The meeting room adopts the form of a round table meeting.

At this time, the conference room was filled with smoke and was silent.

In the silence, the leader of the joint meeting frowned deeply, looking at the advisor who represented certain will.

There is no doubt that the announcement made by Mr. Advisor two days ago...has caused great disturbance, or confusion, to him and his joint meeting.

"Mr. Advisor, I don't think your avowed behavior will do anything to help the current situation. It will only disrupt our rhythm and deployment."

Faced with doubts, this radical consultant smiled slightly: "General, what is your rhythm and deployment? Do you change the password book every day?"

"That's not something you should consider." The big man's eyes narrowed and became sharp in an instant.

"But it should be considered by this country." Mr. Consultant pointedly knocked on the table lightly: "I don't need to introduce how important controllable nuclear fusion is, how important is space?"

"Now, it is a fact that we are lagging behind in controllable nuclear fusion, it is also a fact that we are lagging behind in the space engine field, and it is also a fact that artificial intelligence is lagging behind-then how do you think we should catch up?"

"Not everyone is confused." Mr. Consultant pointed to his head: "I am very sober here, and I clearly see that if we do nothing, then we will watch them fly to the interstellar era."

"At that time, can you accept it?"

"That's why you want to start the third time...isn't it?" The boss didn't answer directly, but stared at the consultant: "Or do you think history will repeat itself?"

"No, we just need to buy time."

"While we still have absolute strength, unite all allies to delay their speed-if you have played an Age of Empires game, you know that when one party clicks the upgrade button of the Age of Empires, it is also the weakest time .”

"If you miss this opportunity, then... what you are facing will no longer be airplanes and warships, but spaceships."

"Your Excellency, would you really like to see such a scene?"

//Everyone thinks more, dare not write more, this chapter can be deleted at any time.



Ye Ming looked up from the monitor.

Then, meet He Mo's eyes.

The latter looked at him and just shrugged: "Don't look at me like that, I don't know either."

Ye Ming glared at her: "There is no official news at all, you say you don't know?"

"I really don't know..." He Mo looked helpless.

Indeed, it has been two days since the news came out. It is extremely rare that there is no news at all in the country - except that the netizens are excited.

All the media with official attributes did not make any remarks, and even the daily press conferences had no comment on the news. intriguing.

But He Mo was right, and she didn't know the specific reason - after all, she was mainly in charge of Aita and assisting Ye Ming.

But what she knew was that the more silent she was, the more abnormal she was.

On the side, Ita watched the two of them having a riddle-like conversation, and she was very puzzled: "What are you talking about?"

"We're talking about..."

Just when Ye Ming was about to explain, there were hurried footsteps outside the door, and a moment later, Director Niu appeared at the door with a smile on his face.

Seeing his expression, Ye Ming's heart moved slightly.


"How to say?"

"Don't say anything." Director Niu took the teacup from Ita and glanced at the door again.

He Mo went out knowingly, and then closed the door from the corridor.

"..." Ye Ming immediately became speechless.

"Let's discuss two things with you first."

"What's up?"

"First of all, Aita's computing core will be moved underground."

Ye Ming's pupils shrank instantly, and he took a breath of cool air to his heels.

"Fuck!" He growled lowly: "How many meters underground? Where?"

"One hundred meters, just next to it."

"fAck! According to your judgment, the provincial capital is really going to be bombed?" Ye Ming took a few quick breaths, but he still couldn't calm down.

He began to look at Director Niu's cheerful expression, thinking that Zhizhu was in his hands...

When it's over, tell yourself immediately, do you want to do a good job in nuclear defense projects?


"We used to think that the ballast stone on the other side had enough wisdom and concentration, but now it seems..." Director Niu was still smiling, but worry and regret arose between his brows. : "In short, prepare for the worst."

Hearing this, combined with the previous rumors...

Ye Ming gradually calmed down.

"It means, it's really dangerous, right?"


"Then why?" Ye Ming paused: "There is no news or response?"

"Because I have learned from the previous experience, it is more useful to do it than to say it." Director Niu paused: "The second thing."

"you say."

"Anti-gravity force field, all the theories are in your mind, and only you can design-you said, anti-gravity can lift heavy things?"

Ye Ming was stunned again.

The gravity field and anti-gravity force field generating devices exist as the highest technical secrets, no matter the theory or the design plan, only no more than ten people can read it within the authority of Aita.

It stands to reason that it can be used in other fields - such as flying cars. But in order to ensure the absolute blockade and advantages of technology, Ye Ming never considered using him outside the space project.

At least for now.

Now... Director Niu asked how much he lifted?

"What do you mean?" Ye Ming stared at Director Niu: "What I can tell you is that as long as the conservation of mass and energy is satisfied, then it can lift infinitely heavy objects."

"For example, a 100,000-ton space carrier?"

"Damn it!" Ye Ming took another deep breath to confirm whether Director Niu was brainstorming for himself here...

"Don't be kidding, old cow, I thought I was radical enough."

"I'm not joking." Director Niu's smile slowly disappeared from his face, followed by an unprecedented seriousness.

"We must be prepared for everything. Then, how to build on our existing foundation and develop our strength to a height that no one can reach is a question we have to consider."

Ye Ming also slowly fell silent.

He closed his eyes, frowned slightly, and muttered words.

"According to the calculations of the Ford class, it is 330 meters long and 40 meters wide. There is no need for a flight deck and island, and a fully enclosed structure... It must take into account the aircraft out of the cabin, and the safety interception system..."

"The engine needs to be redesigned." Ye Ming looked at Director Niu: "To be precise, it is not the design of the engine, but the design of the energy reactor system."

"How big is it?"

"Currently the electrical energy conversion power of the engine is multiplied by 10."

Now, Chang Niu director was dumbfounded.

"What the hell?"

"Anti-gravity is not omnipotent. You can even think that the force field it generates is constantly fighting against gravity on a cosmic scale."

"Can it be designed?"

Ye Ming fell silent again.

After a while, he nodded slightly.

Even if the reactor is not redesigned, it can be done through multi-engine output.

But... such a big thing goes to the sky....

Moreover, if it is really an air-to-space base, how can it be so big? Now that the spaceship is changed, won't it just go straight to the sky?

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