From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 313 Untouchable point

early may.

Somewhere in the Qaidam Basin.

In fact, as early as several years ago, a "Martian camp" was developed in Qaidam. After so many years, apart from travel check-in and self-media, it is just a gimmick.

But I have to say that in the vast Gobi, there is really a strange atmosphere. So the moon landing base was also established here.

Due to the tight construction of the base, a large number of facilities, including warehouses, housing, training grounds, etc., adopt the design of integrated board houses. Looking from a distance, no one would believe it if you said it was a construction site.

Of course, the appearance of its facilities cannot conceal the essence of its training base.

Compared with the operational "Mars camp" hundreds of kilometers away, not only does it have a large number of training facilities, but also various guarantees and resources.

For example, the person in charge of the class is the first domestic astronaut and now the deputy chief engineer of the lunar landing.


"To be honest, I really envy everyone."

In a large board room classroom, a total of more than 60 crew members of the first batch of "Yueyue" from all walks of life and different ages gathered here, listening carefully to the experience of the teacher in front of the podium.

Deputy Chief Engineer Yang looked at the crowd and sighed with emotion: "At that time, we could only rely on our bodies to resist the G force of the rocket's acceleration, and it was inconvenient to move after going to the sky... The current conditions are really envious of me." I want to go up again."

Everyone laughed together.

Indeed, the controllable nuclear fusion engine + gravity and anti-gravity force field make the experience of the journey to the sky very different from that of taking a rocket to the sky.

Even the design of Yaoyue is completely satisfactory, and ordinary people can go to heaven without any preparation and training.

The reason for intensive training is entirely because we are a pioneering team.

Among the more than 60 people, there is a medical team, a logistics team, a driving team, a maintenance team, an exploration team, a geological team, a construction team, a scientific research team, a mechanical team, and a production team...

There are even battle groups!

The composition of the personnel is also, in addition to the deputy chief engineer of the Kuafu project like Professor Huo Liang, there are also mechanical engineers like Li Gaoliang, there are also "cooks" like Chef Li, and there are also nurses like Tang Xiaohong...

Of course, due to confidentiality requirements, in addition to Jizhi Technology and some engineers and experts from aerospace and Kuafu Group, many people come from various fields of the army.

Therefore, this is naturally a disciplined team.

"But even with all kinds of favorable conditions, we still need to be prepared and trained in the face of weightlessness in space. Let me explain to you below."


Following Deputy Chief Engineer Yang's explanation, everyone, including the "old astronauts" sitting in the front row who had been on the space station, were taking notes seriously.

An hour later, Deputy Chief Engineer Yang announced that get out of class was over for a break.

At this time, the wind and sand on the Gobi Desert just happened to rise.

"By the way, there is no wind and sand on the moon." Deputy Chief Engineer Yang held a teacup and said with a smile: "I think it's not bad for us to use it for Mars landing simulation. For the moon, the environment is really a bit too harsh."

Everyone laughed.

Professor Huo Liang turned around and glanced at the crowd, and said humorously: "Then let's fix the factories on the moon first, and then go to Mars after we're done."


"That's right, we must go to Mars!"

"How long does it take to go to Mars?"

"I don't know, it won't be long."

"Are there mines on Mars?"

"If there is a mine or not, don't you know if you dig a few pickaxes?"

Hearing everyone's voices, Deputy Chief Engineer Yang laughed loudly: "Yes, anyway, I'm going to Mars. But the wind on Mars is just scary, but it's actually not that big of a deal."

"Well, there's not enough air." Professor Huo nodded with a smile, and then glanced outside again. When he saw a truck driving into the base, his eyes lit up immediately: "Is the integration factory here?"

Following his voice, everyone immediately looked outside the classroom.

I saw not only one, but several trucks driving in one after another.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" Deputy Chief Engineer Yang said immediately as he saw the wind and sand getting smaller.

Everyone got up together and began to file out of the classroom.

"Sure enough, it is an integrated plant." After asking the management staff, Professor Huo Liang was overjoyed, and immediately took out the walkie-talkie: "Comrades, the integrated plant is here, and the installation team, construction team, and equipment team are in place, ready to conduct the first simulated plant construction."

But then, several military off-road vehicles drove into the base.

Accompanied by a black-and-white painted robot that got out of the car first, two more robots got out of the car.

Seeing these three robots, Professor Huo Liang was slightly taken aback, but immediately became ecstatic, and strode towards one of them.

After a while, Ye Ming pushed open the car door with a smile on his face.


"Everyone has worked hard."

Ye Ming didn't expect that there would be such a gathering here, and he could meet Deputy Chief Engineer Yang in class, so he hurriedly greeted for a while, but finally couldn't make the greetings, so he waved to everyone and bowed again.

There was prolonged applause in the parking lot.

"Look, God gave you face. After you came, the wind and sand stopped." Professor Huo Liang stood leaning against Ye Ming, not minding the wrinkled smile on his face: "Why did you come here suddenly? Haven't received the message yet?"

Ye Ming withdrew his gaze from Li Dongsheng and several Jizhi Technology employees, coughed lightly when he heard this, and jokingly said, "I'm here to surprise everyone."

"What surprise?"

"Well... this time we brought an anti-gravity field generator, and you can simulate moonwalking and weightlessness in the force field."

"Good boy! Which car?"

"The third car, don't worry, let's go in and talk slowly."

After entering the big classroom, Ye Ming briefly introduced the things he brought with the team this time. Of course, these things...he would send them here even if he wasn't with the team, it was just a coincidence.

At the same time, he also briefly listened to the training progress here - in fact, everyone has only been here for a long time, and they are still undergoing basic knowledge training.

Afterwards, he happily loaded and unloaded materials and goods with everyone, and also participated in the assembly meeting of the integrated factory.

Anyway, it happened by chance, he couldn't go up immediately, it's always good to simulate for fun.

Of course, although the integrated factory is exactly the same as the one that will be taken to the sky, there is no lunar soil here to collect and refine... It is just that it can be used for assembly training and to find problems.

That day, Ye Ming did not leave, but lived in the camp, and ate a dinner from the space chef by the way.


At 10 o'clock in the evening, Ye Ming said goodbye to everyone and returned to the dormitory he had prepared.

Not long after, footsteps came from his door.

Ita was sitting by the side, and she "took over" the surveillance here as soon as she came, and immediately reminded: "It's Professor Huo, Li Dongsheng, and Sheng Fei."

"Well, open the door." Ye Ming nodded and looked around.

The dormitory here is actually built according to the living quarters of the Yaoyue. The single dormitory is small in size, only four square meters. Besides the bed, there is only one place for a desk. To welcome guests, the only way to enter the door is to sit On the bed, or bring your own ponytail.

Ita opened the door, and Professor Huo Liang arrived hand in hand with Li Dongsheng and Sheng Fei.


"Good guy, I heard that you directly rejected NASA's cooperation request?"

After Ye Ming sat down on the edge of the bed, Professor Huo Liang looked at him with a smile.

Ye Ming smiled and blinked: "What? NASA asked you to intercede?"

"Hahahaha!" Professor Huo Liang laughed heartily.

He is a high-energy physicist, so he can't be said to have a relationship with NASA, so it really doesn't matter...

"It's a bit rigid." Li Dongsheng was a little shy, but he knew Ye Ming's temperament and never liked to engage in identity barriers. He said with a smile: "Speaking of which, you offend NASA so much, they will also go to the moon by then...they want us to fight what to do?"

"Haha! There are sixty or so of you, they can send a few people up at most, are you afraid that you won't win?"

"That's right, we're not in vain when it comes to fighting!"

After the joke, Ye Ming also got serious.

"But this time, we really have to be prepared."

The three looked straight, looked at each other and motioned Ye Ming to continue.

Ye Ming pondered for a few seconds and then said softly: "Our attitude is strong to make Lao Mei give up his illusions, the main thing is... our attitude towards lunar resources."

Sheng Fei said in a deep voice, "First come, first served!"

Ye Ming nodded: "Yes, first come, first served. NASA's idiots thought we were behind in the moon landing plan at first, and wanted to continue to form gangs to isolate us, but they didn't expect that our Yaoyue is faster than them At least two years, more than three years."

"Immediately changed my tone when it was over, and invited us to participate, and even revealed that we were going to organize the establishment of this convention together..."

Professor Huo frowned slightly: "Is this co-ruling the world?"

Sheng Fei scoffed: "Why?"

Ye Ming nodded with a smile: "Yeah, why... so we refused directly. But you have also seen that Lao Mei has now aroused public opinion around the world, saying that we are a group of space predators, and also exposed the training base……"

"Cut...they have the face to say it." Li Dongsheng was furious.

Half a month ago, Ye Ming made an extremely disdainful response to Lao Mei's "Human Space Convention" at the press conference on Space Day.

On that day, global public opinion began to slander the aerospace industry here under the control of the west, and it also involved various fields.

But Internet public opinion...even if it is hotter, it will only be hot for a few days.

This rule is satisfied both at home and abroad. Not to mention that some topics are still commonplace...

But just as the public opinion was about to pass, NASA once again announced an announcement with extreme "grievances" and "regrets".

The announcement stated that the negotiations between NASA and the domestic aerospace department have completely failed, and the domestic aerospace industry has no idea of ​​joining or organizing a space convention.

Inside and outside the words, it means that the country has to eat alone.

This... is really a bit of that...

"Anyway, Lao Mei is used to being shameless. Regardless of them, we just need to carry out the moon development step by step-this time I came here mainly to integrate the factory."

Ye Ming took a deep breath as he spoke, and said seriously: "Everything else is easy to say, the helium-3 refinery plant can't make any mistakes, will have to wait for the Long March 9 to deliver space meals to you .”

"So, Team Li..."

Li Dongsheng took a deep breath: "Don't worry, even if I die on the moon, I have to build this factory smoothly."

Ye Ming was taken aback: "Fuck, don't set any flag..."

"Haha, this is Mao's flag."

"By the way, Mr. Ye, what happened to that device?"

Just when the three of them were about to leave, Sheng Fei suddenly stood still and looked at Ye Ming with burning eyes.

Ye Ming was startled, then coughed: "Professor Huo Laien is doing theory..."

"Boss..." Sheng Fei looked helpless: "You can't do it?"

"I really don't have time right now!"

Two days later, Ye Ming left Gobi and returned to the provincial capital.

But he didn't stay in the provincial capital for long, so he went to Jiangcheng again... and a few days later, he went to Xichang again.

In such non-stop busyness, midsummer is coming quietly.

When Ye Ming returned to the provincial capital again, it was already August.


In the past few months, since Huo Laien, Ye Ming, and Sheng Fei jointly published an article about the information singularity in the dimension of the Hilbert space surface, and this singularity satisfies the requirements of the previous hyperdimensional cube structure. After the thesis, it is no surprise that the world of mathematics and theoretical physics once again set off a wave of research on information interdimensionality.

And because Mr. Huo Laien and Ye Ming are the co-authors of the two theories, the province... has become a holy place for research on cross-dimensional information.

It's just that Professor Ye Ming was too busy, and one day the dragon could not see the end, so everyone had to settle for the next best thing and find Mr. Huo Laien.

All of a sudden, Provincial Jiaotong became full of people.

Moreover, in the past few months, many of old master Huo Laien's former students and friends have come to the country to teach - until then, the impact of the old man's departure was truly reflected.

The public opinion about domestic spaceflight that Lao Mei raised a few months ago gradually dissipated because there was no new news in the past few months...

As for other bills targeting certain areas...

They are all commonplace questions, except for some celebrities and some companies that have virtually no business in China, frankly speaking... ordinary people really don't have much interest.

Moreover, in the past few months, on the Internet, there has also obviously been a "force" that opposes mainstream public opinion.

Judging from the source of IP, these users who expressed good feelings towards China, spoke well for China, spoke well for Jizhi Technology, and spoke well for Aita...

They come from all over the world, and there is no possibility of a navy.

The reason... is naturally very simple.

Because Jizhi Technology's "Mr. Aita" action has begun to be in full swing, in various underdeveloped regions around the world, "Mr. Aita" has drawn too much goodwill for the country.

After all, not everyone is capable of doing things that go against conscience like "swearing at your mother while holding a bowl". Those users who use Aita naturally know where their ass is.

And the domestic Internet... Of course, it is all about singing and dancing.

After all, the advantage is mine!

However, when the time entered September, a piece of news from the White House ignited the domestic Internet again.

A certain consultant, let out the wind to go somewhere.

When receiving this news, even Ye Ming was stunned for a long time.

They dare to touch that point?

Whoops, a little late. 4K.

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