Seeing Ye Ming's doubts, Director Niu blinked.

"Do you feel that you are particularly hated?"

"Not only does it attract hatred, but this thing is 100,000 tons, big brother... If you are not careful, have you calculated the impact force of the fall from a height of hundreds of thousands of meters?"

Director Niu laughed: "If you don't consider friction and combustion losses, hundreds of millions of tons of TNT."


"If it were to fall, who do you think it would fall on?"

Ye Ming was startled, and then his eyes popped out.

He sucked in a breath!

"Awesome, who came up with such a bad move?" Ye Ming repeated: "It's too bad!"

With such a big lump floating in the sky, if you encounter an attack and feel that you are about to lose your hold...

It is absolutely possible to control it to fall to a certain place!

Director Niu laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Let me teach you the tone of voice - aren't they doing some kind of space program? We can't do it? Professor Xiaoye can defy gravity, let's ask him to send you some rocks In the sky, it can be used as a box of eggs! Besides, don’t they want to drag us into Star Wars? We can drag them too! Use the same way, and give back to him.”

Ye Ming: "..."

Director Niu slowly restrained his smile: "You can understand that this is our Star Wars plan."

After speaking, Director Niu paused: "At the end of the day, we still need to let some neighbors and friends know that some... are too far away, but we are very close—they don't want to work for tigers."

Ye Ming nodded slightly.

He didn't pay much attention to the current situation, nor did he have the thought to pay attention to it, but he knew that there were a few extremely stubborn nails still on the side.

Sometimes, relying on the king's way alone is not enough.

In other words, absolute power is king.


After talking about these two things, Director Niu had a smile on his face again: "How is the current situation of Yaoyue?"

"Don't you pay attention to the progress report every day?" Ye Ming glanced at the other party.

All the progress of the Yueyue is reported to Aita's engineering terminal in real time. Director Niu has full authority to report the construction progress of the Yueyue. According to his temper, he must not be able to sleep every day without watching.

"Cough... What I mean is, do you think it's time to announce the invitation to the moon?"

Ye Ming was startled for a second when he heard this.

Lao Niu's tone is not asking for opinions.

Moreover, it shouldn't be up to him to make the decision to announce the invitation to the moon.


Ye Ming frowned slightly, and asked softly: "The higher-ups hope to use the progress of Yaoyue to break the illusion of the other side?"

Director Niu smiled and nodded: "They made such a fuss this time, they didn't even hesitate to touch that place... In essence, they still want to take the opportunity to stop our moon landing project."

"Then, we will announce to the world that next year, we will land on the moon, and no one or any force can stop us!"

Ye Ming took a deep breath: "To what extent do you want to announce?"

"In addition to gravity and anti-gravity, it must be announced, including the crew, including the transport spacecraft plan, and the expansion of the space station and the expansion plan of the moon base."

"Of course, we also allow friendly friends to cooperate in space research and moon bases."

"Scientific research cooperation."

Ye Ming couldn't help clenching his fist.

He knows that using this attitude to fight back... is obviously not just for his own people.

It's for... the whole world to see!

It is to show the world the confidence and determination of this country to lead mankind into the cosmic age!

After breathing slowly, Ye Ming suppressed his excitement and asked in a deep voice, "When?"

"That depends on when that consultant will speak again." Director Niu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking to the far west.


Facts once again proved that no matter how high the popularity and public opinion are, the excitement of the Internet is indeed only three days.

There was a huge wave of public opinion on the Chinese Internet. Since the official did not make too many statements, some media and big Vs who are good at figuring out "Shangyi" did not dare to act rashly.

After all, Mr. Consultant only stated his plan in an interview, and did not announce the official itinerary and arrangement.

Soon, the heat of this matter went down.

Until the time comes to October.

on a sunny morning.

The adviser again announced his plans at a press conference, saying he would go somewhere in three months' time while attending a regional security conference.

The next day, on October 16, the domestic aerospace department issued a news release, saying that three days later, on October 19, a press conference would be held at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

Also on the same day, Ye Ming set off from Jiangcheng by helicopter and went to Xichang with the engine.


October eighteenth.

The entire construction plant was busy.

Ye Ming and a group of academicians and professors stood at the back of the engine room, staring at the crane without blinking as they hoisted the engine into place at a distance of one centimeter per minute.

At the scene, the engineer in charge of control kept yelling into the walkie-talkie, and the seven or eight hands holding the engine below were afraid of any collision.

Seeing this posture, even Ye Ming, who was not worried at first, was very nervous, and his hands were full of sweat.

After three hours of dawdling, the engine was finally fully seated.


Director Zhang was the first to roar.

Immediately afterwards, there was thunderous applause.

Ye Ming also took a long breath, took the napkin carefully handed over by He Mo next to him, wiped his palms, and applauded accordingly.

After taking a group photo with the designers of the engine department in the engine compartment, Ye Ming went to the meeting room with Director Zhang and others.


Everyone took their seats.

Director Zhang wiped the sweat from his forehead by pulling the napkin on the conference table, grabbed the mineral water and drank half a bottle, and then let out a long breath.


After half a year of intensive assembly, according to the progress of the construction task, as long as the engine is plugged in, it will be 90%.

In theory, as long as the engine is in place, the power system is in place, and the anti-gravity system is in place, then it can take off.

"The only thing left is the lifting equipment in the cargo compartment and the layout of the passenger compartment." Director Zhang waited until everyone was in a better mood, and looked at Ye Ming with a smile: "At the press conference tomorrow, I can barely brag about it."

Everyone laughed together.

Everyone is a scientist, an engineer, you let them talk about it for nothing...

For example, the engine is not installed, but you still say that the spaceship is 90% complete-if you look at the mass and volume, the engine must account for less than 10%.

But can you say that? Obviously not.

Now that the engine is installed, it also means that the main body of Yaoyue has been completed, and it is indeed more than 90%!

After laughing, a deputy chief engineer asked curiously: "Do you need to show the main body of the spaceship at the press conference tomorrow?"

Director Zhang immediately looked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming glanced at the notebook, smiled and shook his head: "I haven't received a notice yet, it should be soon - but I guess, the shape will definitely not be announced, at most let us announce a model."

Director Niu had confirmed for him a month ago the press conference on Invitation to the Moon, and it would be a powerful weapon to fight back against some clowns.

But to what extent it should be made public depends on the circumstances.

"The model is also good... You don't know about this kind of elation, I'm just too tired anyway." The deputy chief engineer smiled and said with emotion: "Are you too tired?"

Everyone laughed together.

Everyone must abide by the confidentiality regulations, but how can I put it... such an awesome project, they have completed it by themselves to such an extent, but they can't "show off" at all, it is even more uncomfortable than Jinyi Yexing.

Of course, the day of real elation is the day of launch.

According to preliminary plans, the launch date will be set for May—if nothing else, it will be launched on the same day as the Artemis program.

This kind of launch time crash plan is entirely from the will of the top.

In a sense, this also reflects the meaning of tit for tat.

But whether it will be announced at this press conference depends on how it is arranged.

After chatting for a while, Director Zhang announced the start of the meeting.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Ye Ming pushed the notebook towards him.



the next day.

white house.

On the TV, a video is playing.

In the video, the young scientist from the East is holding a press conference on the progress of the moon landing.

"...In the past year or so, we have completed the design and verification of the controllable nuclear fusion engine, and also completed the design and construction of the hull. Up to now, our Yueyue spacecraft has been completed 90% of the overall above."

"In other words, it's ready to fly now."

A beautiful reporter stood up: "Excuse me, Academician Ye, how many astronauts can this spacecraft carry to the sky?"

"The rated crew is 80 people, but this time we only have more than 60 astronauts. After all, this is a trip to the moon, and we need experts in various fields to complete different tasks..."

"... As for the time of landing on the moon, it is tentatively scheduled for May 18th next year. After that, we will also extensively carry out exchanges and cooperation with the international aerospace field...Start the sharing plan of the space station and lunar scientific research base..."

In the video, the young scientist is smiling.



"Mom Fuck!"

The owner of the white house roared angrily, and swept all the documents on the desk to the ground.

In the hall, whether it is from NASA, SpaceX, or Boeing, or from various well-known universities...these senior aerospace-related engineers and well-known professors are all silent.

Three days ago, when the other side announced that a press conference would be held, everyone made a pre-judgment and analysis.

The final consensus is that the press conference held opposite will give an overview of the construction of the spaceship and make a long-term plan...

For example, five-year plan, ten-year plan and so on.

You know, they are really good at this kind of long-term planning.

But no one expected that their construction speed would be so fast!

How many days has it been since controllable nuclear fusion was realized? Is this spaceship ready? Go to the moon next year!

Moreover, it was the same day as Project Artemis!


Until now, many people are ignorant.

There was silence in the hall, only the host was panting heavily.

After a while, he sat down on the chair again.

The secretary also began to squat down to pick up the documents.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the door, and a moment later, the person in charge of the joint meeting strode forward.

"Mr. President, they announced a plan for a space battleship."

"what's the plan?"

"Space battleship, a space battleship of 100,000 tons!" The chairman of the joint meeting paused every word.

The entire hall was silent.

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