From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 312 Unmanned Delivery Plan

California, Hornso.

A SpaceX assembly warehouse.

It was very late at night, and Musk was still standing in front of the 1:1 deuterium-tritium fusion model.

He frowned, with a serious expression, and had been staring at the engine for two full hours.

The engineers around him have already left work, and only the assistant is still by his side.

The assistant opened his mouth, then covered it with his hand, suppressed a yawn, and then looked down at the notebook next to him.

When he saw the pop-up prompt of the new email, the assistant was overjoyed: "Boss, the email is back."

Musk heard the words, looked away from the engine model, strode back, and then sat back on the chair.

Looking at the suffix of Professor Huo Laien's email, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch again, but he still didn't say anything, but took a light breath and clicked on the email.

Facing his question, Professor Hollyn only answered one sentence.

"Why don't you ask Professor Ye Ming?"

Seeing this sentence, Musk was stunned, and his face quickly became weird.

Ask Ye Ming?

Let him discuss the design and landing plan of the spaceship with Ye Ming?

He sent an email to Professor Hollyn, of course, because the engine itself and the entire Mars project itself had the participation of Mr. Hollyn.

Now Hollyn seems to have left resolutely, but it also means that he has been treated unfairly-this treatment was not imposed on him by Musk.

In fact, Musk believes that no matter from what point of view, maintaining contact with Professor Hollein and maintaining a relationship will not do SpaceX any harm.

Especially in today's situation, when this "Mars" engine—Mars, Mars, God of War—has clearly lagged behind the Kuafu project team by a technical node.

It is more important to maintain the relationship with Huo Lain.

Therefore, in addition to many complex emotions such as anger and confusion on the day he learned that the old man left, Musk still maintained a certain amount of contact, especially after the other party and Ye Ming published a paper, he also sent an email to discuss congratulate.

To put it bluntly, even in times of war, keeping in touch is not a bad thing.


The email he sent was to ask Professor Horien if he knew about Kuafu's spaceship plan!

In the end, Huo Laien asked himself to ask Ye Ming?

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

Professor Huo Laien's email came again: "I think in the field of aerospace, you can indeed communicate with him. You have to trust Professor Ye Ming's personality and morality."

Personality and morality?

Seeing these two words, Musk's cheeks couldn't help jumping up.



Conference room of Aerospace Design Center.

A design meeting on a controllable nuclear fusion spacecraft tentatively named "Xuntian" is being held.

Now that a new name has been given, it means that its design idea is different from that of Yaoyue, at least not the kind that can be done after a few tweaks and modifications.

"According to the feedback on the 1:1 full simulation cabin game in the past few days, we have gained a lot of valuable experience."

Director Zhang presided over the design meeting, and he spoke succinctly without official airs: "Judging from the general response, the Yaoyue is essentially a multifunctional spaceship that is biased towards scientific research. It has various functions, but the corresponding It doesn’t feature much in any way.”

Everyone, including Ye Ming, also nodded.

Indeed, the first Yueyue is essentially a verification spacecraft, which not only needs to meet the needs of scientific research and exploration of the moon, but also needs to meet the requirements of cargo delivery and armed defense...

The addition of these many functions is quite a bit different.

Now that the country allows drawing cakes, the follow-up design needs to distinguish the functions and functions of various types of space ships-the engine can be temporarily moved in order to save costs and production lines.

"Combining the needs of the space program and the suggestions of the currently participating astronauts, the current thinking is that we need to design and build three types of ships with different functions."

"These three types are used for material transportation, personnel transportation, and long-distance scientific research respectively."

As he said that, Chief Zhang coughed and laughed: "It's nothing new, isn't it? It's just the ground and water transportation."

Everyone laughed.

With a controllable nuclear fusion engine and an anti-gravity device to take off and land, isn’t this trip to the moon just a commute to the moon?

At present, in order to speed up the construction of lunar factories and orbital bases, a new spacecraft dedicated to material delivery is particularly important.

As for the transportation of personnel, it will definitely be at the bottom of the list-the space sightseeing boat tickets will definitely be sold, but not now.

As for long-distance scientific research, such as the star field beyond Mars, it will go further... because no matter whether it is the engine or the internal conditions of the spacecraft, the requirements are higher.

As for going to Mars...

Let's put it this way, the current Yaoyue is replacing factory equipment and supplies with living supplies, as long as there is enough fuel, you can go now.

Of course, what the aerospace port is discussing now is only civilian spacecraft.

As for the battleship, we have to wait until the weapon port is ready—the weapon port is rushing to design a higher-power fusion engine to realize the "legendary" "super laser weapon", just shoot it once The kind that is about to get pregnant.

"Then, for material transportation, under the current situation where our equivalent take-off thrust is constant, the main considerations are space cost and self-weight."

"In terms of space, the double-layer belly design is adopted, without considering artificial gravity, and at the same time reducing the number of ship personnel, it can free up a lot of load..."

Listening to Chief Zhang's thoughts on the design, Ye Ming's eyes suddenly lit up: "Zhang Bureau, otherwise, how about we design it as an unmanned vehicle?"


Everyone immediately looked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming nodded: "The material delivery spacecraft can be completely designed to be unmanned, automatic and stop orbit. This technology can be completed by the launch vehicle. There is no need for this kind of material spacecraft to take people."

Director Zhang's eyes also brightened: "Yes! The special carrier spacecraft can really be made unmanned! And this kind of spacecraft can also realize the early stage resource transportation of Mars scientific research!"

"There is no problem in theory, but can the shipboard computer do it?" One of the design engineers hesitated: "I always think Aita is more reliable."

Director Zhang laughed: "Look, it's hard to turn extravagance into frugality... When there was no Aita before, didn't our rocket go to the sky? The Tiangong space station has been repaired!"

After hearing this, everyone burst into laughter. I'm used to Aita's advanced productivity, but I'm really not used to it when I don't have Aita.

"Then it's settled, the carrier spacecraft is designed to be unmanned!" Director Zhang looked at the crowd: "Is there any objection?"

Everyone smiled and said nothing.

The two leaders, Ye Ming and Director Zhang, have said it, what else do they have to say?

"Okay, everyone use your brains, let's design the aerodynamic shape of this unmanned spacecraft today."

Ye Ming nodded and opened the notebook.

"The aerodynamic shape, the double-layer big belly mentioned by Zhang Bureau just now is the guideline. After all, this is the most suitable shape design for a carrier spacecraft. It can be directly modeled after a little design."

Ye Ming communicated with Aita while talking.

"What needs to be considered now is this unmanned carrier spacecraft. In addition to landing on the moon and Mars, it should also undertake future landings on orbital bases and airports, as well as space station docking and material delivery in the early stage of the airport."

"At present, for the airport landing, my initial idea is to capture it directly in the dock with the gravity field. This does not require additional design, but only consumes a little energy-but these are all in the later stage. In the early stage, it is really a bit troublesome."

"Docking with the space station is enough to have a standard docking port, but the space base needs to transport large quantities of steel, aluminum and other buildings and equipment, how to do it?"

Ye Ming tapped on the pen and kept shaking his head: "The first step of this journey of thousands of miles is really a headache."

Everyone laughed in unison—this kind of feat of building a space city brick by brick with one's own hands is really simple, and then there is a ghost.

Even if it is a science fiction work, it does not say that a space base is built from scratch.

"Hmm... It seems that we still have to use a fully integrated factory to build a robotic arm and a full intelligence." Ye Ming pursed his lips and said to himself.

At this time, a new email notification pops up in the lower right corner.

Seeing the sender's name, Ye Ming was slightly stunned, and then clicked on it immediately.

After a few glances, his expression became weird.

Director Zhang was sitting next to him, and asked curiously when he saw this, "What news did you see?"

"Musk sent me an email asking me how the spacecraft was designed."


A SpaceX assembly warehouse.

After Musk sent the email, he sat quietly beside him.

He recalled the meeting and communication with Ye Ming a few years ago-at that time, he also wanted to introduce Aita into Tesla's robots and unmanned cars, and cooperate with Jizhi Technology on Starlink.

At that time, although the situation on both sides had tended to deteriorate, it was far from as bad as it is now.

——Now it has been clearly and unmistakably stated the attitude of staying with us to the end and not hesitating to completely decouple.

And once there is such an attitude over there, many methods here... will be useless.

For example, these days, the environmental protection issue is raging in the international public opinion, and the parliament is going to promote a bill on RQ. If nothing else, there will be another wave of ZC.

In the past, the opponent would definitely be facing a big enemy, and would have to "pull relationships" everywhere.

But now...the other side doesn't care at all!

Because the other side has essentially got rid of its dependence on high-end semiconductors and information industries here!

If there was anything else that could threaten the other side, it might be... that G-spot.

But that one dares to touch it now.

Because the other side has already released the news that **MD's system is starting to integrate with Aita.

what does that mean?

It means that all the anti-missile systems on the opposite side will be in charge of the strongest and even the only strong artificial intelligence AITA!

No one dares to try to fight against strong artificial intelligence - the X-corner building has now achieved physical closure, and even the entire military's confidential communication system has enabled a one-time pad encryption system.

If you really want to do it once and for all, the only way is to blow up the quantum supercomputer in the provincial capital.

However, unless the box is fully opened and saturated attacks are made, it is nonsense.

Thinking of the ongoing space Damocles project, Musk frowned.

On the other side, is a similar plan being implemented?

At this time, the beep sounds, and the new mail arrives.

"We designed a multi-functional horizontal ship solution integrating scientific research and transportation, which is more conducive to the comfort of space travel."

Musk's pupils shrank instantly!

"how is the progress?"

"Sorry, it's inconvenient to announce the progress, but it should be a little faster than you - we used Aita to design - if you need it, you can come to China to apply for permission."

Looking at Ye Ming's reply to the email, Musk's eyelids kept beating, and his hands clenched into fists.

He took a few quick breaths, finally let out a long sigh, and lay down on the chair.

But after a moment of depression, he opened his eyes.

"Get ready for the plane, I'm going to NASA tomorrow."

"Okay." The assistant nodded immediately, but after a moment of hesitation, he asked again: "Boss, do you need to contact NASA officials?"

"Get in touch and say that you must let the other party join the Human Space Convention Organization, or even let the other party initiate this organization!"

The assistant was taken aback for a moment.

Let the other party initiate this organization?

"Peter, do you know... If the other party doesn't join and abide by the agreement, then our fate on the moon will be very miserable." Musk's mouth twitched, his face full of bitterness.

A few days ago, in the White House, he proposed that NASA hold a global space cooperation program and invite the other party to jointly formulate a treaty on space development, especially the development and utilization of lunar resources. (Chapter 308)

NASA did listen, but not fully.

According to the will of some short-sighted bureaucrats, NASA created a "Human Space Convention" to exclude the other side.

As a result, Ye Ming immediately rejected it with the sentence "NASA is not qualified, and we will never admit it".

If it was decades ago, Ye Ming's words could only make people laugh.

But now... no one dares to question whether this sentence is logically feasible.

At the very least, their fusion engine has come out!

According to the industrial capacity on the opposite side, in less than three to five years, maybe the lunar soil will be scraped three feet away!

Then what a fart...

Even if my ultimate goal is Mars, the most reliable and economical engine is Helium 3!


the next day.

NASA headquarters.

Following Musk's stride, the director who had been waiting for a long time immediately greeted him.

"Has the comparison result of your satellite images come out?"

"It's already come out." The director said solemnly: "You are right, they are very likely to have not only completed the design, but even started construction."

Speaking of the director, he brought Musk to the computer.

On the computer monitor screen, a large assembly warehouse was displayed through the gap in the clouds.

"We used AI to compare the pictures of some key areas two years ago and in recent months, and confirmed that the large plant of the 150-meter factory at the Xichang launch base was built in the last year, and the construction speed Extremely fast."

"In addition, there is also the Qaidam Basin area, and there are also new buildings that have appeared intensively in the past year."

Musk was silent, flipping through the photos.

"Is this their training ground for landing on the moon? Or the training ground for landing on Mars?"

"have no idea."

Musk was silent again.

"Clayte, maybe...they used the time to get on the spaceship much faster than we thought, so...why didn't you invite them to form a human space convention before?"

Hearing this, the director let out a long sigh.

"It's too late now, they've already said no."

Musk looked up in amazement: "Let them organize, but we can't join?"

"They said they had no interest in forming gangs in space."

Musk was taken aback for a moment!

Not interested... That means, they will occupy all the resources of the moon!


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