three days later.

Accompanied by the two announcements of NASA, the Artemis moon landing plan, which was almost selectively forgotten by people, reappeared in people's field of vision.

The first announcement announced that Artemis has entered the final stage of preparation and will officially launch another moon landing on May 13, 2026. And this moon landing will cooperate closely with the international aerospace field, and invite astronauts from other countries to join it.

At the same time, this moon landing will also undertake the site selection of the lunar scientific research station, taking the first step in building a permanent scientific research base on the moon.

This announcement can be regarded as a response from the side, the reason why the Artemis plan has been postponed again and again.

In the second announcement, NASA announced that it will hold an international conference on the utilization of space resources, inviting governments and well-known companies from all over the world to participate, jointly formulate and improve space development plans and rules, and establish a human space convention organization.

In the brief given later, this "Human Space Convention Organization" will maintain a certain amount of armed forces to protect the earth and the space development environment from being destroyed by threats from space.

Landing on the moon, scientific research stations, and space conventions!

The gathering of these three elements instantly ignited global public opinion again.

Numerous well-known media began to comment one after another.

The Associated Press: "There is no doubt that this is a sign that mankind is entering the interstellar era. It is great to see that we can work with the whole world to develop the moon, protect the earth, and maintain peace and order."

CXN: "This is a model of human cooperation in the use of space resources, reflecting XX's international responsibility."

"Human beings use space resources in an orderly manner, rather than destructive and destructive use, which is the biggest problem we need to face in the future."

"The order of space development must be maintained and guaranteed. Since Armstrong said: This is a big step for mankind, it means that the moon belongs to all mankind, so it is very necessary to establish a space convention."

(Do you know that the real name of the media will be screened)

And these comments from well-known media...

In fact, it can't compare to Musk's words that have been silent for several days.

"SpaceX will enter into a strategic partnership with NASA, and will make every effort to ensure the smooth progress of the lunar development plan."



A very high-profile meeting is underway.

Director Zhang, Ye Ming and Director Niu were all present.

At the meeting, in addition to summarizing the work progress of the Kuafu project in the early stage, there were more discussions on the next steps and publicity issues.

"In principle, we don't need to follow the baton on the opposite side." The leader laughed after listening to the report: "We require speed in strategy, but stability in tactics."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Even Ye Ming can understand it very well - if the strategy is radical and the tactics are also radical, then it is not radical, but aggressive.

if that is the case……

Let's put it this way, the third brother next door is a living example.

As for whether to announce the plan for Yueyue, from the position of the chief designer, Ye Ming of course hopes not to announce it.

It wasn't that he didn't have confidence, or that he was worried about what the other side would do against him.

But there is no need to whet the appetite of ordinary people in advance.

But from the standpoint of an ordinary person, he really wanted to reveal some progress information.

how to say……

In the current situation, public opinion will not only affect the morale of the people, but also affect the cognition of ordinary people all over the world. From the heated discussions caused by NASA’s announcements around the world a few days ago, we know that the current right to speak And the right to interpret is still in there.

A fact that must be admitted is that the common people over there can really influence certain choices.

In China, although everyone has confidence in domestic aerospace, this time the controllable nuclear fusion has won another city... If the Kuafu group really continues to be silent, the common people will not say anything, at most they will use money to post. Rhythm.

This rhythm can only be carried on the traditional platform!

You should know that the current Ita system terminals include notebooks, tablets, mobile phones + AR, VR glasses, and Godson series hosts. Together, these terminals have shipped more than five million units per month, accounting for More than half of the total national market.

The reason for this "result" is actually a bit... "that".

Because of the purchases and upgrades of all governments, enterprises and institutions, the Yilong series is the only choice.

Take what a certain leader said: "Back then, the poor could raise an XX that could compete with Dell and HP by purchasing, but now it can't be used to get rid of Wintel? It's a joke."

In addition, in the past six months, the Twin Towers combination has perfectly reflected its dominant position in the game, coupled with a friendly development environment, resulting in the emergence of a large number of excellent independent games.

Among other things, as long as your internet speed is sufficient, then there is no graphics card for games on the desktop platform, and no game dares to challenge the "Twin Towers".

This makes ordinary people more and more recognized the Ita system.

As a result, even though Windows and IOS have launched an interoperability plan, "breaking the dimensional wall", and the processors and graphics cards of the X86 platform have all lowered their prices, they still cannot stop the menacing Ita system.

No way, after productivity and entertainment are crushed, it means that you lose your competitiveness at the high end.

As a result, other traditional manufacturers began to launch differentiated Ita system platforms in terms of appearance and stand-alone configuration. The market value of Godson jumped tenfold in just one year, from 40 billion to four 100 billion, completed the surpassing of intel and AMD...

The sense of smell of capital is always more sensitive than that of ordinary people.

Except for those who still cling to the Internet Speed ​​Bible, or those who have never used a computer at all, everyone knows that fully embracing strong artificial intelligence + quantum computers is the future.

Therefore, it will be a matter of time before the ITAR system becomes the domestic mainstream.

But at present, a fact that must be acknowledged is that the vast majority of people still obtain information from mobile phones.


After the leader smiled and sighed, he used a "but".

"However, if we don't dance blindly with the old beauty, it doesn't mean we have to watch them dance to the gods. After watching for a long time, we will be annoyed, and so will the common people."

Hearing the funny metaphor from the leader, everyone in the conference room laughed.

"So, tomorrow's press conference, Professor Ye Ming."

When Ye Ming heard the leader call his name, he immediately responded and looked at the leader.

"At tomorrow's press conference, you should briefly talk about the news about the engine."

Ye Ming was overjoyed: "Okay."

"What's more, there have been so many battles over there in the past few days. It is obvious that they are planning to splash dirty water. Everyone must be determined, especially some comrades who are not very good-tempered."

Ye Ming didn't take it seriously when he heard the word determination, but when he heard the last sentence, he was slightly taken aback, and saw that everyone looked at him strangely, including the leader who also looked at him happily...

All right.

As a scientist and engineer, he really can't stand those remarks that confuse black and white and are anti-intellectual.

It's also strange, this kind of speech is very loud and influential!

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