From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 309 The country ate this cake!

The meeting continues.

The rest of the time will be handed over to Chief Zhang.

Director Zhang first further affirmed the success of the engine, and briefly introduced its current advantages, achievable goals and goals, and then began to report on the next space program.

"First of all, we must immediately start the engine production increase plan and complete the goal of producing 10 KF-1 engines as soon as possible."

Director Zhang paused as he spoke, and explained with a smile: "This is not aggressive, but because there is no problem with the engine. If there is an unexpected failure in the aerospace project, it will not affect the development of the engine."

"At the same time, a new spacecraft design plan will also be launched."

"The spacecraft of the new plan will focus more on space exploration, to be precise, go to Mars. According to the plan, we will complete the dual spacecraft landing on Mars within five years."

"Of course, the spacecraft of the old plan will continue to be built to meet the commuting needs of the earth and the moon, as well as the construction of moon base factories and space bases."

"We strive to complete a helium-3 production cluster with an annual output of 300 tons on the moon, as well as a rare earth and ore development industry cluster on the moon within 10 years, and at the same time build a settled city that can accommodate a thousand people. At that time, the focus of spacecraft production will also be will be transferred to the orbital space factory."

The leader nodded slightly: "Should all these be transported up by spaceship?"

"No." Director Zhang looked at Ye Ming and smiled: "Professor Ye has a new idea."

Ye Ming coughed softly: "Geological scientists will land on the moon on the Invitation, and they will comprehensively investigate the water resources of the moon. If the water resources are sufficient, we can consider mining metal mines on the spot. .”

The leader asked again: "Then what if you are not satisfied?"

"Then we have no choice but to move upwards. And when the time comes, maybe we will figure out how to utilize resources from comets or asteroids."

The leader immediately became interested: "How to use? Capture?"

"Uh...according to the current technology, it is a bit difficult to capture, and we may consider the acquisition method of merging and accompanying flight..."

"Well, go ahead."

Director Zhang continued: "Besides, we definitely don't need to consider the so-called human space convention, but if they use this to make trouble..."

"I think, to be safe, we still need to build professional warships."

Hearing this sentence, everyone immediately looked at Ye Ming.

To build a space battleship, of course it doesn't mean that Ye Ming is the only one who can design it...


Everyone knows that Ye Ming is a real scientist.

This kind of person has always stood tall.

In case he "Mother" gets up and wants to engage in pacifism, saying that there is no need to build warships...

Facing everyone's eyes, Ye Ming frowned slightly, thinking silently.

The leader was not in a hurry, but just looked at him with a smile.

After thinking for a few seconds, Ye Ming nodded lightly: "For warships, antimatter cannons are not available yet, only electromagnetic guns and laser weapons can be used...Of course missiles are also available. In space, laser positioning can be very accurate. Just not on Aita."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Good guy!

This person thinks of an antimatter cannon! Bloody pacifism!

"Antimatter cannon?" The leader was also stunned, then smiled and said, "Can antimatter be found now?"

"Think about that." Ye Ming was also amused: "Isn't there an idea of ​​a Dyson sphere in science fiction works? I think the only function of a Dyson sphere is to create antimatter... Well, that should be a matter for future generations Now, let’s stop thinking about it.”

The leader laughed loudly: "Yes, let future generations think about the affairs of future generations. Let's do our own work well and lay a good foundation for them by the way—alright, continue."

"The battleship?"

"Make a plan first and come to this point, don't worry, take your time, we are not the ones who are in a hurry now." The leader waved his hands: "Come on, continue to talk about your grand blueprint."


On the night when the meeting ended, Director Niu discussed with Ye Ming and Director Zhang for a long time.

During the meeting during the day, the words of the leader were very good. In fact, it was a grand blueprint—but this blueprint can be seen and touched.

Strong domestic industrial production capacity and advanced productivity-yes, it is advanced productivity!

After a year and a half of development and integration, the domestic industrial field has formed a productivity ecology of Aita + robotic arm. In this ecology, all traditional manufacturing enterprises can be said to be... completely non-competitive.

However, this kind of productivity improvement is not achieved overnight and cannot be fully replaced in a short period of time.

To put it bluntly, we still have to worry about the negative impact on society, so as to avoid the social phenomenon of "machines eating people".

After all, the country’s new guarantee mechanism has not yet been perfected, and energy has not been substantially liberated—major agricultural colleges and scientific research institutions have long been involved in various refined planting solutions, and now they are so cheap that “don’t money” energy to carry out large-scale promotion.

This kind of advanced productivity cannot be utilized, and its strength cannot be demonstrated...

The country is also a headache.

Therefore, it is the best choice to unleash productivity toward the moon and toward space.

"Fifteen trillion... To be honest, the country is really courageous." Looking at the estimated total investment calculated by Aita, Director Zhang was filled with emotion.

Although today is a blueprint, drawing cakes, everyone knows...

The country will definitely eat this pie.

To put it bluntly, under the current situation, that side has fallen behind in the field of quantum computers and strong artificial intelligence...or, in other words, has lost the competition.

——Those food, public opinion, semiconductors, force... are all fake.

In the face of the future, all the existing achievements are only the basis for maintaining a minimum level of decency.

Now the controllable nuclear fusion, don't look at the joyous dance there, there are a group of allies following, singing and dancing every day, as if the opposite side has reversed the situation, but in fact... the domestic controllable nuclear fusion has achieved a comprehensive lead.

Just yesterday, State Nuclear Power successfully won orders for several controllable nuclear fusion power plants in Southeast Asia.

Then in the field of space, it becomes a tiebreaker.

This money, not to mention fifteen trillion yuan, even if it doubles again, it has to keep up.

Director Niu picked up the teacup, saw that there was only residual tea left, put down the cup, and waved to He Mo: "No more, I'll leave right away."

"Courage has always been there." Director Niu smiled and looked at Ye Ming: "The main reason is that the public opinion is true and false, and ordinary people sometimes don't believe it."

"How can the country do such a big thing if the people don't have the confidence and don't follow it?"

Ye Ming smiled and nodded.

Lao Niu's words are probably the reason why he will answer certain questions at the press conference tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, take it easy."

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