The dormitory of Provincial Jiaotong Brain-Computer Center.

Zhou Xiangnan just finished eating and was playing games with his pregnant girlfriend.

As a sea turtle with overseas scientific research experience, he has developed a good habit-unless he is really interested, he must definitely leave work when it is time to get off work. There is no need to stay in the laboratory all day long just to save face inside.

Coupled with the large enrollment expansion of the Provincial Jiaotong University this year, as a young teacher and associate professor, he will also take classes and lead graduate students in the second half of the year. After becoming a teacher, he will definitely have less and less time.

Now that I am not busy with work, it is naturally best to spend more time with my wife.

The game the couple played is an online social game based on the Ita platform. It is a development and construction game developed from scratch by an unknown small factory in China based on the settings of "My World".

Zhou Xiangnan likes to play because the game is developed based on Aita's architecture, which naturally contains all the "knowledge" that Aita has mastered.

In this kind of game that fully simulates real-world scenarios and physical rules, knowledge is really wealth.

As a material scientist, Zhou Xiangnan was able to handle it with ease, and quickly synthesized many rare materials—such as special steel for making giant steel wheels, such as aerospace aluminum.

In theory, in this game, you can build everything according to the rules in reality. Such a rich boss will naturally not be stingy with real money to satisfy himself in building an invincible fleet or kingdom in the virtual world.

"Old Zhou, I almost have rubber when I make a car, do you have any?"

"sold out."

"Who are you, you sell all the rubber?" The wife's voice rang in my ears: "Everyone is throwing money into the game, so it's good for you to let it go to support your family? ——How much did you sell for? "

"Hahaha, if the game currency is converted into RMB, it is about one yuan and eight."

"……I really admire you."

Following his wife's voice, Zhou Xiangnan cuts out the game and opens the VR system interface—in fact, this is similar to a 3D desktop, where all operations and tasks on the flat-screen monitor can be completed.

He wants to collect game coins because he wants to design a deuterium-tritium fusion engine in the game.

The game is no different from reality. Rare earth is a very common material, and Ye Di is also synthesized...Theoretically, it is no problem to create a controllable nuclear fusion engine within the scope of Aita's computing power and rules. of.

When he opened the built-in search engine, a piece of news on Aita's homepage instantly caught his attention.

—— "The First Ignition Experiment of Helium-3 Fusion Reactor of Kuafu Project Completely Successful"

After being stunned for a moment, he opened the page in an instant.

The content of the news is very simple, even crude.

"Recently, the Kuafu Project Team of Controllable Nuclear Fusion located in Jiangcheng made another good achievement. China's scientific research on controllable nuclear fusion has made great achievements. For the first time, it has realized the ignition experiment of helium-3 fusion and created a record of continuous operation for 5 hours. It marks that my country's controllable nuclear fusion is once again leading the international level."

After reading it three or two times, he immediately took a deep breath.

"Grass! Ye always ran to light the fire!"

"Mr. Ye, what happened?"

Zhou Xiangnan took off his glasses and took off his glasses for his wife, then he opened the browser on his laptop.

Needless to say, this kind of news must be on the front page.


East Eighth District time, April 15th, 7:00 pm.

A piece of news was broadcast on the news channel in the form of a text message, and then all major news media accounts followed up simultaneously, and within ten minutes, it spread throughout the entire Chinese social network platform.

As soon as the news came out, the vast number of netizens who were still sour and beautiful a few days ago released the "trailer" immediately burst into smiles.

"No other meaning, just think Kua Fu is awesome."

"Now the round is on Lao Mei's side."

"Ambush him! Well, the ambush is beautiful."

"Can you reveal a little more information? Is it possible to generate electricity, or has a fusion engine been realized?"


Of course Zhou Xiangnan did not continue the game.

He went back to his study and clicked on Zhihu.

As expected, the news came out less than 30 minutes ago, and it went straight to the top of the hot list.

There are very few replies below, and most of them are one-sentence answers.

So far, only one word and an exclamation point are the highest.


Obviously, the emotions of netizens are understandable.

A few days ago, everyone on the Internet was commenting sourly on "what do you think" about the news that Lao Mei is about to ignite helium-3 fusion... But today, suddenly, the Kuafu group made big news.

Are you excited?

That is obviously impossible.

The same is true for Zhou Xiangnan.

It's just that as a big V, he still has to cherish his "feather" and write something different.

After all... "everyone" knows that he and Ye Ming are in the same unit.

He even knew that Ye Ming also followed his Zhihu account, and he would ask questions when he usually chatted—for example, Ye Ming once teased him, saying that the quality of his answers had declined.

You said, how dare he answer indiscriminately?

After taking a deep breath, he began to write his answer.

"Catch up with the first round of seats."

"Looked at the private message, I'm sorry, Professor Ye is really busy, I really have no inside information, and I, like everyone else, only got information from the news."

"Therefore, I feel the same way as everyone else."

"The difficulty and significance of the realization of helium-3 fusion has become a commonplace question in the past answers. If you are interested, you can take a look at my previous answers, followed by the link."

"I would like to talk about why the Kuafu group suddenly announced the experimental results this time. First of all, this is purely my personal guess."

"We know that since Laomei began to pull small groups, many technical progress has been no longer announced. For example, a few days ago, Laomei only announced the ignition notice. Nothing."

"We must have a clear awareness that the current competition has become open, and even judging from the previous trade and actions of various organizations, it is heading in a white-hot direction."

"When I proposed the space program, I mentioned that the tricks used during the Cold War in the past 60, 70 and 80 years will be played again."

"Now it seems that they are indeed going down this road unswervingly-whether it is the space program, or a few small groups, or the Maple Leaf country's previous treatment of our tritium, helium-3 and other materials. It doesn’t matter if the confession is cut off, or Musk pops up occasionally, saying that it’s one step closer to landing on Mars…”

"And a few days ago, the plan for helium-3 fusion was announced."

"All of this shows that the old US is relying on its inherent rhythm and skillful means to repeat the story of the year and strengthen the confidence of its allies-you may have forgotten that last year, when Jiangcheng held the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Alliance Conference , Many countries have signed cooperation agreements with us.”

"But the latest news is that no matter in Europe or Australia, the partner of the controllable fusion power plant is the United States, not us."

"So, this time, the Kuafu team announced the success of helium-3 fusion before Laomei ignited. In my opinion, it means more that the country's attitude towards this kind of competition has changed."

"From passive response in the past to active challenge now."

"I'll take a wild guess—don't blame me if I'm wrong—and we'll probably get more like this in the future."



after one day.

"How did they do it?"

"Is that who? Helped them in the past?"

"And tell me, is their engine or generator?"

Like an old lion, the owner of the White House waved a document in his hand and roared angrily at a group of scientific advisors.

Everyone was silent.

Of course everyone knows the news about the successful fusion of helium-3 on the opposite side.

If that's the only's nothing more than being preempted - and it was only after he announced the ignition time that he was preempted.

Frankly speaking, this method of "ambushing one hand" is actually not very good, and it is not magnanimous.

What is fatal are a few photos from the "Space-Based Infrared System" high-orbit early warning satellite.

Undoubtedly, in the entire espionage system, Jiangcheng is the key observation object. Not only are there various high-definition satellites patrolling at any time, but also infrared early warning satellites are always watching.

The so-called space-based infrared early warning refers to the use of infrared remote sensing satellites to monitor the infrared images of key areas in real time. Once the tail flame of the missile is found, the early warning system will be transmitted to the X-corner building, and then the emergency plan will be activated.

This is also a link in the entire missile defense system.

And just yesterday, an infrared satellite photographed a "terrible" tail flame at a certain base in Jiangcheng.

The reason why it is scary is because the tail flame lasts for up to two hours, and... it cannot appear on all current propellers!

Combined with the name of the base, and the news that the other party announced the success of the experiment...

Then there is only one possibility.

It was they who experimented, not a simple helium-3 fusion reaction, but a helium-3 fusion engine!

"Who will answer me."

The master put his hands on his waist, stared at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Professor White.

Professor White was silent, frowning.

Of course he has also seen the photos and data.

There is no doubt that it is the tail flame of the controlled nuclear fusion engine.

Thinking about the project he took over from his mentor... it was the engine from the beginning, and ten thousand unwillingness rose in his heart.

This is a feat that should be accomplished by oneself!

In the silence, another voice sounded.

"So, the space program, going to space is the key."

Musk looks to the owner of the white house.

"Their realization of the fusion engine means that they have the ability to develop space resources."

"That's why I suggest that NASA convene a global space cooperation plan and invite them to jointly formulate a treaty for space development, especially the development and utilization of lunar resources."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Musk said in a deep voice, "They must be looking at the moon."


"Because the ambition of their chief designer Ye Ming is the moon, if they are not allowed to sign a development agreement...then, the Artemis project must be completed as soon as possible, at least, before they land on the moon with a spaceship Finish."

"We need to know that the fusion engine, for one flight, carries a factory into the sky."

In silence, the officials from NASA nodded slowly.

"Then the Artemis project will no longer be postponed, and we must go up next year."

Just 1 chapter tonight. . make up tomorrow

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