From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 297 Inviting the Moon

A week later, with the help of Ye Ming, Professor Huo Laien, who claims to be an old antique and can't use Aita, finally mastered the essence of communicating with strong artificial intelligence and completed the writing of the thesis.

"A Hilbert Hyperdimensional Information Set Model"

The day the paper was posted on arxiv, it caused a sensation in the mathematics and theoretical physics circles.

the reason is simple.

Based on proven theories, this paper constructs a four-dimensional space gravity and information model under non-string theory, which means that it is not just a mathematical model...

It is a theory that human beings must follow and even use when they touch the high-dimensional space!

Let’s not talk about whether you can understand the argumentation process, nor whether the argumentation is ultimately correct—that’s the job of the big guys in the same industry.

Ordinary "people" only need to understand the description of the conclusion of the paper.

"...this model provides the theoretical basis for gravity's directional constraints in four-dimensional space, and enables information to be preserved rather than dissipated in high-dimensional spaces, and can be assembled in order in high-dimensional spaces."


BYD is driving on the highway.

Ye Ming was sitting in the back row, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

He Mo sat next to him, took out his phone and was browsing Zhihu with great interest.

On the homepage of Zhihu, Professor Huo Laien "finally" became a hot search...

"What do you think of the Fields Medal winner Huo Laien who came to the Provincial Jiaotong University and co-published a major achievement with Professor Ye Ming within ten days? What does this model mean? "

The answer is the unity of one water.

A funny expression + a picture of Ang Lee's sentence "I can't understand it but I'm shocked".

Of course, there are also respondents who answered seriously, but judging from the content, they did not really understand the paper, but they could understand the end of the paper.

"Is it really possible to realize long-distance communication?"

He Mo pursed his lips and looked at Ye Ming.

"It seems that you are an amateur when you ask this question... You have also studied informatics." Ye Ming opened his eyes, just in time to see He Mo "puffing up" for a moment.

He is happy.

"It's like this. Now we have only solved the theoretical basis of information retention in high dimensions, which means that as long as we can send information into high dimensions and then take it out, it is theoretically possible to maintain consistency."

He Mo: "..."

"The real difficulty lies in how to send it up, and how to take it out - of course, it is not difficult to send it up, because there is... that equation."

He Mo: "Yip's equation."

"Well... yes, the solution provided by this equation allows people to try various geometric spaces and build countless microcosmic... that wave generator."

"Gravitational waves?"

"Strictly speaking, gravitational wave is a concept of general relativity, which is inappropriate to be used here - although it should indeed be described as gravitational wave, or more precisely, the performance of the gravitational field after being microscopically constrained."

"With this, we have to send the information to Gaowei, which is not a difficult task. The most difficult thing is actually to get it out accurately..."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Let's do a thought experiment and you will understand."

He Mo immediately stared at him with great interest.

Thought experiment yay! Only awesome scientists did it!

"Suppose the distance between the two of us is ten billion light-years."

He Mo: "...can you go a little further?"

"Haha, then 30 billion light years—in short, as long as you and I are in the same space-time system, this is the premise."

"Then, if I want to contact you, it will take 30 billion years to transmit information with light. Even if we use quantum entanglement, we have to complete the entanglement first... and quantum entanglement cannot effectively express information."

"But if it is assumed that there is a huge black box called high-dimensional space between us-in this black box, the concepts of time and space in the three-dimensional world do not exist, or are meaningless, can you understand ?"

"Yes, you continue."

"Then, I'll write a piece of paper, squeeze it into a ball, search the ground and throw it into this black box! In the next second of the same space-time system, no matter how far you are apart, you can grab this piece of paper from this black box as soon as you stretch out your hand." paper ball."

He Mo frowned slightly, and looked at Ye Ming: "Then how do I know that you sent me a ball of paper?"

"Are you stupid? Don't you know how to keep reaching for it?"

He Mo: "..."

"The problem we have solved now is to keep the note in this black box, and in theory, it can be achieved by throwing the note in it-but how do you get your hand into the black box, and how do you get it? Accurately grasping the ball of paper I gave you is the difficulty."

Saying that, Ye Ming exhaled lightly.

"Now there are two ways of thinking. One is that everyone's notes share a big black box. The other is that there is such a black box between everyone and the person they want to contact. From the model, this is also established."

He Mo thought for a while: "Similar to public channels and private channels?"

"It can be understood in this way."

"Then... which way of thinking is better?"

Ye Ming laughed: "Ghost knows!"

//The theory of inter-dimensional and long-distance communication is probably like this, can you make it clear?


Under the guidance of the police car, BYD drove off the high speed, and then drove to the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

This is good for the big third line. There are all kinds of industries. If you want heavy industry, you can have heavy industry, and if you want a base, you need a base.

After entering the launch center, Ye Ming just glanced at the huge launch pad from a distance, and then the car turned into another huge "factory area".

Here, of course, is the final assembly center of the "Miss Three" Yaoyue.

"Professor Xiaoye, congratulations!"

Before the director Zhang arrived, his voice arrived first.

"Same joy, same joy."

After getting off the car, Ye Ming shook hands with Director Zhang first, then shook hands with the crowd one by one, and then went straight to the assembly workshop.

As the chief designer, Ye Ming probably didn't have much time to stay in school this year - this time he didn't bring Ita out, she was busy teaching students.

This time he came here, mainly to see the assembly progress of the Yueyue with his own eyes, and then listen to the on-site report to see if there are any problems that need to be resolved.

Although under the coordination of Aita, the assembly progress of the entire spacecraft is currently proceeding in an orderly manner, including the troubles with the previous supercapacitor, Academician Gu also followed his advice and immediately updated the plan to ensure that the progress will not be delayed.

But how should I put it... This kind of super project has gathered the entire country, countless institutions and departments, thousands of awesome scientists and engineers, and there are as many as a dozen academicians working on the front line alone...

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you really can't do it if you want to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

After entering the workshop, the first thing that catches the eye is the huge hull.

Exactly the same as in the design, it adopts an aerodynamic shape similar to a swimming fish.

In terms of design, it uses an anti-gravity device, which can make it decelerate very well, so its shell does not need to be equipped with a thick heat insulation layer like other spacecraft or missiles.

Also can make it adopt the shell material of aircraft, take into account lightness and rigidity.

Of course, the only consequence of this is that it doesn't fly fast in the air.

But does the sky need to be fast? Obviously not - as long as you can step left foot right foot, you can step on the moon. The reason why the rocket is fast is because it needs to burn out the fuel as soon as possible, continuously reduce weight, and then save fuel.

Therefore, in terms of appearance, building it will not be much more troublesome than building a large aircraft with a length of 100 meters.

Looking at the 100-meter-long behemoth in front of him, Ye Ming's chest was surging.

After a while, Director Zhang's voice rang softly in his ears.

"Would you like to try artificial gravity?"

When Ye Ming heard this, he turned his head instantly.

"Has the gravity chamber been installed?"

Director Zhang smiled and nodded: "I don't know how to describe it. After get off work, let's go in and have a try."

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