From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 298 Space Breeding Plan

Ye Ming followed Director Zhang into the hull from the rear of the spaceship.

Here is the part where the engine is installed, so it has the highest rigidity and toughness structure of the whole ship. From the perspective of space, it is a "cave" with a diameter of about ten meters.

However, to facilitate the assembly of other cabin equipment, the roof of this "cave" has not been sealed, so it can only be regarded as a "valley".

On both sides of the "cave" are two huge clamp-shaped brackets to fix the engine.

Ye Ming only stayed briefly in the engine section, and did not pretend to ask some nonsense from the leader, such as "how is the difficulty", "how is the accuracy", "how is the fit"...

As the chief designer, he knows all this clearly.

And since the inspection and construction equipment was connected to Aita throughout the process, even if he wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it from him.

The construction progress here, everything is normal to perfect.

——You can tell how smooth the progress is from hearing that they still have their normal "off work" time.

After the engine section, the next is the energy cabin, which is also a reserved space, and the installation will not be completed until the supercapacitor bank and the core circuit system on Academician Gu's side are in place.

Many people think that the engine is the core.

In fact... For a spacecraft, the energy module is the real core - as long as it can keep running here, the spacecraft will not be completely "disabled".

A spaceship is not a ship or a mechanical airplane. Without electricity, it really has nothing.

Therefore, at the time of the argument, there were actually some experts from the aviation port who "weakly" suggested that the energy compartment, such an important core compartment, should not be put together with the engine compartment...

This suggestion sounds reasonable, but Ye Ming directly said that if the engine really had a failure that could affect the cabin next door—in short, it exploded, then it wouldn't matter where the energy cabin was placed.

Well, indeed, this is space, unlike the sea, where you can put on a lifebuoy or something if the ship blows up.

What's more, the energy cabin itself is also a dangerous cabin, and staying away from the main cabin is the correct choice.

In the surrounding cabin, the thick and thick wires are exposed, which looks extremely rough-this is because the cabin sealing plate has not been installed yet, and these wires will not be seen at all after the laying is completed.

Moreover, each sealing plate will be numbered and can be manually disassembled for maintenance and inspection.

Ye Ming looked forward at the cave-like main cabin, where the lights were bright and the heat was surging—many engineers inside had already put on short sleeves.

Looking at this scene, Ye Ming exhaled lightly.

To be honest, this kind of completely sealed cabin that can't use the mechanical arm, the light has been turned on for a long time, it is really a little sun.

Fortunately, it's only March, if it's June or won't be too hot.

"How is the current circuit connected?"

"It was brought from the base, using an external detection circuit." Director Zhang unbuttoned a button, saw Ye Ming also unzipped his clothes, and said with a smile: "It's spring these two days, and it should be hot. But It will be fine in a few days, and now it is loading the cargo hatch, and the door can be opened for ventilation after installation, it will be much better."

"Yes, thank you for your hard work." Ye Ming said with emotion.

Walking into the light, the part above the head is "sealed", and the space is also opened up.

Still using a fish as a metaphor, it enters the abdomen from the tail.

Here, it is already the space of the main cabin.

To be precise, here is the cargo compartment.

As a spaceship with a full load of 2,000 tons, its cargo hold must not be small-this is a large space with a volume of tens of thousands of cubic meters, which is enough to hold a large amount of materials and large mechanical equipment.

Walking through the cargo compartment is the main cabin.

A high wall separates the main cabin from the functional cabin, and it can be seen from the section that the main cabin has six floors in total.

At the same time, this is also the area covered by the gravitational field.

As a "spaceship" facing space, the gravity generator is very critical-its significance far exceeds the anti-gravity force field. Of course, from a theoretical point of view, the two are one, and there is no distinction between them. But if you want to choose one from the design, then the gravity generator must be the first choice.

The existence of artificial gravity makes it possible to live comfortably in space for a long time.

The anti-gravity force field just provides more choices for the design of the hull.

Therefore, the gravity cabin of the entire spaceship is not only the main cabin, but also the earliest designed and assembled section of the spaceship. Basically, the entire main hull is based on it.


In order to take care of the happy mood of the crew, the six-story space is not built as cramped and narrow as a ship, but as far as possible to ensure that each floor has a height of about three meters, and the studio and laboratory adopt a circular shape as much as possible. The structure of the shaped hall satisfies both the sight distance and the sense of space.

Climbing up the gangway, Ye Ming entered the "bottom" floor.

Well... In fact, this is also the core area, because this is the kitchen and the storage layer for living materials.

People depend on food for heaven!

In addition to serving as a dining place, the restaurant also undertakes functions such as holding parties. Therefore, in the design, the seats are all movable—they are usually buckled on the floor.

Looking at the kitchen countertop, Director Zhang put his hands on his waist and smiled brightly.

"Thinking of eating stir-fried vegetables in space in the future, really, to be honest, this feeling is unparalleled."

Ye Ming nodded: "You can still eat fresh vegetables. The agricultural area above has soilless cultivation technology. Let alone vegetables, I think you can eat fresh rice."

"Maybe we can even eat fresh pork." He Mo walked up and down the restaurant, feeling overwhelmed: "In such a large space, with so many people eating, the leftovers alone can raise two pigs."

Everyone laughed loudly.

Yes, there's artificial gravity, and there's plenty of space... and you can actually raise pigs in space!

Human mold aircraft carrier can raise pigs, why can't it be raised in space?

"If you're going to do space farming, you'll have to call in a veterinarian."

"Well, I think it's feasible." Ye Ming joked.

The second to fourth floors are nothing to see, mainly the crew’s rest cabin, which is also the bulk of the main cabin—different from the hierarchical cabin system of warships, each crew member here has a single room, And all cabins are the same size.

In terms of treatment, there is no actual difference in treatment between captains and ordinary crew members, only differences in systems, responsibilities and powers.

In fact, Ye Ming discussed this design with the experts at the Aerospace Port for a long time. In the end, everyone agreed that the spaceship cannot be made like a ship.

There are historical reasons for the absolute authority of the captain on a ship, and the advantages that come with that authority.

Many of the earliest sailors came from the bottom.

But in the space age, especially this first spaceship... we're really all equal.

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality. How did you survive the hard times when you lived in cave dwellings? Or because it was fair.

Therefore, eliminating the hidden dangers caused by "privileges" as much as possible needs to be considered in design.

The fifth and sixth floors are laboratories and office areas. Since there is no equipment coming in, it is just an ordinary iron shell cabin at this time, and nothing can be seen.

Afterwards, Ye Ming went all the way down from the sixth floor along a rotating inclined ladder.

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