From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 296 The System May Be Seriously Ill

"Actually, we didn't talk too much about it."

Ye Ming continued to eat instant noodles.

"Professor Hollein's coming here symbolizes far more than the technical assistance he can bring—I admit that he is very good at academics, for example, he inspired me today."

He Mo pursed his lips and smiled: "After all, I took Fields before I was thirty."

Ye Ming nodded: "But in terms of technical realization and engineering, he can't..."

"The old man has never realized that I am actually an engineer."

"Did you not realize it?" Ye Ming looked at the two proudly.

The two looked at each other in astonishment, and then laughed.

This is not the first time Ye Ming said that he is an engineer.

Ye Ming smiled slightly: "So, if the old man wants to do academics with peace of mind, let him do it well. Let's not talk about it, I will work overtime later, and get the paper out earlier-maybe, our school will have a second A Nobel Prize scholar!"


"Oh no, it might be the third one!" Ye Ming thought of the paper on "unknown objects" that had been officially published by nature, confirmed by major observatories and calculated by "observation"...

His eyes narrowed with a smile.

Since that celestial paper was published. So far, all telescopes, including the Webb telescope in space, have completed the observation of that celestial body according to the position and calculation formula given by Ye Ming and Li Lei in the paper.

A large amount of evidence shows that it is a non-classical black hole that surpasses all current models.

Regarding this black hole, Ye Ming also discussed it with Professor Huo Laien this afternoon. They believe that the problem of the mismatch between the volume of the black hole and the gravitational force it exhibits may be that part of the mass of the black hole has been "swallowed".

Or simply, the mass of the black hole is really small, but there is a special field around it, which can swallow all matter, including light—not necessarily the horizon.

All in all, it's kind of mind-blowing.

You said, discovering such a black hole in the solar system...does it deserve a Nobel Prize?

Ye Ming is not very interested in the Nobel Prize, but he is still interested in winning two, three, four...!

Putting down the bucket, Ye Ming looked at the two of them: "Are you all right? I'm going to work now."

He Mo: "..."

Director Niu: "..."



At night, Ye Ming lay on the bed and entered the super simulation.

After presenting the hypercube constructed by the equation in the simulation space, Ye Ming began to try to construct a gravitational design to verify it.

But... sorry.

This kind of pure mathematical solution, even if it is him, will not be able to find a design to verify for a while.

However, according to Ye Ming's experience, being able to produce this hypercube in a super simulation means that mathematically, its solution is no problem.

It is possible to publish papers directly.

"Would you like to observe the simulated world?"

Time passed slowly, and Ita, who was a little bored by the side, suggested.

Ye Ming glanced at the blue planet below - the progress of the system has been simulated to 2200 years.

"No, I can probably guess the real purpose of the super simulation."

"what is that?"

"It's a tool for information leakage."

Ye Ming looked back as he spoke, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

According to his "enlightenment", people in the simulated world finally resisted the disaster of 2077 "in advance" this time.

But unfortunately, this world did not give birth to what he wanted.

For example, the birth of new materials, the birth of new theories, and the explosion of technology.

——In other words, this simulated world only relies on the knowledge he possesses and provides to simulate and operate.

Ye Ming asked Ita and Aita to continuously collect knowledge from the Internet around the world, trying to "restore" all conditions in reality.

What you get is just a simulated world that is very close to reality.

All of its technologies cannot break through the shackles of known theories.

Ye Ming has been busy for so long, and the only useful "information" he has obtained is that a spaceship will emerge from that unknown "celestial body".


The system, or the civilization that endows itself with a system, just wants to tell itself in this way that you will suffer.

As for why he made such a big turn instead of telling himself directly...

Ye Ming's guess is...

The system may be seriously ill.

All right……

It should be impossible to directly leak information, otherwise it will cause unnecessary troubles due to the disorder of information entropy.

This is a bit like "secrets must not be revealed".

Of course, this is just Ye Ming's guess.


After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming looked at Ita.

"We haven't drawn any technology about gravitational waves, have we?"


"Obviously, the dimensional wave is the gravitational wave after crossing the dimension, and it is an application of the gravitational wave. The YE field is a form of the gravitational wave field."

Ye Ming calmly analyzed, or "delusional": "Then the gravitational wave carried by the information, or the technology for upgrading and reducing the dimension of the dimensional wave, must be another wave field different from the YE field. .”

"Then do you want to smoke?"

Ita immediately became excited, and his voice was full of excitement.

Ye Ming fell silent again.

He asked Ita to arrange all the current drawings.

From the earliest dimensional wave and bioelectric interference resonance technology, to the antimatter confinement force field device, to the design of dense gravitational permeable membrane, and the design of nuclear force intervention...

After looking at them one by one, he took another look at his random drawings.

There are six left.

After hesitating, Ye Ming finally let out a long sigh: "Forget it, wait a minute."

"Why wait?"

"Because the current problem is a mathematical problem, and the drawing is a technical drawing, the help that can be provided is very limited, and... haven't you discovered it? The technology and design we have already realized will not appear in the drawing library Medium. For example, we haven’t drawn material blueprints for a long time..."

Ye Ming waved his hand to disperse the drawings: "Now our engineering technology has been advanced very fast, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there is a technological explosion. Let's wait until the technological explosion passes and when we really encounter difficulties--besides, now If it gives me a blueprint for an antimatter cannon, or simply a curvature generator or something... I can't build it either."

Next, Ye Ming waved away the multi-dimensional cube created by the equation - in three-dimensional space, its performance is a few very strange points that cause space ripples.

"Come on, help me think about how to design a detector to complete the observation of a black hole."

The detector here naturally refers to the detector that detects the black hole after going to the sky.

To detect and build a model of an unknown celestial body, the most effective way is to fly a probe to it.

And as a black hole wandering in the solar system... If you don't send a probe to take a look at it, I'm really sorry for the serious illness of the system.

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