From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 287 The Speed ​​of the Universe Wants the Speed ​​of the Universe

As the first city to ignite a fusion reactor, Jiangcheng has spent a lot of effort in attracting investment and promoting tourism in the past six months, and even secretly put up the signboard of "Sun City" at one point - but it was immediately called by the higher authorities. Stopped.

But Jiangcheng obviously didn't give up, "Sun City" wouldn't let it be called, so "Fusion City" would be fine, right?'s typical again to open a window and open the house first.

So Fusion City has become another code name for Jiangcheng, but compared to Sun City, Fusion City also has "sequelae" - that is, it needs to vigorously promote the safety and environmental protection of controllable nuclear fusion.

In addition, residential and commercial electricity consumption should not exceed 30 cents, which is also a key propaganda slogan-Jiangcheng wants to reduce industrial power consumption to less than 50 cents, but this first fusion reactor is originally of a verification nature. It is indeed a bit choking to meet the needs of industrial electricity...

And if the industrial power consumption is also reduced, it would indeed be a bit too disrespectful of martial arts.

Under the protection of three police cars, two BYDs and one Audi drove off the national highway, bypassed the gate of the officially listed "Nuclear Jiangcheng Fusion Power Plant", and drove into the park near a hill behind the power plant.

The gate of the park is guarded by armed police. Not far away, there are three steps, one post, five steps and one post, and cameras are all over the place.

On the gate, there is a low-key signboard "Controllable Nuclear Fusion Research Center"


"Hey, Huo, come here and clear the way for the police car?"

As Ye Ming and Professor Huo got off the car at the same time, the professors who had been waiting here for a long time joked one after another.

"I'm enjoying the treatment with someone, haha!" Professor Huo Liang laughed while holding Ye Ming's shoulder, and then the two shook hands with a group of colleagues who hadn't seen each other for many days.

Then everyone looked at the time again, and when they learned that Director Zhang of the Aerospace Port was coming soon, they didn't go back to the office building, but "walked" at the suggestion of Professor Shao of the Ninth Academy.

So a group of people wandered and chatted in the park while killing time.

Ye Ming walked among the crowd. He looked at the warehouse not far away and asked, "Have the equipment and parts arrived yet?"

"The last batch that arrived yesterday, the boys are numbering now, do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Go, take a look."

Then Ye Ming and others went to the warehouse—in fact, it is also an equipment assembly room—contrary to what most people imagined, the assembly workshop is really not a place where black technology and high technology gather, just like an ordinary factory building .

Not to mention a bit messy, the ground is also full of piles of boxes.

Among them are a bunch of boxes, and Jizhi Technology is written on it.

In the center is a giant "cylinder" with a diameter of three meters, and next to it is a giant ring of about the same size.

These two are the main body of the engine.

In the warehouse, a group of young researchers are sorting and placing each box in order according to the number and description of each box - in the next few days, they will use the most meticulous effort to complete the measurement of these parts.

Seeing the bosses enter the house, the researchers stopped what they were doing.

"It's okay, let's continue, let's take a stroll." Professor Shao waved his hand with a smile - he is the main person in charge here.

Ye Ming turned around the main body of the engine, and when he saw this big guy, he was very moved.

With his hands on his waist, he looked towards the end of the warehouse—it was a hill more than 100 meters high.

A hole more than ten meters wide was dug out of the hill, and various test environments are being assembled and arranged inside. After the engine is assembled, it will be used to test various data.

"You said, how far has Musk's deuterium-tritium engine been built?"

Ye Ming withdrew his gaze, then looked at the crowd and asked.

"I don't know, I didn't hear the wind."

"If you haven't heard the wind, then there's been no movement—Mr. Richest Man has such a temper, but if he makes any progress, he'll definitely want to yell and let the whole world know about it."

Everyone laughed loudly.

Ye Ming couldn't help smiling too.

He can fully understand the mood of these professors - although the controllable nuclear fusion is his main design, but the specific details are "recklessly" worked out by them.

But it's also evil, this year has passed, not only did this group of people not see "old", but all of them looked rosy...

Of course, it is unreasonable to use the heresy that "studying controlled nuclear fusion will promote cell regeneration".

The only explanation is that these young and vigorous professors have really ushered in the academic and professional spring.

At this moment, Director Zhang called. When he learned that they were in the warehouse, Director Zhang told everyone to stay still, and he would come over immediately...


Half an hour later, a group of people who visited the warehouse gathered in the conference room.

Ye Ming presided over the meeting.

After a simple opening, Ye Ming got straight to the point.

"This time the equipment and parts were in place so quickly, I really have to thank the brothers for their cooperation, but they are not here, so we don't need to applaud."

Everyone laughed—Of course there were people squatting on the side of Erzhong and Dongji, but the people left behind were not high enough to be on today's conference table.

Ye Ming chuckled and opened his notebook.

Everyone at the venue had already changed into Yilong notebooks.

"Professor Shao's previous summary has been sent to the work log. When the time comes, everyone will take a look and mark it as read. Now let's focus on the next work arrangement."

"At present, the equipment is in place, and we have enough time for a week to accept and test all components, and then finalize the assembly process and process."

"Of course, the process was completed when the design was finalized half a year ago. Now I will only talk about the possible technical problems and solutions."

Ye Ming clicked on the PPT in the notebook and looked at everyone: "Everyone should be able to see in the notebook that these construction techniques, in fact, with the assistance of Aita, have proposed specific and feasible corresponding measures. In theory, we only need to follow the steps step by step. If you strictly follow the instructions to construct, there will be no problems.”

"So this time, we introduced intelligent mechanical assembly, and tomorrow my colleagues will come to configure the robotic arm."

Ye Ming just smiled when he said that: "I always feel that we used to be a bit too handicraft workshop."

Director Zhang nodded deeply: "Don't tell me, this kind of non-assembly-line industrial system is sometimes really a handicraft workshop—you don't know, when J10 was installed, everyone was still wearing slippers. Going into battle shirtless, I was carrying a hammer at that time, and I would hit a few times with the hammer if there was any injustice..."

Everyone laughed.

"But it's not working now." Chief Zhang exhaled lightly: "If it's a plane, if it's really not working, you can still parachute. Spaceship... Where are you jumping?"

"So we still have to make full use of Aita. Although in some processes, the robotic arm cannot achieve human dexterity and on-site processing capabilities, but in terms of processes and rules, she has unparalleled advantages."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Ye Ming pursed his lips, and then turned to the next page.

The meeting continues.

"The assembly period is currently tentatively set at one month - according to estimates, if there is no major accident, this time is sufficient, and it is very likely to be ahead of schedule."

Everyone looked at the notebook and nodded.

After the delivery of the order, they have been using Aita to simulate the construction process and process for the past six months-to put it a bit exaggerated, they can now see the complete construction process and site in their minds when they close their eyes!

Exhausting the wisdom of so many people, coupled with Aita's ability-even when there is no quantum computer, Aita's computing power is a priority guaranteed Kuafu project-it can be said that any problems that may arise in the entire assembly process , they have all been considered!

In addition, Aita will be responsible for the overall management of the robotic arm...

According to her ability, if there is any major accident... then it can only be said that luck is indeed a bit bad, and it is extremely bad.

"After the engine assembly is completed, three aspects of testing are mainly completed."

"One is the design and functional part of the helium-3 fusion reaction, which involves the continuation of the reaction, temperature retention and confinement system, etc. It is the basis for the operation of the entire engine, and Professor Huo is responsible for testing this part."

"Secondly, it is the proton exchange power generation function. In addition to the proton exchange, the focus of the test is also the power storage and power conversion modules. These all involve the design of the subsequent helium-3 fusion power generation, as well as the entire spacecraft power supply system. This part is composed of Professor Shao is in charge of the test."

"The third is the verification of the overall design, including power output, fuel management, power adjustment, distribution of multiple propulsion surfaces, etc. This part of the verification is related to the safety of the entire engine and the safety of the entire spacecraft. This part of the test, I'm in charge."

"As for the entire testing phase, in order to consider saving fuel, the time window of the testing phase is not long."

Ye Ming said with drooping eyelids, and pondered.

Everyone looked at him seriously, and waited quietly - based on past experience, Ye Ming was activating the "supercomputing" calculation model in his mind at this time.

About half a minute later, Ye Ming raised his head again: "Including various power adjustments, the time window is at most about five hours-but in order to deal with it, we need to spend at least a month!"

There was a look of relief on everyone's face.

Don't look at Ye Ming talking about a month or something - under his arrangement, the overall time has been close to three months.

But everyone knows that this is already... a speed that I never even thought about before!

Among other things, let's take a look at Laomei's Artemis plan. How long has it been delayed? How many years did the Tiangong Project go on?

Well, you said those were monolithic projects.

That's just the engine.

Among other things, the engine of the domestically produced large aircraft... How many years have you been working on it?

But now...a controllable nuclear fusion engine that surpasses all current engines and realizes the dream of human space travel——helium-3 engine!

Counting the beginning of deuterium-tritium fusion, until now, from scratch... It has been a full two years!

This is no longer "Huaxia speed", but "cosmic speed"!

Perhaps, to really surpass the cosmic speed, it may be exactly such a "cosmic speed"?

In the silence, Director Zhang took the lead in applauding.

Ye Ming also exhaled slowly, then smiled and looked at Director Zhang.

"Zhang Bureau, where are you?"

Bragging in the group is delayed

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