Manned aviation is a major national project anywhere.

The technology and talent reserves it needs have never been affordable or affordable by second- and third-rate countries, or even "first-rate" countries.

In a sense, manned spaceflight is actually a ticket to enter a "super" power.

Therefore, last year, the Kuafu project team and Aerospace Port proposed a big-step plan to replace the "Chang'e Project" that has been stably halfway through with a spaceship with a controllable nuclear fusion engine. In fact, it took a lot of risk.

As far as Ye Ming knows, whether it is the interior of the space port, or the higher or even the highest place, it has caused fierce debate.

Without it, too aggressive, too risky.

But in the end... In Director Niu's words, after "arguing for seven days and seven nights", he decided to let the Kuafu project team "give it a try".

Because, if it "succeeds", the benefits obtained will be too great! too big! too big!

In order to maintain the "strategic confusion", the Chang'e project did not turn around at this point, but carried out the implementation of various projects step by step-it's just that some project members who are not deeply involved in secrets may have doubts about why there are many new demands for space stations ...

And from the source of funds for the project, Jizhi Technology also bears a considerable part.

In short, so far, the follow-up projects of the entire Kuafu Project have been kept strictly confidential.

Even if the outside world guesses again, they can only guess that the Kuafu team may continue to run towards the sun and light up Helium 3.

And it is impossible to guess... Kuafu is actually going to become a Golden Crow solar ship.


"Our progress is a little bit slower, but according to the time assigned by Professor Xiaoye just now, after three months, we should just be able to connect."

Director Zhang took over the agenda panel, and everyone looked at the notebook.

Ye Ming also looked at the notebook.

On the notebook is a scene diagram of a huge closed workshop.

In the picture, the hull of a spaceship about 100 meters long already has a preliminary scale—at least from its appearance, it can be seen that it is a spaceship, not a ship or an airplane.

Of course, Ye Ming has always been able to see and understand these progress. Director Zhang is just showing it to other colleagues.

"According to the progress feedback of the core components, we will get the gravity and anti-gravity generation system within two months. The missile and laser window will be a little slower, but they will definitely be in place within three months."

"The most troublesome thing now is the energy storage system of the spacecraft." Director Zhang pursed his lips and took a deep breath: "The current supercapacitor solution we use has enough redundancy in the design, but the engine startup stage The energy requirement is indeed too great, and it also has to undertake the voltage stabilization function of the anti-gravity device and the attitude adjustment engine, so it must be cautious... It did not pass the last stress test before the Spring Festival..."

Hearing Director Zhang's words, everyone's expressions became serious.

Although we know that these "accidents" are common - if everything goes smoothly until the end, then we will worry about some monsters - but everyone is still worried about the overall progress.

Ye Ming also pursed his lips and listened carefully.

Although this field is not his field of expertise, as the chief designer of the spacecraft, he communicates with all teams.

The supercapacitor was completed by the team led by Academician Gu. The team was already very strong, and the problem was only because they knew it was on the spacecraft, so they have been pursuing the most extreme and harsh stress test—and theoretically, This can be solved by designing higher redundancy and safety factor.

So Ye Ming explained a few words for everyone, so as not to worry for no reason.

"Of course, the energy storage system is indeed very important. It can be regarded as the most important part of the spacecraft except the engine. I think I will find time this month to go to the capital to see it in person." Ye Ming said with a smile.

Everyone nodded with a smile, and didn't think there was anything wrong with Ye Ming's "crossover".

"Indeed, you should go and have a look." Director Zhang laughed and continued: "The remaining main component is the attitude engine. It's just that the power of the attitude engine is relatively small, and we have accumulated a lot of technology before, and we have It's not a big problem, it's just a bit of work to do six engines at once, but it can always be done with overtime."

"As for other cabin designs, we have ready-made Tiangong cabin design experience, not to mention."

"Now, apart from the energy storage system mentioned earlier, there are only three aspects."

"The first one is the main control system of the whole ship." Director Zhang said and looked at Ye Ming. He knew that Ye Ming was a rare "full blooming" genius scientist, and his achievements in the field of computer information systems were not inferior. Because of the controllable nuclear fusion system, the systems of the whole ship are all designed by Ye Ming.

Ye Ming nodded: "It has been written, and it is also based on the logic of the AI ​​housekeeper, but it cannot reach the height of Aita."

Due to the objective existence of the delay problem, Ye Ming did not base all the operating logic of the entire spacecraft on Aita, but asked Ita to rewrite a master AI.

This main control AI can be regarded as an ultra-low configuration version of Aita-this also proves that the birth of Aita is indeed a bit of a miracle.

"It's okay, it's okay, the low-profile version of Aita?"

"Hehe, it's an ultra-low configuration version, but it's still much better than Google's and Microsoft's."

"That's enough! Anyway, it can cooperate with Aita." Director Zhang smiled happily: "Now everyone is used to Aita, and you say to go back to the traditional system...that is really not used to anywhere."

Everyone laughed and nodded in unison.

"The second aspect is the project for the first time on board, construction equipment and the construction plan of the lunar factory-this plan is in charge of Jizhi Technology."

Ye Ming nodded again: "The engineering equipment is commissioned by XCMG to carry out customized manufacturing. They just completed the design last month. According to their ability and level, they can drag it over within half a year. There is no problem. As for the integrated chemical plant ... Jizhi Technology's first business is the smart workshop, we have a lot of experience and sufficient channels, so there is no need to worry."

"Well, don't worry then."

Director Zhang let out a soft breath as he spoke.

"The last one is the training of the boarding personnel, which can start." Director Zhang said and glanced at the computer: "Today is February 25, 2025, and there are still one year, four months and five days before the scheduled launch time. .”

"Although the spaceship has artificial gravity, this time we are...a one-way ticket, and the risk is still very high, so the selection and training of the crew on board...the task is very heavy."

Ye Ming also exhaled lightly.

Of course he knows that the "oil" this time is only enough for a one-way journey—although the country has been trying every means to develop helium 3 and strive to create better testing conditions and return conditions.

But... just after Christmas last year, the helium 3 order that was originally procured through the International Controlled Nuclear Fusion Conference... suddenly received news that the supply of goods was interrupted.

The reason... It has to be seen in conjunction with another piece of news that the Vancouver area will start building the world's third controllable nuclear fusion reactor in 2025.

The reason for this can be thought of with your toes-there is currently the most stable supply of "commercial tritium" over there. If it is stabilized, it will stabilize the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction power station that is not yet fully self-sustaining.

This move, frankly... really well done.

This also directly led to today's meeting, Professor Xijiaowen, who was in charge of optimizing the tritium breeding module, and others did not have time to attend, and they were all nestled in the power plant next door.

This has also led to, in addition to the two key issues of "flying up" and "returning" in the traditional aerospace project, there is another problem...

If you want to return, "build a factory" on the moon, and directly excavate the lunar soil to practice helium 3, it has become a must for the PlanA plan, not an option.

This difficulty...then it really increases geometrically - because you can't do unmanned testing, you have to go up.

If it is traditional spaceflight, it will be fine. After all, if you have experience, going to the moon is nothing more than a little more aggressive.

But this is a controllable nuclear fusion engine, God, the test is the first one!

It is conceivable that when this radical plan was first proposed, how much pressure the relevant leaders had to bear, and how normal the debate was.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming sighed softly, and then laughed.

"It's okay. As for the candidate, the people from Jizhi Technology will definitely be fine. Don't talk about missions and beliefs. If you just talk about being able to build a factory on the moon, everyone may be scrambling for the first place."

Ye Ming paused as he said that: "I heard the truth in the morning, and I will die in the evening, and it is the fate of our group."

Ye Ming's words made everyone laugh again.

Yes, how many people can refuse this opportunity to go to the moon? There are only certain movies that are so hypocritical...

Director Zhang smiled and shook his head: "I'm talking about physical fitness."

"That's okay, the rich man can stay on the space station for a week after only a few days of training, we are young guys after all." Ye Ming bent his arms and said with a smile: "I think I'm fine."

Director Zhang laughed loudly: "You? I don't think you should think about it."

Ye Ming coughed twice.

Of course he knew...he would definitely not be able to get on this first ship for the first time...

But in the future, he will definitely go up.

It's a matter of mission!

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a foolish trip to this world?

"The candidate must be confirmed as soon as possible, because the training base in the Gobi Desert has been completed. Although the conditions are good, a half-year training period is definitely necessary."

"No problem, I will choose later."

Director Zhang smiled and let out a long breath. After a while, he smiled and looked at everyone: "Everyone here, no one wants to go up?"

Everyone laughed.

"Zhang Bureau, what you said is wrong, it should be that no one here doesn't want to go up."

Professor Huo Liang took a deep breath, looked at Director Zhang with burning eyes, and then at Ye Ming who was sitting in the main seat: "I want to go."

Everyone was startled and looked at him at the same time.

"I am 44 years old, and I have been exercising for many years. I bet, of all the people present, I am the only one with abdominal muscles when I lift up my clothes." Professor Huo looked at everyone and smiled slightly: "I have no physical problems, and as the basic design of the engine The test and maintenance personnel, I think, also need me to go up alone."


After the meeting, Ye Ming returned to his office.

Professor Huo Liang followed in immediately.

"Ye Ming, I know you can decide the non-military candidates - if you still recognize me as a teacher, then don't try to stop me."

"He Mo, make tea for Professor Huo."

"No, I'll just drink plain water." Professor Huo waved his hand, immediately sat beside Ye Ming, and said seriously, "I'm not joking."

Ye Ming didn't know what to say.

Of course he could feel the heat in Lao Huo's eyes—frankly speaking, he really wanted to go up there.

And Lao Huo is right, he can decide.

But it is basically a certainty that Professor Huo will become an academician this year... and as soon as Kuafu's projects are finished, then Professor Huo will be a gold-lettered signboard that will do his part, and he will support half of the high-energy physics world!

If you really want to talk about status, it is second only to Ye Ming.

You said, how dare Ye Ming let him go up?

"Ms. Huo... aren't you embarrassing me?" Ye Ming took the boiled water handed over by He Mo, smiled wryly, and handed his hands to Professor Huo: "Madam, do you agree?"

"Of course, of course she agreed."

"...Will Principal Zhou agree?"

"What does Lao Zhou not agree to? Lao Zhou pays attention to the pursuit of wealth and wealth... He might be so happy when I go up there, how face-saving it would be to have a professor who landed on the moon give a lecture." Professor Huo didn't care.

Ye Ming suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Good guy, President Zhou's demeanor of being dedicated to the school, daring to carry out drastic reforms, and even giving up his academic status, is described by him as "seeking wealth in danger..."

If this was to be heard by Principal Zhou, he would probably be so pissed off that he picked up a feather duster and whipped it over.

"Really, Ye Ming." Professor Huo gently inhaled: "I also participated in the whole process of engine and spacecraft design. With me, at least the safety factor is much higher-not afraid of 10,000, just in case. !"

"In case I can't fly back, I can still find the problem on it and fix it. If you change to someone else... you really don't worry?"

"This is really an attempt that is not allowed to fail! If it fails, it will not only destroy the national confidence, but also your vision, I'm afraid it will be in vain."

"To put it bluntly, if you really want to make the safety factor the highest, in fact, the person who should go up is not me, but you!"

"But no one, including me, is willing and dares to let you go up!"

Seeing Professor Huo's serious eyes, Ye Ming slowly pursed his lips.

He had to admit that Professor Huo had a point.

Even on Aita, in the super simulation...he has performed countless simulations, but...what if?

What a surprise...

Frankly speaking, Professor Huo, who was in charge of assisting him in designing the engine, was indeed the best candidate.

After a long silence, he nodded slightly.

Professor Huo was overjoyed, but immediately afterwards, Ye Ming said: "I will first ask my wife's opinion, and then my sister's opinion, and then you will have to go through a comprehensive physical examination!"

"no problem!"


Seeing that Professor Huo was in his forties and went out humming a song, Ye Ming was speechless for a while.

But soon, he grabbed the phone.

"Captain Li, when are you going to leave?"

"Immediately! I can arrive before 7 o'clock—are you free to have a barbecue at night?"

Ye Ming glanced at the time and replied with a smile.

"That is required!"

Li Dongsheng, the former captain of the RC team, is the engineer responsible for assembling the robotic arm this time.

He is also one of the people Ye Ming plans to send up.


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