From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 286 The temperature about to surpass the sun

Princeton University, Professor Hollyn's office.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot!"

"It's so stupid that I can't even compare to my husky in IQ!"

Looking at the Secret Service sitting in his office, as well as a certain physicist from the scientific advisory team, Professor Hollein finally couldn't restrain his anger and roared loudly in the office.

——His door was knocked an hour and a half ago, and he waited patiently for him to finish his breakfast before sending him to the office.

"Don't you know that is Ye Ming? He is the chief designer of the Kuafu project team! My email with him is the most fragile communication between the two behemoths in the field of controllable nuclear fusion and even the entire cutting-edge technology. cooperate with!"

Professor Huo Laien pulled his collar, glared at the head of the Bureau of Investigation, and then turned to look at the scientific advisor: "Peter, these idiots are full of shit, don't you?"

In the face of the furious Professor Hollyn, several agents of the investigation bureau maintained excellent self-restraint—or, in other words, they have long been used to it.

But Professor Pete frowned and looked at each other without flinching: "Professor, you can't, at least you shouldn't send your design drawings!"

"Can you understand what that is?" Professor Horien looked at Pete.

"That's a Helium-3 fusion reactor."

"Then you know, he designed it faster and better than me?" Professor Hollein's eyes turned cold: "And it's my private email. Don't you be afraid that you are monitoring my personal communication information like this? I expose your actions to the world?"

At this time, the person in charge of the investigation bureau finally spoke up: "Professor, you signed the confidentiality agreement."

"But I didn't sign the agreement to be monitored by you!"

"But you've leaked the secret."

Professor Huo Laien closed his eyes, and after a while, he took a deep breath.

"How stupid are you to not understand what I'm saying? I'm asking for his help."

"Including the deuterium-tritium fusion reactor at MIT, we all got his help, and we were able to solve the final problem!"

"You guys are badass."

Professor Huo Laien cursed in Chinese, with a correct accent.


On a warm winter day, Mogu and his party finally returned to the provincial capital.

They stayed there for about half a month this time.

In addition to receiving awards, a group of girls and boys who love to travel also went skiing, saw fishing in the ice sea, appreciated the customs, and saw "food"... In short, they had a lot of fun.

Of course, apart from playing, they are not doing nothing.

They took Ita out, which in itself was an excellent publicity for Jizhi Technology. At the same time, the two also gave two speeches in the university, which can be regarded as half a month of half-public and half-private mixing.

There was also a small episode during the period. The environmental protection girl who once called for a boycott of Aita on Twitter, naturally called for a boycott this time...

But unexpectedly, Ita took the stage to accept the award on behalf of Ye Ming and delivered a speech, and her performance as a lady in the streets of Sweden—yes, foreigners are also curious—enabling Ita to successfully capture a large number of fans.

So during this time, a strange landscape appeared.

Some big Twitter Vs shouted to boycott Aita and artificial intelligence, and there is no shortage of supporters on the Internet. But in reality, on the street, all the ordinary people I met loved Ita very much, and they were especially kind.

I can only say... this person is really hard to say.

In Ye Ming's office, the crowd dispersed after taking the gifts.

Ye Ming was playing with the heavy Nobel Prize medal, smiling and looking at Ita, who was sitting next to him and charging.

"Ita, how do you feel?"

"The biggest feeling is cold."

Ita's voice was already a little lively, but hearing her say this in a girlish voice with a little fear, the few people who stayed behind burst out laughing.

She's a robot, can feel the cold, and also...

"It's true, the battery is old and not enough." Ita said seriously.

Qi and Mo laughed and said, "Why don't you change her to a graphene battery sometime, even a laboratory product... I've heard her complain all the time along the way."

"Okay, change it!" Ye Ming smiled and threw the medal into the drawer, and then looked at everyone: "Come to my house for dinner at night, and my mother made a big table of delicious food!"


"Wait, what about our new product?" Qi and Mo looked at Ye Ming: "Where are the VR glasses?"


On Christmas Day, BYD held a new autonomous driving technology based on Aita as scheduled, and successfully obtained the first driving permit issued by the traffic control department.

Of course, due to the inconsistent pace of Aita's launch of Skynet, fully automatic driving is limited to some provinces connected to Skynet and road network cameras, and the driver is still required to be in the driving seat-but this is enough.

And it is said that the country is considering fully promoting the popularization of Aita terminals on operating vehicles.

Although this news is very low-key and has the meaning of "blowing", it still caused heated discussions on the Internet. Many people said that this is to make money in the name...

Of course, there are also more sober netizens who believe that since Aita has started to go online in various provinces, and the country has issued a driving permit for autonomous driving, it means that all vehicles running on the road will be included Aita's management and coordination... is a foreseeable future.

As for what to do with the driver, it is estimated that the plan of having a driver with the car will still be implemented for a long time, which can be regarded as barely keeping the job-and the driver will be much more relaxed, at least there will be no fatigue driving.

And if it is fully automatic driving, the safety of the driver sleeping is definitely greater than that of fatigue driving.

Jizhi Technology’s Elf Light Field VR glasses appeared as an Easter egg at the BYD press conference——Paint and Ink released it instead of Ye Ming.

As for the subsequent sales... As previously speculated, the customers of VR glasses are still the previous notebook users.

It can only be said that the current portable terminals are indeed greatly affected by the mobile network conditions.

Not long after the press conference, the Spring Festival arrived as scheduled.

Both his parents came to the provincial capital, so Ye Ming saved himself the trouble of running around, and faced with this rare holiday, he also stayed at home and got along with his parents for half a month.

On the first day after the Spring Festival holiday, he received good news from the equipment department of the Kuafu project team.

So, on February 25th, he went to Jiangcheng again.

From April last year to the present, ten months have gone through design and demonstration, coupled with the strong assistance of several national key enterprises...or in other words, working overtime desperately.

Helium-3 fusion reactor equipment based on deuterium-tritium fusion is already in place.

As the chief designer, he must participate in the acceptance inspection.

This is about to surpass the temperature of the sun, and the slightest error cannot be tolerated.

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