From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 281 Who has an opinion, who comes

The conference room was so quiet that one could hear the sound of needlepoints falling to the ground.

Seeing that the letter of appointment has been handed out, no matter how dull Deputy Director Chen and Professor Ni are...

They also knew that this Tang Zhigao was not joking, but sincere.

This letter of appointment is just for the poor!

It was a Nobel Prize scholar and a newly promoted prestigious school who confronted his group...

Slap your face mercilessly!

Too much deception!

The two, who have long been accustomed to dealing with the rules, didn't know how to deal with it for a while. They just breathed heavily, blushed, and looked at Tang Zhigao and Ye Ming angrily.

Facing the anger of the two, the smile on Ye Ming's face gradually disappeared, and then he became calm.

"The next work is actually coming to an end, but everyone's hard work will not be in vain, and the paper will also express its gratitude to the research institute - on the way here, Aita has completed the analysis of historical data and established a preliminary model."

"what is that?"

Even though he was holding the letter of appointment and his heart beat so fast that he couldn't control it, when Li Lei heard the word "preliminary model", he still blurted out the question.

Ye Ming looked at Li Lei with a smile - being able to think about what kind of celestial body it is at this time shows that this Dr. Li really loves the starry sky.

"It's about the same as what we guessed, but what it really is requires long-term, continuous, and specially designed observatories to conduct observations in space."

Ye Ming withdrew his gaze and looked at Chen and Ni: "So this time, President Tang and I are also here for the follow-up work."

Following his words, the expressions on the faces of Chen and Ni became exciting in an instant.


Half an hour later, Chen and Ni returned to the office together.

Professor Ni picked up the phone, hesitated for a long time, finally put down the phone, and then sighed.

The two looked at each other, seeing the shock and loneliness in each other's eyes clearly.

Deputy Director Chen took out a cigarette, lit it with a click, and exclaimed, "To be honest, who would be so arrogant..."

"I can't help it. He is a newly promoted dignitary, and he wants a thousand pieces of gold to sell horse bones. This is to use us to establish our prestige."

"Hmph!" Deputy Director Chen snorted heavily, but fell silent again.

He could only hum.

Without it, the word Ye Ming, in the academic world, may be able to follow the unspoken rules, but if you really want to face one has the guts!

Quantum computers, strong artificial intelligence were developed by others, and controllable nuclear fusion was designed by others. According to gossip, he is still in charge of the follow-up fusion engine...

That kind of people……

You can tell by looking at the attitude of the country-have you ever seen a scientist go out with two mech fighters as bodyguards?

Who dares to go head-to-head?

"The means are also great."

"I guess I learned it from that old fox Tang Zhigao."

The two looked at each other while talking, and then fell silent.

First, he told everyone bluntly that Li Lei was in charge of the data and papers, and that success must be respected, so no one else could think about it. Then, in order to prevent people like himself from completely turning their faces... immediately took out a space observation plan...

Frankly, without this plan give some soup...  

In the silence, Deputy Director Chen put out his cigarette and sighed again.

"Damn it! I still have to send it with a smile..."


"I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain."

Walking in the yard, Ye Ming glanced at the camera not far away, and said with a smile to Li Lei: "Plus, there is still work to consider in the future, so I have to wrong Dr. Li—I don't know how to solve it, Professor Li is satisfied No?"

——Li Lei signed the letter of appointment, so he is naturally a colleague of his own school, so it's time to change his mind.

Li Lei immediately smiled and said, "No, it's fine."

"Well, before I came here, I already had a hole in arxiv, so I don't have to worry about my paper being robbed."

Li Lei immediately coughed.

According to Ye Ming's current academic prestige and influence, who would dare to rob him... that would be almost like courting death.

If you want to grab it, you can only grab the opportunity like yourself to cooperate with Ye Ming to drink soup.

Ye Ming just smiled: "As soon as the thesis is completed, it will be put into the design of the space observatory. Of course, this is a big project, and I will run the resources, but if you are mainly responsible, you should come and cooperate with them."

Ye Ming looked back at the institute as he spoke.

As he said, don't offend the villain.

His relationship with cosmic physics is deeply rooted, no matter how upset he is, he can't say that he will be moved down...

But that doesn't mean Ye Ming can't disgust these people.

Don't they think honest people are easy to bully?

Then he will directly push Li Lei up and be responsible for the subsequent design of the space observatory—do you want to come? If you want to come, just hold back for me.

Not coming? Well, not even the soup.

Obviously, Li Lei could understand what Ye Ming meant. After a few seconds of silence, he pursed his lips and took a deep breath: "Professor Ye, thank you."

"You're welcome." Ye Ming shook his head, then looked to the sky.

"That celestial body..." Li Lei also looked up into the sky with him: "Is it a primordial black hole? Was it formed by the big bang?"

“I don’t know—according to the frequency band of the existing high-energy particle rays, I can only estimate that its volume will not exceed a building—but even so, according to the law of black holes, its mass should be countless times larger than Earth."

"Yes, so how should the model be built?"



Ye Ming just smiled: "It's really unknown. At present, we can only say that we found it, and then we will observe it further. If there is a chance..."

Ye Ming shut up after speaking.

If given the chance, he would still like to drill it!

Of course, it is still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the earth, which is almost as far as the distance between the earth and overseas planets.

According to the current design of the fusion engine, it will take four years to accelerate and fly all the way...

It can only be said that there is a long way to go.



The next day, Lao Tang went to a nearby university to visit, while Ye Ming returned to the provincial capital first.

As soon as he arrived at the office, a certain director whom he called unreliable came to visit.

"Isn't it a little too much for you to directly snatch people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Observatory?"

Sitting on Ye Ming's big sofa, Director Niu said something with a touch of "questioning", but the expression on his face was extremely cheerful.

For a while, Ye Ming didn't even know his real intention.

So Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders very bachelorly: "Is it my fault? I said don't do anything, but you said hello, but they didn't listen - Director Niu, I'm helping you find a place!"

Director Niu was amused: "Then I thank you!"

"You're welcome—you didn't just tell me that today, did you?"

"Brother Ye, this are indeed a little too impulsive." After laughing, Director Niu said seriously: "You can guarantee that Li Lei will be fine, but you will go over with the professor's appointment letter handed in by the province and let him be directly responsible for the follow-up design. ……this"

Director Niu exhaled lightly.

"You are rubbing the face of the Academy of Sciences on the ground!"

Ye Ming frowned slightly: "Does anyone have an opinion on me?"

"How dare you." Director Niu laughed again.

But there's more to the story... Obviously, someone has a problem with him.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming hummed softly!

"Whoever has an opinion, whoever comes, I will take the initiative to let Xian."

(There is still in the evening, this chapter is counted as noon.)

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