From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 280: The Raptors Cross the River

Four cars filed into the parking lot.

The first to get out of the car were two robots whose bodies were painted black.

Immediately afterwards came another smaller robot with a blue and white painting—many people present were already quite familiar with her. This was Professor Ye Ming's exclusive assistant, Ita.

It is the Ita of the Ita system.

Immediately afterwards, the vice principal of your teacher and several guests who came from afar got off the car one after another. Then, Deputy Director Chen, who had been waiting at the door, and several professors from the research group strode forward.

Li Lei stood behind a group of "big guys".

Although ten minutes had passed, he still hadn't completely calmed down.

It's just that he behaved very well, as if he was on the edge as before, and was just pulled over temporarily to make a scene to show the Institute's respect for visiting guests.

In a harmonious atmosphere, the two sides introduced each other.

In addition to Ye Ming and his female graduate student, Tang Zhigao, the newly promoted vice-principal of the provincial school, came over this time. As for the other two boys, one can tell from their appearance, plus the two robots... This must be a special arrangement from some organization.

For people like Ye Ming, there is always no harm in taking safety measures in place.


Not surprisingly, Li Lei was not introduced by Deputy Director Chen, but he was not "very" anxious.

He made a calculation ten minutes ago. It was nine o'clock in the morning when he called Ye Ming, and it is three o'clock in the afternoon now—he knew that there was only one flight from the provincial capital to this side, which departed at 1:55 and arrived at three o'clock. Arrived in half!

And the provincial capital is nearly a thousand kilometers away!

Drive for at least 10 hours!

How did Ye Ming come here?

Why did he come over in such a hurry?

"Principal Tang, Professor Ye, this way please." Deputy Director Chen stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Well, please." Tang Zhigao glanced across the crowd without leaving a trace, and finally stopped for a moment on Li Lei's face, and nodded slightly to him.

Almost at the same time, Ye Ming also smiled at him.

Li Lei smiled back, and then exhaled softly.

He understood Ye Ming's eyes.

This is what reassures him.

But the eye contact of the few of them fell into the eyes of Deputy Director Chen and others, but it was not interesting.

Several professors exchanged glances without leaving a trace, and then Deputy Director Chen introduced the situation of the institute while leading everyone to the conference room.

Without any reminder, Li Lei followed in directly.


After being seated, Deputy Director Chen directly talked about the work progress in the past few days without exchanging pleasantries.

"According to Professor Ye's reminder, we have also collected the data of the past few years in the past few days, and are currently in the process of sorting out... But I have to say that the workload is indeed a bit heavy, haha."

Deputy Director Chen laughed and looked at Professor Ni beside him.

Professor Ni smiled knowingly: "No matter how heavy the workload is, it is only natural to cooperate with Professor Ye."

"Where is it?" Ye Ming said modestly: "But I feel a little sorry for delaying Professor Ni's subject."

"Hahaha, no." Professor Ni laughed loudly: "However, Professor Ye, this Tianyan will serve Professor Ye for a long we plan to set up a special research group, Professor Ye takes the lead, and the institute fully cooperates, what do you think of Professor Ye?"

Following Professor Ni's words, everyone looked at Ye Ming.

Naturally...including Li Lei.

At this moment, his heartbeat accelerated again uncontrollably.

——Leaving aside the high praise and flattery that Chen and Ni gave to Ye Ming, in the end they pulled out the entire research institute for endorsement.

It is conceivable that if Ye Ming needs to produce results, is absolutely impossible to give up this kind of cooperation.

——People have said, you take the lead, let's drink soup.

What else do you want?

Frankly speaking, Li Lei felt... If he stood in Ye Ming's position, it would be impossible... to turn his face or something.

Especially because of himself, a little-known person who has not worked with him much... and went to war.

Looking at Ye Ming's profile, Li Lei began to build himself up mentally.

Second work, I only need a second work!


In the eyes of everyone, Ye Ming smiled slightly.

"It's not that troublesome."

While talking, Ye Ming turned his head to look at Li Lei, and said with a smile: "A few days ago, Dr. Li has actually completed most of the data collection and sorting."

After his words fell, everyone was startled.

Li Lei even sat up straight instantly, his eyes suddenly lit up!

Is this... directly affirming my work?

A thought flashed through his mind, and he instantly affirmed—yes! This is affirming your work!

As a scientific researcher, if there is anything more infuriating and unacceptable than snatching the right of authorship... maybe after snatching your results, you still distort the facts and deny all your work!

Ye Ming can say this himself...

Then it was worth it for him to stay up all day and night for the past few days!

Not only is it worth it, his mind is full of one sentence now!

... A scholar dies for his confidant!

"At that time, I was in a hurry, which caused Dr. Li to violate the regulations...and also caused the loss of Professor Ni's research project. This is really a bit regretful, so this time, I mainly express my apology in person, and I also want to express my gratitude to the institute. .”

Amid everyone's astonishment, Principal Tang Zhigao smiled and said, "Dr. Li, I heard that you have been here for several years?"

Li Lei took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Yes, I spent my doctoral career here."

"The institute really cultivates talents..." Vice President Tang chuckled, then turned to look at Deputy Director Chen: "Director Chen, such talents... I'm really jealous, hahaha! Come to play tricks and poach a corner? Dr. Li, are you interested in taking a post in the provincial post?"

Following Tang Zhigao's haha ​​sound as if he was joking, the whole office fell into silence.

Deputy Director Chen and Professor Ni looked at each other in astonishment, and there were indescribable emotions in both of them's eyes - some were stunned, some were angry, and there was even a hint of panic!

This is... Raptors crossing the river? Want to forcibly suppress these local snakes?

But the silence was only for a moment.

Immediately, Deputy Director Chen took a deep breath, his chest filled with anger.

"Principal Tang, is this inappropriate? Dr. Li hasn't left the station yet..."

Tang Zhigao smiled again: "Well, it's okay, the provincial government doesn't mind that much. And..."

Tang Zhigao looked at the few people opposite and exhaled softly.

No matter what kind of person he is, why can't he see that these people are on the verge of falling out.

Although the data Ye Ming wanted has been obtained, if there is really no cooperation here, it would be meaningless if some scandals are caused.

"Provincial Communications is about to start the space observatory project, and we need to cooperate with everyone here at that time, haha."

Amidst Tang Zhigao's laughter, He Mo, who was sitting next to Li Lei, opened his briefcase and took out a document.

The big letter of appointment on it is particularly dazzling.

Looking at the two characters, Li Lei felt as if he had fallen into a dream.

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